Tfw your dad doesn't accept you while you already find it hard to accept yourself

>tfw your dad doesn't accept you while you already find it hard to accept yourself

What a combo.
Literally comes up to me and tells me my nose is bent and tries to make me feel bad about myself. Calls me an idiot for something I can't change or didn't do.

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>single mom
>granddad died without teaching me anything, but at least he got me spoiled
>have an uncle but we're not blood related since he married my aunt and they live in another city
Could be worse, I guess

Get fit and beat his ass, pussy

Dudes a fatty. But he has Core Strength from being fat.

I hit the gym every day but max I could lift is 20kg.

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>but max I could lift is 20kg.
What's your height/weight?

W-what lift are you talking about, are you a child?

5'10 66kg.

I'm skellie.

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He's right, you are an idiot and a fag.
If you weren't you'd break his nose.

>tfw strained relationship with father
>tfw I have a noticeably crooked nose too
What do?

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But I don't want to be homeless.

He's the type of guy that would run to my mother so she could defend him.
He gets so salty when my mom would defend anyone else.

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>5'10 66kg.
No you are fucking fat if you can't even lift 20kg. You have zero muscle so you should be 40kg max if you were skellie.

Just tell him to shut the fuck up or you'll break his fag ass nose then.
Just assert your dominance in some way, you can be cold about it if you want and just flat ignore his insults and ask how his day has been. It's a trait of insecure, weak men to try asserting their dominance on you in pathetic ways, and once you make it clear you're above them they'll stop.

I haven't talked to my father for 2 years and we live literally in the same street.

I'm like one of those hikkikomori japanese people whose parents are ashamed of him so they keep him locked up at his room indefinitely and don't even acknowledge each other's existence.


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that weight for that height is skinny actually

I weigh about as much as you and I can still deadlift 100kg and bench 60kg with absolute ease. Back when i used to lift more I could do even more, how in gods name can you only lift 20kg?

maybe in amerifatland but not in a place where the obesity rate is below 100%

How do you expect me to lift more than my body weight?

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His BMI is 20.8. That is below the median for healthy weight but not underweight stop being obsessed seething eurotard

Bend his nose with your fist. That way you can both feel bad about yourselves.

>dads birthday
>write him happy birthday text
>aks him if i should come over
>he says no
pretty sure he hates me

Doubt it. Probably was gonna fuck mum all day.

dude I am taller than this twink faggot and I used to weigh a lot less when I was still dyel

You sound like a whiny faggot who needs to be taught how not to be a bitch

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nah theyre divorced
he lives alone

does he have side bitches he fucks

not that i know of
i think hes too old to fuck around

He just didn't want him to come

If that's you then you what the fuck are you talking about, how can you not lift more than 20kg? That's 45 fucking pounds, your dad has every right to be ashamed of your weak as shit ass, someone could drop a twig on you and it'd crush you to death.

No bully. 20kg is pretty good desu.

Post body hot shot.

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I can't think of a lift that 20kg is considered good. The bar is 20kg. I don't need to post my body to know you're a fucking bitch. A 12 year old girl could out lift you.

On behalf of Jow Forums i came here to say your kind is not allowed on our board, so stay here with your discord tranny faggot friends and never come back