How the fuck do I do these?

How the fuck do I do these?

Attached: Dips.png (300x334, 22K)

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Unironically Look up a gif on images lmao, then adjust accordingly to your frame and make sure you’re not dipping too low

Attached: 475678673.png (900x471, 355K)

>Bend arms.
>Unbend arms.


They're so fucking complicated though
>hip your hinge
>45 degree angle
>flex lats
>retract the scapula
>push shoulders down but also stay tall

How worried should I be about shit form to begin with? I don't know how low my fucking shoulders are I am just trying to do the rep.

Just follow our lord and savior Jeff C.

I've watched this video like 5 times and I still fell like my form is shit

If you don’t do it right you’ll win a one-way ticket to Snap City courtesy of your rotator cuffs.

then maybe you aren't ready to do your bodyweight yet and should either use an assisted dip machine or do some weighted push ups and get stronger

I am used the assisted dip machine, -30kg

So when he says tilt forward... Your forearms should still be straight vertical, right?
Is he saying don't lock out at the elbows at the top?

how gay you have to be to take your videos naked

practice makes perfect m8

So I just keep doing it?

What am I supposed to do with my shoulders?



How do I get low enough?

You blasphemous bastard.

Post body.

But how?

your probably can't do full ROM just starting out
just do partial reps and you should progress pretty fast

But I though partial reps are bad?

Bad in what way?
They allow you to isolate the phases of the movement you're worst at and improve on them.

Keep your tits up/out.

What do I do with my shoulders/scapula?

well, i don't think so
besides, look at gymnasts and shit. they do tons of gimped versions of movements to build up to correct versions

So if I just keep doing partials eventually I'll be able to do the full movement?

yeah. when you start doing pull ups and you cant, you start with negatives. I have full confidence in you. I expect a thread in two weeks saying you've perfected the form and you can do at least 4.

That's not really the same though. With chin ups and pull ups it's a strength thing. With Dips I physically can't get low enough

I can't stress enough the important of lat involvement in dips and other chest movements.

I fell for the
>lift slowly focusing on your chest

I literally tried to use only my chest muscles for chest exercises and ended up fucking up all my push movements because my lats weren't involved as stabilizers, putting too much pressure on my armpits and rotator cuffs. I've had to resort to an Oly lifting routine to force my lats back into certain body movements. Shit sucks

Attached: Lolp.jpg (596x601, 57K)

yes i think so. you can even restrict it more if you want. to carry on with the gymnastics thing, i believe on of the first progressions is simply holding your body up for a minute, which builds a fairly good base for the movement.

>you can even restrict it more if you want

How to involve lats?

That it?

This article says lock out for triceps, don't lock out for chest.

lock out


Attached: 1502122212908.jpg (1300x1300, 200K)

Is there something confusing you about the picture you posted? Keep your elbows in and no half repping. Descend until you're humerus are parallel to the floor. If you can't do this, you're a turbo GDE.

Whats so bad about t-nation? I find their natty routine pretty good

Imagine there's an orange in each of your armpits and you're trying to juice them without using your hands.


So just squeeze your arms against your body?

>GDE (Genetic Dead End)
Exercise low-responder. High injury rate, no sports background, weak willed.

But doesn't mobility increase over time? When I first started training I couldn't squat 40kg parallel, then a month later I could do 75kg atg. Isn't it the same for dips?

Anyone can get their shit on there


I like the cue to bend the bar a bit better. Squeezing the orange is good for deadlifts and other pulling exercises but for pushing exercises you will overtuck your elbows.
Basically you grab the bar normally pronated but try to supinate your arm while squeezing the shit out of the bar

My gym has angled bars; how do I know where to grip?

I must be fucking them up because I still feel it deep in the front of my shoulder hours later.
It's not really a pain but it's there.
I've got some bands so I'll de-load with them and try and get form down.
Hopefully the bands themselves won't fuck up trying to get the form down.

Wherever feels more comfortable. Probably a bit outside shoulder width

finding the correct width for your arms was the key for me, after that it kinda locked the movement in place. if the bards aren't angled you may never get it right.

took some practice, but now it's my staple exercise for upper body/chest

Post body

you first

Is there anything bad with getting too low ?
I tend to get lower than the picture.

My inexpert opinion based on watching some vids: the big problem with going deep is people probably have a critical form failure and don't notice it.

i would assume that going too low on dips might be bad for the same reason that going too low on squats is.

i dont envy autists

Best way to do these for me was put one of those aerobic steps behind me so I could put my feet on that. Don't actually put weight on the step, but use it as a cue to stay tilted forward enough.

Increased risk of rotator cuff injury, particularly at higher weights.

Never really had a problem with bodyweight, but I stopped at parallel or just above if I'm using anything more than 2pl8. You don't want to slump into a deep dip with 80-100% bodyweight attached; you're going to fuck your shit up eventually.

How much of dips should i be doing and how often? i do it every workout so 3x a week. I do 2 sets of 15 and last set is amrap. Last amrap was 20