Starting to sprout up quite a few grey hairs

Starting to sprout up quite a few grey hairs.
I'm nearly 25.

Attached: grey.jpg (615x409, 32K)

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Grey hair is hot.

it feels p damn shitty

onion juice

Will give it a try

>have light blonde hair
>probably wouldn't even notice if i started going gray
GG mutt, try again next lottery

better then balding dude

I think I’ve read somewhere that wakame seaweed is really good against grey hair. Not really sure if it’s backed up by some studies. You better google it.

Absolute nonsense

I had the same problem, 24 yo and starting to get gray hair. Thought something was wrong with me, but my mother said she had loads of gray hair by the time she was 24/25.

A gf I had at the time suggested I start dyeing my hair. I went full homo and did it. Long story short, more than 10 years have gone by and I still do. All of my friends already have gray hairs and I "don't". I actually regret it a bit since I can't seem to find the correct time to stop doing it, the change would be drastic in just a couple of months.

That's cute, imagine balding at 13.

imagine having two bald spots that reach ur ass at 20.

Attached: 1566759411636.jpg (586x524, 42K)

22 yo here
How is it even possible

Correct. Gray is sexy.

Stop that, silly.

Got a couple in my beard.
I hate it.

I started going grey at 22 as well, just a couple of small hairs. Stress played a huge factor in it for me because I worked my ass off in college, and spent too much energy overthinking anything and everything.

Im 19 and have a decent amount of gray hairs, a classmate had even more.Some people point it out in a friendly/joking way but generally nobody (c)hairs, I even like it

why doesnt it come as a surprise that the video is of some indian with her 10 kids in the background of the video

not a scamm at all ?

Me and GF both are starting to get grey hair, we're only 23. I started when I was like 20. I'm just going to let it happen.

I sprouted 2 white hairs after a really stressful 2 days out at events at work.

Kinda cool I look like Guts now

Half my beard is grey hairs at 25, I've embraced it though, makes me look like I've seen some shit, and girls for some reason like it.


Attached: 1566769548128.png (216x261, 6K)

old man, i'm 30, haven't seen one yet