Men prefer nature over civilization. It's how we were supposed to live.
Men prefer nature over civilization. It's how we were supposed to live
The way you are living is the way you are supposed to live.
>Men prefer nature over civilization.
>It's how we were supposed to live.
Most people here would starve without a computer and masturbating 5 times a day.
If they don't have a "mental illness"
Nature is better than society
But technology is a great gift to humanity to fight against the society
t.written on my laptop
You are just wrong. I am hyper intelligent and I was top of my fitness class. I know how to support myself. I am just tired of my mom and femoids. Take me to nature and hope that WW3 comes along so I can scavenge supplies off dead bodies and fuck dead femoids. Also remember HEIL HITLER nignneginiggernigger
Is that you user? Originally
Then why did men invent everything to get us out of nature?
Because you cannot have profit in nature
>Men prefer nature over civilization.
Nature is an obstacle which God intended Man to overcome by ways of brutal subjugation.
Women, as the weaker sex, prefer nature, as evidenced by Wiccanism and other such pagan, backwards nonsense.
Women wanted shit
>h-hey stacy, look, I conquered nature in Factorio!
>n-now am I real man? Will you go out with me?
>DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it's so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like one of my favorite TV shows. you should totally come down to my studio apartment, it's got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade list here, right, it's a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT !!!! it's also like we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot-literally - we are both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, which way we can save money on spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i'm fuckin JACKED man, i'm gonna slam this craft beer and pop another one !!
I like how insecure and doubtful people get when they realize that other people are more capable than them and that projecting their insecurities won't work on them.
Anybody who hasn't hunted or fished before is a fucking idiot and shouldn't call themselves male.
>people are enjoying themselves
Heaven forbid.
I like both equally. There should be less people and just a couple really big cities. Think of all the cool wildlife that could flourish. Of course some species, like pigeons, absolutely need cities.
>conquer nature
>drive the world to the brink of total ecological collapse and keep pushing
>humanity buckles under failed harvests and exponentially larger and more frequent natural disasters
I think you're right, God totally intended to be rid of this mess this way.
75% of soiboi culture is not that bad. Barcades are pretty cool. I love getting smashed and playing retro games on big cabinets
>more capable than them
You are very capable of staring at your own navel.
People who are capable get a job and get paid for their capabilities. People who are incapable of anything meaningful and productive run to the forest and live like savages.
Being an hermit takes more effort than selling burgers
Lmao you incels always think in too big terms to the point where it stops you from doing anything that would make you happy. Everything becomes a political pissing contest when in reality you hold no power over anything and civilization has only made you into a depressed wreck and its other inhabitants piss on you.
Lmao how ass mad you are over nothing. I have always been a bit over wight but 8 have also always been very athletic abs talented at sports, particularly sprinting.
The only reason i wouldn't survive is because i was never taught. Give me 5 hour long classes on the subject and I'm positive I'd manage.
The laptop he and i are addicted to. I enjoy society as much as a meth head like meth.
Anyone living a lifestyle like that probably makes 100x more money than this entire board combined.
>Being an hermit takes more effort than selling burgers
Being a construction worker takes more effort than being a hermit. And you get paid for it. And you do a vital service to society. And you get to admire your handiwork. And you leave lasting proof of your existence.
>he actually believe humans are responsible for climate change and bad weather
You think your scientific but you are no different from the retards who blamed natural disasters on Pagans, Christians or non believers
ok retard
ps have sex
That's because you are feminine. The average man from 200 years ago would fuck your ass without even realizing you had a penis until he flipped you around. Your such a feminine faggot your probably getting turned on by the idea of a hairy sweaty man raping you
I've noticed that myself, too. Especially last night when I traveled 200 miles out of the city into the most remote town I could find. And using a bow and arrow is almost as second-nature to me as walking or signing my name.
I really think I'm a descndant of pre-Roman hunter-gatherers or something (refer to the Tanheim Death Pit story). But unfortunately, I'll have to find some way to integrate the two.
Why must you always project?
>And you get paid for it. And you do a vital service to society. And you get to admire your handiwork. And you leave lasting proof of your existence.
Maybe in the 1800's if you weren't a peasant but today there's a complete separation of the wageslave from the end product. You actually have to own land and do things yourself, often in nature, to actually get some authenticity.
Already have lmao. Take your own advice, stop posting here and go outside loser.
>You think your scientific but you are no different from the retards who blamed natural disasters on Pagans, Christians or non believers
>le funny reaction pic
Prove be wrong if you can soi
>describes gay sex in moderate detail
>"aha it is you who's gay"
Sure thing champ
>el soi maymay
I can't persuade a moron he has double digit iq,
Not him, but I don't think it's humans in general. It's just that a lot of humans want immediate gratification via material goods and status, so they throw everything else down the gutter to get it. But society really does have to plan this out because just like how the Ancient Greeks used to make their own birth control, not all resources are unlimited. Reverting back to Stone Age times is an unrealistic idea, but we can at least preserve the basic necessities, and not make every town look like New Delhi 2.0
Yeah I'm 6'7", had arm hair since I was 12, have a 8" dick, and weigh 250. Real feminine. I'm shaking that a 5'4" 1800s manlet that doesn't even lift is going to rape me.
>what's best for society
Why would anyone care ? If I can use civilization for my benefit to create a life on the borderline of it that's just a bonus.
>6' 7"
Damn, I'm jealous. Dead serious btw
Speak for yourself retard, I prefer being entertained.
You ALMOST nailed it, except for the part where the woman is also castrating herself. We all know that women don't do this, they just get an easily removable IUD, so that when she lands a guy that's actually worth procreating with, she will be able to have his children, while not having to worry about accidentally giving birth to the child of an inferior man.
You're literally addicted to information and dopamine like a methhead
As opposed to what? LARPing?
I'm going to use societies innovations to entertain, as I should.
Why "should" you do that? Has it made you into a calm, happy and content person and if so why are you on r9k?
> redneck men prefer nature over cities
> vote for urban real estate developer over libs with green environmental policies
I take it you're more comfortable with life inside civilization. I can respect that.
Someone who finally gets it!
The entirety of humanity has earned this fate.
The manliest men thrive in every setting, rural or urban
I'm (). I hate rednecks with a burning passion. They ruined my childhood experience and destroy every aspect of nature for a handful of likes on Instagram. No different from ghetto youth in the worst neighborhood imaginable.
Does that mean the manliest men are robot neets? Because if you can thrive in any environment, why do anything at all?
Because it fits my mindset and entertains me, while fucking about doing something nondescript in nature does not.
>and if so why are you on r9k?
To interact with other KHHV NEETs who spend most of their time indoors.
Have you ever considered if your mindset is a product of spending most of your time indoors as a KKHV NEET?
Not every person agrees it's for them but as for me I benefit big time from hiking and camping every spring and summer up north in my state in the Appalachians. I hope to get out west this summer and visit Idaho where my family is at. Would be cool to hike some actual big mountains.
If any anons are longing for something in their life, give hiking a try. It's hard at first if you're out of shape but it's a reinvigorating experience especially if you do it with a group of people just as passionate as you.
My psyche naturally lead me to that sort of lifestyle since it suits my preferences for what I'd imagine is the most entertainment I can get for the lowest amount of effort.
Nature is freedom and self-mastery. Civilization is slavery. People come up with many arguments against this, from the semantic:
to the fallacious:
and to the downright mentally ill:
Never the less, it doesn't matter, because slaves are weak and can do nothing. You can walk and talk freely among them, and all they will do is write some letters then go back to their macdonalds and their skinnerboxes.
I don't believe that and I don't even think the most entertainment for the lowest amount of effort is a meaningful thing to strive for.
Whether or not you believe it is up to you. I live for entertainment and nothing else, I don't think living to try and emulate hunter-gatherers is the peak of human ingenuity either.
No because I'm a low test cuck
Who said anything about striving for constant peak ingenuity? Not even the most ingenious people agree with that.
As far as I'm concerned I am living a "calm and modest life". Not harming others, characterised by inaction and being entertained or indifferent constantly for minimal effort. To be able to do this is a testament to the efforts of others, of course. If there's some argument as to why I specifically should be doing something in nature eternally instead I haven't heard it, that life is for those who already have the inclination and drive for action and adrenaline.
>t. flyover user
>sense of freedom
>doing things with your own hands to completion
>get exercise, fresh air and sunlight
>no society overstimulation / ADHD syndrome
>can actually meet like-minded people not through a computer screen
>satisfy primal reward systems
Doesn't that sound better than "KHHV NEETs who spend most of their time indoors."?
>t. Urbanon
>sense of freedom
Don't care about that
>doing things with your own hands to completion
Don't care about that and never had the desire to do so
>get exercise, fresh air and sunlight
I already exercise, don't care about the other 2, just take Vitamin D pills
>no society overstimulation / ADHD syndrome
I'm theoretically avoiding society and like to imagine that I haven't experienced a sudden onset of ADHD recently, especially with how liberally people self-diagnose it
>can actually meet like-minded people not through a computer screen
I prefer not actually meeting other people when possible
>satisfy primal reward systems
Don't care about that
Succeeding in nature requires a more rustic and primal mindset than I have and substantially more effort and skill. Not to mention more risk. If I can entertain myself for less then why shouldn't I do so?
>can actually meet like-minded people not through a computer screen
>satisfy primal reward systems
I would like to get big sandbox behind my house with razor wire fence. Stuff robots there and see how many days it takes for them to die or get lost.
I don't know why people aren't anarcho-primitivists, as if they had a choice. We're about to run out of oil and our entire modern world is based solely off of oil. Unless we decide that the third-world should stay third-world this won't change.
200 years from now peasants will farm on the outskirts of ruined LA.
Would you say you are happy and content with your life? Do you feel a sense of meaning?
Yes, I have low standards and will lower them accordingly if my living standards decline.
I'm not telling others not to live entirely outside of civilisation and rely on nature to subsist if they want, those who succeed doing so clearly have the means to make it a worthwhile endeavour, but I wouldn't find it meeting the same levels of entertainment as I've had doing what I normally do.
Civilization must exist, for its organizational hierarchy and pool of resources are too valuable a thing not to have, but the full scale of its dominion is unreasonable. There must always be untamed wilds for man to venture forth into, leaving the safety of his town and entering the unknown. There must be woods from which the creatures and beings of the unknown are to lurk and watch from, and for man to attempt to find them.
Whenever he is done, he is meant to return to the sanctuary of his home and neighbors. Today, however, there is no place for which civilization exists as a sanctuary. Practically all has been tamed, the vast wilds and hills once black with trees and herds of beasts now covered by shopping malls and subsidized housing. Humanity has removed any and all pretense of danger looming in the woods, and now the government and societal hierarchies have made this place an authoritarian nightmare of shallow people and a shallow society.
Remove this and bring back the wilds, or perhaps try to escape to new worlds untouched by man.
>Yes, I have low standards and will lower them accordingly if my living standards decline.
Interesting, but I can't force myself to believe you.
>I'm not telling others not to live entirely outside of civilisation and rely on nature to subsist if they want
I don't think anyone in here wants to do that.
They typically make money but they spend it all on stupid shit and live very sad lives. Soibois really are pathetic. I wouldn't say I'd rather be a manual laborer but if I made soiboi money in some faggoty office job, I certainly wouldn't live the obnoxious way they do.
>Interesting, but I can't force myself to believe you.
I've had my living standards decline before and found entertainment in other low effort amenities than my computer, I'd prefer to not be diseased and homeless or something if possible but even then I'm sure I could find someone willing to shoot me.
>I don't think anyone in here wants to do that.
Then what exactly is the level of disassociation with society that's being advertised here? I take walks once or twice a week and that's about the most of my interaction with nature or outside. Living a self-sustaining, fully ecologically based lifestyle in nature is certainly out of the question for me as well as others who aren't willing to put in the effort to make it sustainable and enjoyable.
Everything is relative, you don't have to be 100% off grid to promote nature. People here are obsessed with taking everything to extremes.
I still haven't been given a definitive definition of how much I should interact with nature though, I'd imagine each person posting here has their own view of how much they should as well.
This is your brain on semitic spirituality
If you live in a big city, in a place where you can go out and have fun without getting mugged, you are probably rich or at least very well off, yes.
This is not a black and white issue. Few things are.
If you're devolving the issue down to the original question over whether or not men universally prefer nature over civilisation, or the innovations it provides, then I personally prefer the latter since it appeals to my lethargic and sedentary attitude. If I'm supposed to have a sudden realisation that I wasted my life I haven't had it yet.
I just think it's strange to be content with being a "KHHV NEET who spends most of his time indoors" to the point of suspecting you're simply mentally ill. When that's the opponent to my idea that nature is universally good for men, don't you understand why I'm still convinced?
I can't see a reason why I shouldn't be content with that to be honest. That isn't the only opponent to the idea, just my personal scenario.
I've forced myself to engage with nature before and simply found it tedious and annoying, especially when I attempted to emulate survivalists. It objectively offers physical benefits and possibly psychological benefits for some people, but I don't care about the physical benefits and never experienced any psychological development in it so I'd imagine I'm exempt.
Nature is boring.
Can you at least understand why someone would find it weird and why someone would suspect mental illness?
I hate how white people are always out in the woods
I'm self-aware enough to know that my attitude is pathetic and laughable, as well as mentally defunct, yes (though I've never been diagnosed with any mental or physical illness or disability). That lack of standards and deficiency allows me to enjoy sitting in front of my desktop for most of the day though.
I'm not just trying to put you down for no reason, I'm pretty pathetic myself. It's just the way I try to figure out the solution to the ultimate problem - "How to live". By simply observing people in nature and outdoorsmen I've come to the conclusion that they're the happiest, most stable and content people on the planet.
How many people overdosed on fent in your town today
Letting others define your masculinity is pretty unmasculine
>Communing with nature is redpilled
>Wanting to fuck nature, especially horny in-heat mares, is somehow degenerate
It's like you guys want me to ignore the best parts of 'nature'!
Has panic attacks because he is so depressed and traumatized
Maybe, though I've made the decision to separate myself mentally and socially from the larger population anyway, which is why I'm at the very least content living like this, I can't share their misery until I'm forced into their lifestyle which I likely will be eventually.
I don't have experience interacting with outdoorsmen nor do I know how "outdoorsy" they are relative to others who define themselves the same but I wouldn't say they're any more happy than I am really. If they are they've had to put a lot more effort into it than I'm willing to commit to. Commendable, sure, but I can't emulate it.
Youre right user, you appear highly intelligent, and given the chance, It would vmbe an honor to exile you from civilization into the natural world.
You are the chosen one.