Any musicians here? What instrument do you play, and why?

Any musicians here? What instrument do you play, and why?

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>Any musicians here? What instrument do you play

ur moms asshole

>and why?

cuz she a whore

based 14yearoldposter

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Just like with any instrument, the asians did it better

>guitar and I've been mostly producing on a DAW for like 6 last years
>I don't really have anything to do in life besides this and whenever I take breaks, I start getting depressed and having suicidal thoughts

Playing music fills a void inside of me

I play the piano but have had financial struggles all my life so I play on the same electric Yamaha my parents got me in like 98 or 99. Music transports me to a different reality where the notes make up the future and the past. Just like our reality though Im still a failure in the musical world.

Bass guitar and piano. I took bass after discontinuing violin lessons. Took up piano for fun.

Sounds like a good trade off. How far were you with violin when you stopped?

Viola, and I play because I liked the sound of it when I picked it 14 years ago. Now I play for the fun of it, learning songs I enjoy from media through ear

Hahahaa imagine needing five strings to sound good

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normal violas have 4 strings though

Doesnt matter violas dont sound good anyway

I keep my violin in a viola case to keep it from being stolen

Seven years, but I hadnt even finished the first songbook

guitar and piano
i dont fucking know

because it's the only thing i know how to do

How far are you with piano user?

I play the bones.

Hey, me too!
Until this bitch faggot made me spray acid over my instrument.

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The piano is the easiest instrument, change my mind

Guitar is harder to learn but easier to master
Piano is easier to learn but harder to master
Violin is just hard

Grade 9 piano. Gave up because practice regimens took up most of my free time and women only wanted to fuck ukelele Chad anyways.

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>Any musicians here?
Does electronic count? Call me a faggot
>What instrument do you play, and why?
MIDI. Do want to pick up an actual instrument to record for though. Saxophone is what Im going to go with. but gotta save money.

Hmm when you said electronic I was hoping for a synth lad. Shame

I play my guitar. I used to listen to black sabbath solos and want to be like Tony Iommi. Would always day dream that I was on a stage playing his solos lol.

After I got gud found out I prefer playing clean sounding acoustic music. go figure

Synth would be cool too but those are equally as expensive (for meh). Something like a Juno 106 someday.

>what instrument
the harp, lever currently but want to transition to pedal once I grow the balls to drop the 10K on one
saw some dude playing one at an art gallery when I was 12 and was enamored ever since

guitar, its a good outlet

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i play lead guitar and a bit of piano. i also enjoy singing

I play the harpischord
Why ? Because it sounds fancy AF

i play a five string bass

Classical pianist here. It was pretty much forced on me when I was 5 and my grandmother was a piano teacher. Because I have a lot of talent for it my grandmother fully expected me to become a professional. But I hated it. Now I'm an adult who took another career and doesn't play actively but at least I can still sit down in front of a piano anytime and silence a room.

>primarily guitar, piano and various woodwinds I can play fairly well on too though

Am currently going to school for music and already gotten contacted by a few game companies trying to find music for their P2W mobile games. What's funny is that I won't make a cent from me playing classical style stuff that I'm learning in school (beyond chord progressions and melodies) , it's all about the computer based stuff that I taught myself.

I play the bass guitar, electric guitar and have bought a synthesizer recently. I wouldn't say I'm good at any of them as I never really took lessons or spent much time just learning. But I'm good enough to make music on my own. I do it because I always loved music and needed a productive hobby at the time
There are some cheap analog synths out there. Look up the korg volca product line. If you're willing to spend a bit more look at the korg monologue or ms 20 mini. Now is a great time to get into synths

Bumping this thread, hoping to see more anons share about what instrument they play

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I play tuba, because I chose to follow 'muh passion' and pursue a music degree

Now I'm 26k in the hole.

I play French horn for my city symphony, some people say its the chad instrument, but it is really sad being alone.

I am the French horn fag, and I feel your pain.

they make midi saxaphones too kek