If he made it, so can you

If he made it, so can you.

Attached: rx3jkky9jtu21.png (1140x2048, 1.77M)

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This is empirically false.

When you say "empirically", do you mean to say that you're a snobby douchebag or that you wear a fedora and thinks that makes you look enlightened?

why would the cunt wear heels

I'd have a better chance at winning the lottery

Can you please explain this post? I must be too stupid to get it.

He is a manlet, with a gf, therefor, a manlet can get a gf.

Oh, and stop saying words you don't understand.

I don't get it. Do you not understand what "empirically" means? I cannot think of another explanation for why you are insulting me.

This guy isn't me. I know what "empirically" means. I just felt like being an asshole for no reason. I don't know what his deal is with you. lok

I have no idea who I'm talking to right now.
This guy right here doesn't know what empiricism is. As the photo is an example of empirical evidence.

Attached: 1a42904824018401.jpg (369x209, 10K)

>has hair

Girls will always choose the man with hair to the man without it.

>If he made it, so can you.
Please explain to me how the photo supports the implication. You cannot. The fact that the OP pic manlet is successful does not imply anything for me. I have mountains of evidence that I cannot, in fact, "make it". Most people on this board do - or used to, anyway. I'm not sure how many hopeless virgins still lurk this place.

He wasn't speaking specifically to you, you're equivocating his meaning.
If you believe you can, or can't. You're right.

>if Bill Gates has become a billionaire so can you!1!!

>ever implying there's gonna be anything sexual between them
You know, to her, he's like a little brother, or a confident, or a buddy...

you can just say "statistically", fedora lord

>I have mountains of evidence
like what?

>I have mountains of evidence that I cannot, in fact, "make it".
You're autistic

To assert dominance over the manlet.

why does any girl wear heels? almost every guy prefers short girls

I think I can help with this >empiricism debate

The reason OP is empirically false is because there is no context supporting pic related. How do we know this man is dating this girl? They look pretty friendly, to say the least. They could be good friends or even related for that matter

There is empirically nothing romantic being shown in the photo

Attached: CCD10B2E-65CD-448A-8732-DBA7CD0F4ABC.jpg (390x313, 37K)

To filter out manlets
It empower them

literally this organally

Attached: 1556151115067.jpg (618x750, 56K)

Here's the context


>everyone making fun of the guy for being short
lmao manlets

He made it to what? Pet status?

Attached: 1555475146011.gif (230x270, 60K)

Poor guy
>gets a 8/10 gf
>everyone is making fun of his height
>everyone assumes he is rich

Sometimes love just finds a way

Attached: 007C9269-093B-439C-9ED2-202EC10E1ABE.jpg (658x617, 60K)

all these insecure manlets seethe on that chad. I am 6,2 and only can envy to get girl like this.

>Billionaires are human
>You're human
>Therefor, you're a billionaire.

Theyre all just jealous as fuck and trying to "bring him back down to earth". Theyre mad that he "defied the hierarchy".

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