The cat germs that make people go crazy only effect females right?...
The cat germs that make people go crazy only effect females right?
Of course not. It has a strong connection in making men the big gay.
there are actually studies proving this, im too lazy to look them up tho
>mfw cat people are proven faggots
You only get it from filthy habits with your cat actually. Improper handling of shit.
cats are filthy animals, and the transmission of toxoplasmosis isn't just by "improper" handling of shit.
petting, cuddling and any other weird things people do with cats can just as well give you a nice case of toxoplasmosis
what are the symptoms, doc?
t. have lived with cat thats not mine for 8 years. never touch/cuddle it but owner is uncaring and filthy
most people don't notice many physical symptoms, if at all. people that do report flu-like symptoms.
what is your relation to said owner? humans can spread the disease too
In men, because bots.
>increased reaction time
>typically slightly taller and slightly more test than average
>typically disregard rules more
>typically are more suspicious and jealous of others
>impaired long term concentration
>lower tidiness
>lower sociability
>less altruistic
From one article I was skimming over.
I have some of these traits and I haven't owned a pet cat in over a decade.
That makes sense but i dont know what to do with this information.
When you get infected, it's permanent. There is no known "cure" for Toxoplama gondii infection, partially because they've never tried to make a cure for it since it was previously believed to be asymptomatic.
Please note that having some (or all) of these doesn't mean you're actually infected. Only way to know for sure is to get tested.
>always had shit reaction times
>haven't been sick in a decade
>Not really
I have 9 cats, you're full of bullshit.
Having cats doesn't guarantee infection, and being infected doesn't guarantee all these symptoms.
Should i kill my moms cat? Serious
It pisses all over everything. It has one fucked up eye UGLY as all fuck like just disgusting to look at
It shits all over the house. Pukes all over the house. Pisses all over the house. Loud as fuck
I want it dead but my mom is crazy as fuck. I feel like without that cat she will go crazy
Poison it and she'll get a new one.
>his only "evidence" is a percentage that is vaguely similar to the percentage of homosexuals
>9% isn't even the percentage of homosexuals in the US, it's 4.5%
>the rest is baseless speculation over the disease's behaviour
this is flat-earther tier "research" and I hate that retards will fall for this and potentially hurt their cat
>I have 9 cats so all of the evidence and data acquired by scientists over the years is invalid, because that's how logic works, right?
God, I'm glad I'm not this stupid.
i wonder how you should go about collecting data about the percentage of homosexuals.
isn't that a big thing about being gay, having to come out of the closet?
it's all just a bunch of guess work.
but, look what's not. the effects of toxoplasmosis.
it is time to ban cats, they do more harm than good
I mean i like my cat. He is warm and fuzzy very likeable and nice he does more good than harm but on the flip side
9/10 cats suck. I notice the fluffier breeds are normally friendlier and better. My mom has this ugly retard short hair cat. Runs around all day pissing people off. Destroys everything in the house. Pisses everyone off all day. I dont mind it sometimes but the way it destroys everything makes me hate it