are you man enough to walk a mile in her shoes robots?
Are you man enough to walk a mile in her shoes robots?
men weigh more than women. heels are not smart
lol what a bunch of retarded faggots
Taking an expression and acting it out literally
She isn't woman enough to walk around in my steel toes.
Are women too retarded to just use normal shoes like men?
>men weigh more than women
not anymore.
i guess the result will be men crying that their feet hurt and everyone will claim that WaHmEn ArE rEeL sTrOnG.
However, noone will blame women for their degenerate decision to buy heels.
That's why women shouldn't be allowed to vote.
no, but they are too vain for it
or just a bunch of social students who had fun making fun of each other during that walk
what point are they trying to make? that wearing heels suck?
christ, if it's that uncomfortable wear a normal shoes instead.
(they) are not even trying anymore.
I think I'm man enough to walk around in high heels for the rest of my life haha
>what point are they trying to make?
that whamen are oppressed, give them free college and hire them into comfy high-paid jobs
Sorry but a girl retarded enough to go hiking with heels is not "Her" in my perception.
I'm man enough NOT to.
this and based
Jesus christ, I can't stand symbolic demonstrations like this. If you believe in a cause then go out and do something practical in aid of it. People only do this minimal effort, "raising awareness" bullshit to feel good about themselves.
Low iq post
Low iq thread
>get shat on for being feminine
>get shat on for not being feminine enough
t. never used heels
>If you believe in a cause then go out and do something practical in aid of it
Why do something practical when you can just do useless shit and then insult everyone who doesn't? It's much simpler!
Girls hate being tall but put on uncomfortable heels which makes most men not tall enough for them.
Yeah. they totally weren't pressured into it by their professor or anything at all like that.
Okay cool. So when do we make women work on Alaskan fishing boats?
Didn't the ice bucket challenge help raise millions for ALS?
Sounds fun. But just a mile? I'd fucking run 5 miles on them shits. No fucks given. It's nothing compared to my time in the navy, but it still sounds slightly physically challenging.
Wasn't there a study a few years ago that showed that on average transsexuals wear higher heals then women?
>running in heels
i think you vastly underestimate the skill and bravery of the women who wear them. maybe you're used to "discipline" and "sacrifice" in the navy, but you don't know what those words really mean until you put on a pair of heels.
Makes sense, men are superior to women in every possible way, even at being a woman kek.
men have bigger feet
the things lads will do to get laid is hilarious
sounds like a good way to get ingrown toenails if walked in excessively
Millennials are truely the faggot generation. Zoomers incoming