Incels, when will you grow up, know up, and show up?

Incels, when will you grow up, know up, and show up?

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Never, just leave me alone and stop calling me an incel.

I will never have the money needed to raise a family. I am an English major.

>be 32 years old incel
Am i not old enough already?

I proposed to my wife at 4 years, and now we're rich and never intend to have children. There's no way I'm sacrificing my enjoyment for the sake of generations I will never see. This guy can't gargle cum any harder, can he?

>gets married
>raises family
>views family as props for social status and self-image

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Lol incel is assblasted

>environmentally helpful decision

Lmfao whats your plan for the guthre homo? Read books and write critiques on a blog that 5 other English majors read for a living?

I'm dating a single mother of 4 kids anyway.

She wants more but she's in no rush and I'd be fucking retarded to let it happen. I'm already retarded for dating a single mother but t's pretty good honestly and I'm a loser anyway.

I think I could raise smart winners but I'm not a winner and I'm tired all the time and lazy i can barely look after myself.

These retards can't even speak like humans. That was nothing but a bunch of sweeping generalizations aimed at a phantom idea of a perceived problem this idiot presents as a blanket term. Imagine being so fucking stupid you can only see the world as As or Bs. They can't look at anything on an individual scale. It's just all men, all boys, all girls, all women like 6 billion fucking people can be broken down into a couple categories.

Why should I listen to this self-righteous arrogent smug ass retard? Who is he to define what a man is? What ever notion of a man he currently exhibits?

I got bored of science, and kicked out of the best art school within 100 miles of me. I have no other options.

He's been brainwashed by female family members to be a provider, then he fell into a trap and is now brainwashed by his mate. This is his coping mechanism; his way to convince himself he's not a pathetic fucking slave to someone who doesn't actually care about them. Women are only capable of actually loving the offspring they birthed; and a hell of a lot of them don't even do that.

His wife looks like a huge insect to me, too. Girls with hunter eyes are creepy.

I think you might be drinking a little too deeply in those women-hate threads but I agree with you that he's just a stepping-stone to the kind of life she wants.

nice bait retard I won't fall for ur trick I'm already pilled

Modern men are the by-product of the feminist movements in the 19 hundreds, they reap what they sow.

Is he trying to tell us something?

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Not an incel, but trying to find a female in my age range (25-30) who is both university-educated and has a decent career and has also not taken 5+ dicks or has retarded political beliefs she is extremely passionate about is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. I don't want to commit to a whore, especially in the age of social media.

So he miscegenated with a mutt and is actively contributing to the Brazilification of the USA

He already writes like a low IQ brainlet but apparently he is a Christian author who has sold many books

He has facebook posts supporting Trump for his anti-abortion stance

And he is proud of this

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>be to cowardly to address the actual problem, that is currently enforced legal norms disincentivizing starting families
>do the sellout shuffle and blame young men like everyone else

worthless coward that can't even stand up to a bunch of soccer moms and gender studies majors

Bet his missus cheats on him

I bet she pushes him around like a bitch and resents him for being such a spineless twit

>women have nothing but a wet hole and divorce-rape to offer
>guys check out of society and find meaning and happiness in other things
>"t-this is wrong!"
>continues to blame the symptomes instead of the disease
nothing to see here, just a beta bux provider coping hard.
also those

This. He's already self righteous christian boomerposting, just wait 20 years when he starts blaming kids today for being too lazy and not paying for his Medicare.

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a lot of mfa's ultimately get jobs teaching at universities... it is a job. there are quite a few English undergrads that need teachers after all.

makes sense original i

Those aren't his real children, right?

Wonder if those kids are actually his?

he sounds like a total cunt

I'm not in the best financial situation right now. Also, I have yet to meet someone who actually wants to hold their end of the bargain as well. You can be that family man, but it doesn't mean that the other person won't stab you in the back either way. I had a close friend drink himself to death because of that shit.

>I'm not in the best financial situation right now.

and this is why unaware poor ass latinos and ghetto niggers have 3-5 kids while self-aware dual-earner middle class white couples have 0

Ironically men say the exact inverse for women on this board lol.

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>who is university-educated
why would you care if she attended some marxist brainwashing center? you're part of the problem and not that much different than crazy feminists calling for gender quotas. women shouldn't work, they will always be inferior to males and ruin the economy, they should take care of home and children

>throws himself into an unhappy marriage
>can't yet afford to raise children and have a family
>kids are miserable as fuck and wife is about to leave him
>wife is going to divorce him and take 50% of his shit

>did it all for the social status and some meaningless "good-man" points

clap clap basedboys keep ruining your lives over your external appearance

>Hoverhands his """wife"""
I'm more touchy-feely with friends than this guy with his "soul mate", fucking lel.

Latinos and ghetto people have always done things independently and with some assistance from family members or close friends. Credit cards and loans weren't even something that crossed their mind growing up. Also, baby boomers don't exist in their cultures.

State of this prick.

being a smug sanctimonious little shit opinionating on politics and crusading arrogantly on your moral high horse can get you the big money these days (if your Twitter follower count is high enough, gotta boost it with bots and game the algorithms until senpai notices you as you start getting media placements on CNN or Fox news)

All sides do it, but there's just something about christcucks that make them particularly obnoxious, almost pro sjw tier

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When roasties become women. No hymen no diamond

looks like his arm is in a pretty comfy position, if you think touching your wife a bit more on a photo is more important than maintaining nice cozy posture im afraid you're the beta male with things to proove to yourself user

>more important than maintaining nice cozy posture
If you think maintaining comfort is of the utmost importance in everyday life then Im afraid youre the beta male with your priorities out of wack

what's his point even
what's in it for him? why does he care?

oh he doesn't and he's just virtue signaling?

I'll do me and he does he, give me a single reason I should give a fuck what he thinks or believes is good for me/him/society or whatever

What am I growing up, knowing up, and showing up for?
I have already been denied the happiness he was given
At this point I would be only improving for society's sake
The one that put me in this decrepit hole to begin with
So fuck no

yeah dude im startin my own business right now in social media uh paradigm shifting using deeper learning to enact real change
#ALittleNuggetFromAnon #IGaveMyMomABlogPost4HerBday

lmao imagine being this cucked

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