Why are chinese so weird and alien like...

Why are chinese so weird and alien like? I work with tourists and chinks often seem like they are barely sentient and aware of their surroundings.
When you explain somerhing to someone in a group they usually help their countrymen out and explain it to those that don't understand. Not the chinese, you have to explain the same thing to every single one of them(which they still don't understand most of the time).

Is this the effect of communism? Or is autism a genetic trait in chinese?

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Asians are not humans, they're disgusting bug people who only care about themselves.

I know what you mean
Mainlanders disgust me

they remind me of packs of geese whenever i see them. waddling around aimlessly being annoying, sometimes yelling incoherently every now and then.

They're industrial communist slave canvatorrbelt tier existence has rendered them soulless npc slaves

It's kind of related to communism, like you said. Having lived in China before, it's pretty much because most Chinese have never been exposed to other cultures and have never learned any etiquette, so they tend to act like they do in China. Which is to say that they act like shit.

I remember a few years back going to a party store to buy a Halloween costume and that day it was packed with female Chinese students. They weren't looking where they were going, kept bumping into me without apologizing, were giggling and taking endless mirror selfies, it was annoying as fuck. When I see them walking around my city all of them are looking up at the sky or down on their phones all the time, they don't look where the fuck they're going, totally absent minded walking into traffic etc. It seems like they don't have any emotions.

It always amazes me how such seemingly intelligent people act like such autistic airheads.

>yelling incoherently

It's called Chinese

I knew a Chinese foreign exchange student in high school. He was really fucking cool.

China is based and you are on r9k, the beacon of degeneracy.

Of course you would dislike anything non-degenerate.

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I worked in a hotel restaurant for a time and we had a lot of Chinese coach tours.

It pretty entertaining to watch a completely different culture. Things like putting cereal into coffee cups and pouring cold water on it.

>putting cereal into coffee cups and pouring cold water on it

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Sometimes boiling water as well. I always found them polite myself but they couldn't speak English at all so there was little interaction.

I always boil the water.
I like drinking warm to hot water, even without it being a tea.

Never have understood people drinking ice cold liquid.

I've interacted with Chinese nationals before. I think there might be a bit of a language barrier, combined with the fact that communism really did make their people into a shell of who they once were.

Also, they tend to focus on utility at times. The most efficient way to get things done, since they do come from a place with an extremely high population count. And I think at times they might pause because they're trying to rationalize in their own mind the best course of action.

But this is more my hypothesis than anything else.

I've noticed this in certain restaurants around here. It's almost like with a fast food job. Coordination, so that things get done. I really think the traditional Chinese work ethic is about finely polished efficiently (while sacrificing certain human emotions, unfortunately).

Not in your cereal. That's what I'm describing.

I like hot water as well but there's no liquid as refreshing as cold water when you're thirsty.

Fucking kek'd

>NO you don't understand

That was a pretty interesting post user

I guess they eat cereals with water or orange juice, because most of them cannot deal with cow milk.

And hot water with cereal sounds like an instant version of porridge.

They grow up in anti-individualist societies and turbo capitalism. These people are fucking cyborgs and are just creepy