uni thread
new week, how's it goin everyone?
Summer courses start today lads. Dreading the thought of it, and also have to buy a 180$ book for fucks sake.
>pay 15k for tuition
>need an additional $200 / book
The absolute state of burgerland
Courses are boring, the Degree is boring, but at least I finally met a woman I can respect, and don't want to just fuck and leave.
Life is tolerable.
Got finals coming soon. Finishing up first year
i cant believe people like you come to Jow Forums and have as little fucking shame as you, you piece of shit.
Shit, i think my most expensive book was like $50
Its finals week this week. I had resolved myself to ask out a church girl who i go to uni with yesterday, but cucked out and now it might be too late until next semester.
>Not getting a free PDF of the book
Would you kindly elaborate?
How am I challenging the status quo of: "Depressed millennials and zoomers with below-average sex lives"?
>Below average
Try non-existent
Currently in my fourth semester. Grades are decent. We didn't have to buy any books
Processing Fees are 300eur per Year, covered by the company I'm working at.
Soo it's going good I guess
Currently doing homework. Tfw no gf is strong. I'm keeping up with responsibility tho. Sometimes my mood goes to shit, but right now I feel decent. Homework keeps my mind busy and distracts me from feels. I wish I had more homework.
>just finished my last lecture of 4 years of uni
So when does that "University Experience" i was promised start?
>I wish I had more homework.
Excuse me what the fuck
Come on dude.
I'm a self-hating, toy collecting retard manlet, and even I got laid once.
Happened about five months ago.
God, she was ugly.
>He doesn't know the feeling of being done with everything but still hanging out in the library because videogames aren't fun anymore and you have no friends
Dude, you're a reddit failure and we don't like your breed of failure around here.
>Reddit failure
To be fair I do use the "Bleach Brave Souls" reddit.
You are the kind of failure that live in reddit, even if you don't use reddit, your are that very special kind of failure
Cause when I'm not busy i think about girls and it makes me sad. When I'm doing homework, I forget about it.
Plus I enjoy my career so, while tedious, homework is not unbearable and can be fun at times.
if you have any chance with women whatsoever in anyway(not khhv), you dont fucking belong here and you should go to some other board or fucking reddit. you fucking normies cant steal everything from us
Well, would you please explain how I am such a failure?
I am genuinely curious.
>Waiting for one professor to get my grade in to see if I graduate or not.
>other than that life is good
Yeah, I could explain
You're the kind of loser that has a huge ego, believe normie bullshit and think he's just a below normal normie.
I need something to pass the time that isn't vidya. Holiday is a fucking curse. At least I can pretend I'm being productive during term time.
Why not spend your free time trying to be less of a faggot?
Unironically get a job. Bonus points if its an internship related to your degree
Handed in my dissertation 3 hours ago
Havent slept in over two days
Cant tell what is real or not anymore
Getting projects completed for my programming module and studying for exams mid may is burning me out.
I'm not dead though :)
>Hallucinating after only two days
>that one professor that doesn't put in ANY of the exams until the last minute
that was a fun freshman year. it was even funnier when we realized that the professor probably lost everyone's assignments and just gave people A's if they turned in every essay, because one of my classmates knew he bombed both of the exams
I'm already fit.
Internship starts in June. I already tried to find a part-time but everyone and their mothers expect at least a year in customer service or something. Even McDonalds doesn't want me.
>that one professor who used his own semen for the seminal fluid analysis lab
Too bad he doesn't teach my class anymore.
I'm going to the Netherlands. Changing my uni permanently. Any experiences? Can I find a gf as an international student?
you have to the balls to go to college when you know you'll have to piles of debt but you don't have the balls to ask a girl out?
Ill graduate without getting into debt thanks to inheritance from my grandparents.
Fucking inheritancefag.
What, you jelly? It was through their hard work, diligence, and enterprise that oil was found on their farm.
Sometimes when I'm done I'll hang out and browse Jow Forums on my laptop. Usually use Clover for mobile posting and browsing tho
>inb4 mobile is for newfags
>mfw i did a psychology podcast project about Jow Forums (specifically Jow Forums) and he hasn't graded it yet
Lol on the professor slacking topic one of my profs this semester decided to give out a massive Scantron takehome final, but everyone who googled the answers realized he pirated it and the answer key is online.
same, got my grandfathers 300k annuity, he retired as a janitor btw, feels good to be descended from pre boomer boomers
god fuck pls nuke those idiots around me i beg you. Why do ppl in their fking 20's still try to hold up the fantasy that they'll be friends forever? Only because you all get drunk at degenerate student parties (how tf are there multiple every day?) doesn't mean shit. you prob forget your "friends" names when you drop out next semester die in a fire you obnoxious fking cunts
I'm not hallucinating I just feel weird
I know that feel, get to chill as fast as possible
bout to start uni this fall, is it better to live in the dorms or find some sort of cheap apartment room?
cousin said he'll probably go for the dorms since it's easier to keep in contact with others there and have some sort of human contact every day while you're in there. (but i hate daily human contact)
Rent a cheap room, you'll have a big advantage. I'm at the 2nd course and I've never overused social interaction, doing pretty good.
>wanted to work in academia since my childhood
>start a major, doing pretty good
>still switch majors to compsci
>lovin' it
>suddenly, psychosis
>can't concentrate anymore
>used to love doing math problems, now studying for 15min straight is a real task
>finally dropout and go to a psychiatry
>worst experience of my life
>leave after two months
>mental faculties are destroyed
>meds make everything feel weird
>want to go back to uni
>parents no longer support this, have to get a full time job (code monkeying) instead
>dream is ruined
>went back to school at the age of 25
>class is filled with 18 year old normies
>they talk about shit I've never even heard of
>even though I'm not the oldest one in the class, I still feel like a fucking boomer
>My depression came back
>failing all my classes
>I feel like I'll get kicked out
>might have to go back to my shit job again
>I feel like I'll be stuck there forever
>might kill myself if life doesn't get better before I'm 30
I've ran into a few people I went to high school with. I just told them that I'm almost done with my degree and about to work full time at a nice big finance firm. Fucking hell, guys. I'm tired of lying to people. I hate school so much. The only reason why I'm still in here is because I don't want people to think I'm a fucking loser for dropping out.
Well bros it has taken four years on and off for me to realize that uni isn't for me. I'm leaving with an associates and getting a wage job until I realize what it is I want to do. I thought going to uni would flick a light switch in my head as far as careers go but as of right now, I still don't know what I want to do. I tried the Comp Sci meme and couldn't keep up and dropped it. I still do like programming though probably just as a hobby.
I don't know what life has in store for me but I feel as if a huge weight is lifting off me. I was pretty much going to uni because my family was so proud that I was the first in the family to get into uni. It won't be easy admitting this failure but it's for the best.
Hey man,
I was in a similar position though I was only 23.
Once some Stacey bitch accused me of being grumpy and patronising cause I proved her wrong in a group assignment.
Also loads of the kids would always ask about my age.
I felt like quitting too, but FUCK THEM.
Forget about everyone else and just power through.
have been there, done that. good luck bro
Based. Anons like you make me think there's hope for this board yet
Is 19 too old to start uni? I'm starting in the summer.
got 78% in my exam so i've basically confirmed myself a 2:1 after fucking up last year
only a couple months left of this shit i can't wait to finish
what a pathetic earthworm, merely two days? i hope you've been taking shit loads of amphetamines
not at all, I started at 19 too but flunked out in a year
>comic LO
based and cunnypilled
Boy, in a few months I'll be starting Uni and I'm 24. You're fine.
Med school is such a toxic place. Doctors are a disgunting condescending kind of pleople, shit
I can't fucking bring myself to work editing my film project no matter how hard I try.
This film is too fucking awful and I have no time to reshoot
Some fucking bitch made a false rape allegation against me. It threw me into a huge depression and I ended up failing all my classes because I wanted to die. It's been months and the police haven't even given me an update.
All those fuckers did was scare the shit out of me and that was it. I truly hate women and I wish I could kill them.
This bitch really ruined my life. Don't use dating apps and don't hook up, I swear it isn't even worth it.
Now I'm gonna have to rent a shitty room and work a shitty wagecuck job over the summer.
Gonna try to get diagnosed with depression so they can hopefully remove this god awful semester.
hey ladies fellow whores only CGcy2t
Cute Iarp.
I'm going to graduate soon
I have some of the things that robots would kill for but nevertheless I yearn for desth because I know these things are painfully temporary and will disappear once I graduate.
Mine is a pathetic fate. I sense death is coming for me soon
Absolutely pissed right now lads. Had a meeting with 'student support' and had such a rude roastie accost me and was constantly judging me telling me how I was confusing her and making snarky remarks. Felt so defeated after that. Can't remember why I'm putting myself in thousands of pounds of debt for this shit.
>Class is a bullshit mandatory elective
>needs 185/200 points to pass it
>Teachers still haven't updated grades so everyone has only 120 points or less right now
>TAs are picky as fuck, it's a career class and assignments often have conflicting instructions or just take off points because "Hey you did this vaguely" despite the instructions literally being less than 4 words for each section in some cases
>Class ends May 1st, can't turn in extra credit after that
I hate Latin. I don't want to learn vocabularies anymore. help me lads.
She just broke up with me lads, I have almost every class with her
Wtf did I do wrong? Everything was going so fine
dont shit where u eat
lol just get over it user lololol
why do you hate latin user? It's one of the comfiest languages
>Very few people take it, and most people are at least slightly spergy
>one of the easiest languages since you usually don't have oral assignments, likely just inclass readings
>can just forget everything after if you don't intend to do anything with it once you've filled a language requirement
what are you learning right now?
The Latin proficiency certificate is a requirement of my University to get into the higher seminars and I hate to learn stuff I feel forced to learn even though I understand why Latin is required for my major (History). If it wouldn't feel that forced and if they'd let me have my time until the master or at least the end of my bachelor I wouldn't feel as pressured.
just take spanish lol, almost all of the words are cognates
why the fuck did you even have that meeting
I'm required to be able to understand at least three languages besides my mother's tongue and one of them has to be English and either Latin or Ancient Greek. My third language, I already succeeded the exam in was Spanish. The similarities aren't close enough that you get through the lectures without studying since you have to be able to translate Cicero into my mouther's tongue (german)
Greentext story please?
i think this it's the last year of uni for me, i'm so tired about this people and this fucking zoo, it's all so tiresome, and i don't even like my degree
i'm in the second year if anybody wants to ask
People start when they're 16-18 years old. You'll be fine, retard. Just don't major in something dumb.
trash, the thought that I won't graduate for at least 2 more years is sucking my soul. also have finals for the next two weeks, then only have 2 weeks off before summer courses start up. fuck this man, I could easily do white collar jobs if they would hire me, but no I need a meme piece of paper first. literally fucking retarded.
Any anons attending/plan on attending Indiana University Bloomington?
I started at 19, nobody even noticed. A 1 year age gap is nothing at that age
Knocked over some twats VK, had to pay for it with my last 5 pound note and end the night early. Life is hell lads.
Congrats lad. I fucked up my 2nd year and the 1st semester of the 3rd year. I got 68% average in my final semester but still got a 2:2. I was so close to getting the 2:1 but I got 55% in one of my final exams and 65% on the BSc project. Serves me right though since I didn't put in the work for most of undergrad. At that point I was just happy that I didn't get a 3rd.
My third semester (3 left to go) ends this friday, grades are very good so far, I won't end up with any student debts, but I'm not sure what I'm going to do with a philosophy degree.
I want to do a student exchange in the future in Japan but the whole thing is expensive and the procedures are complicated
i play life is strange and cry. i will probably drop out, because mainstream economics is pretty retarded and almost all people who study it sold their souls to corporations when they were 12 years old
Why are there so many fucking courses at uni and college with the catagory of "gaming"
Do that many autistic troglodytes actually exist in college before they an hero?
This "Gaming and IT" bullshit is something my nan would have came up with if I tried to explain to her what VR porn is.
I had the same aspirations of becoming an academic and trying to contribute something, but I have realized that I just don't have the interest, discipline and perhaps the intellectual ability to contribute to what I wanted to.
lost all my friends, got my heart broken, and lost my dog in a month.
was going through a really bad anorexic spell that triggered depression in full force.
everyone thinks I'm an insane psychopath because I couldn't handle myself during that period and would do things like curl up in a ball for an hour without explanation. In my defense I was completely harmless and still nice as ever to everyone. No one will talk to me now which is a problem cause we still share classes.
it's been a month now and I try to move on, but I just can't no matter how well I go through the motions. I go to the studio when I have nowhere else to go now. This empty building is my only company. I spent 50 hours here in the last 7 days.
I miss my friends.