Бyги yмpя пpeди чac, нe мe питaйтe oткъдe знaм.

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Dubs and this is true

Dubs and his legs finally split open.

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>mad tits
how does one gain such a moniker?

>tfw no giant Scottish gf that looks like a foot

Is it possible to drink Mountain Dew without being a neck beard? Or is it like soi, where once you start slurping it down the transformation to soiboi begins.

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Why does fph never get bumped anymore?

No me preguntes cómo lo sé, pero han pasado dos horas desde que Boogie murió.

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Mountain dew is also big amongst upper midwest farmer/hunter/fishermen/redneck types. My little brother is a doctor in south dakota and he swills that shit. Not even fat like boogie, spends a lot if time outdoors hunting, scouting, and training his dog. Shit diet though

>chugs HFCS
>shit diet
That sucks, user. I’d hate to watch a family member slowly kill themselves.
Why don’t they teach doctors anything about nutrition? It’s all anatomy and drugs. I think in DO programs they do a bit on nutrition at least.


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Im sure the doctor dude knows what its doing to him but sugar is addicting

Tъкмo миcлих aз дa гo пocтнa

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Very true, but if you have the mental fortitude to make it through med school I think you should be able to put down the ho-hos.

I don’t know, I’m no doctor, but I’ve quit sugar and I’ve quit smoking. Now, I was dumb enough to pick those up in the first place, but to just ignore the negative impacts that stuff has on you is pretty dumb. Who knows, maybe the effects of a bad diet haven’t manifested themselves yet so it’s just easy to ignore the problem and feed the addiction.

pour it in a glass before you drink it, problem solved

Бyги кoнюиpмeд дeд

kek. If you also hold your pinky out while doing the dew are you now patrician?

nah you can only be patricain if you hold your pinky out while drinking a virgin rum and coke

>virgin rum and coke versus the Chad Dew

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