Fembot Thread

Fembots, when was the last time your dad said anything like "I love you" or "I'm proud of you" to you?

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honestly it's been so long that i couldn't tell you

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Would it actually mean anything to you if he did at this point? Provided he said it like he meant it.

Wow, 3d girls look abhorrent.

Fembots, when was the last time your dad fingered you or stuck his penus inside you?

probably a few months ago. My parents tend to express love through actions, like beating the shit out of me

Why are white girls so beautiful? The girl in OP's pic isn't even particularly above average but she puts most ethnic models to shame.

God I wish I wasn't born a curry.

Around a year now. He used to say it every time he saw me
He died very suddenly last year. I drank a lot
I didn't know him very well, our last conversation wasn't very nice.

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Sorry to hear about that, fembot. But he loved you and even if your last conversation wasn't nice he still loved you right til the end.

>Hitting girls

Absolutely disgusting.

not a fembot but i respect and love my parents and my dad very much. if i google his name i see a bunch of results of how he's pushed the boundaries of his scientific field and whileim so goddamn proud i want to do him proud as well. he's even a loving and caring father so he just tells me he's happy as long as im healthy and happy as well but fuck seeing him rise up in his field and in a foreign country with his own strenght and skills makes me feel inadequate

I cant remember my dad ever saying that to us. That explains a lot lol

Many years now unfortunately. My father passed away some time ago. Go hug your parents lads and lasses, you never know when their last day will be.

Your daddy is down here with us, do you want me to give him a message?

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maybe last week possibly even yesterday

Yeah, but I'm more orgre than girl so it's not too abhorrent

Last night actually. We usually sit together on Sunday evenings, have a drink and talk.

The only person in my family that knows how to express love is my mom so i know that he loves me even if he doesnt tell me. For example one day he asked me to send him pics of what i make at the academy (art) so he vould show his artist friend. He's really proud of me.

>That explains a lot lol

What does it explain?

I want a fembot to explain to me why women need to hear the words "I love you" from their fathers, boyfriends, husbands or whatever. From a male perspective this shit is really hard to understand. Why is it so important to HEAR those words? To us it is implicitly obvious.

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its the same reason males want to hear a female genuinely say those things

Never that I can remember. Not that hes much issue with me, more that hes not that sort of father. Hes had a tough life.

Don't project your dead insides onto the rest of us men. I like to hear "I love you".

My mother is obsessed with hugging and kissing me all the time, it gets kinda annoying. My dad is less overt in his love for obvious reasons since I'm a guy.

Do you ever compare partners to your dad?

I don't really care if a woman says I love you provided she does my laundry, irons my shirts, gives good head and cooks nice food.

>Do you ever compare partners to your dad?
My father is a nigh seventy year old mountain of a man and my partner tend to be young, pretty and female so no, not really.

100% originally juice


Not cool.

Weird, I'd rather be with someone because we love each other. Each to their own I suppose.

Fembots, which one of you wants to become my gf?

Nobody will ever love you though.

Fembots, I'll be your dad for today if you want. I'll tell you how proud I am. Just ask me.

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daddy i used the bathroom all by myself, i only spilled a little i promise

>spilledd a llittle

2 days ago, attentive parents is my one positive in day-to-day life.

this was meant to be a bait for a guy with an icky fetish but ill take it

That's why you're not a slut to be honest.

Wrong, that was the disablity.

Yeah he tells me he loves me every time after he lets out his anger on me.

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Does he beat the shit out of you?