Post your creations here and I'll tell you what I think of them!
Here's a song from my new collaboration album, please let me know what you think!
Post your creations here and I'll tell you what I think of them!
Here's a song from my new collaboration album, please let me know what you think!
Other urls found in this thread:
Every time I share my account here I feel like I'm gonna get banned...
wrote this song last night in like 20 minutes
so it's probably just okay but share ur thoughts
i would like to hear some opinions
I'm not very creative. I don't have a good camera or a lot of skill, but I love going out into nature and trying to grab shots that remind me of comfy times. I grabbed this on a day that I was watching the sun set while having a nice cup of tea and a ciggy.
made this for some edgy kid that wanted an avatar on twitter. not very good, but i'm learning.
as a side note i dont have a doodle pad or wacom i have to use a mouse in gimp so all my shit looks like shit.
posted this in the other vocaroo thread. Thought i'd finaly contribute instead of lurking
solid music dude. i really dig this kind of stuff. As i side note i think naming your song after the theme of the lyrics is kinda cheese, but it's your song so i won't judge
Dunno if this belongs here, but found a neat looking tree during winter
Lets see it user. Post that pic, art is highly subjective, if you like what you do and you made it it technically falls under art.
awesome tree dude. Really sparks my imagination
creative generals always deserve a bump
I've seen both of you guys' music in these generals before. Good stuff once again, and keep up the good work!
I clicked on this thing expecting to see shitty memes or something, but what do you know, it's actually super professional-looking photos. This is what Instagram was originally for, so I'm glad to see someone still doing stuff like this.
Pretty good, but maybe consider adding different loops within the song so it seems more "dynamic".
Looking at analytics makes me wanna die, but I'm still having fun at least
Wow user, that's a gorgeous picture. Looks very comfy.
I like it!
Thanks a lot user!
Oh shit, I remember a lot of those games lol
I thought your pictures were great user, keep at it.
The profile pic for my cartoon porn twitter
She's hot, can we get a link to the twitter?
Very nice line work user.
Sure, but just so you know, I draw mostly futa and monster girls
im pretty pleased with my Yang video i never had this much attention on youtube
Very nice user but remember the rules of story telling in videos. Remember the Therefore/but rule. There fore this happens, but this happens. Therefore this happen, but again. The videos are decent but they are missing why this is happening as they progress.
>tfw the only one who got no (you)
t-thanks guys
I like to get drunk and make horrible youtube videos for the sake of making them. I get an idea in my head and want to see it made reality so i crap this stuff out.
forgot my most shit robot video
if cartoon cats! sees this thread i just want him to know that his album is incredible and i reallt enjoyed it
please check it out, it;s really good