fuck im 109 lbs now and i feel like im gonna die soon
Fuck im 109 lbs now and i feel like im gonna die soon
be my skelly bf user;;
dont skip leg day brehh
>those legs
never gonna make it lmfao
I have similar legs why do our knees look slightly inverted what the heck
Height? Im currently 128 at 5'8 and feel like i im gonna passout every time i stand
>those legs
what do you expect i literally have no fat or muscle on me, my ribcage is sticking out of my chest
Because you sat cross legged and layed down too much so you fucked your growth up
why are skeletons always completely hairless
its probably because our lege are so skinny
im also 5 8, my dream weight is where you are now
No fucking way you're 109 lb how tall are you?
Low t
Didnt mean to reeply to
im 5 8 my man
How the fuck can you be 109 if you're also 5'8? I already have a similar body and feel like if i lose anymore weight ill die, yet im 20 pounds heavier? Explaain yourself skeleton
no idea user, heres me on the scale(i drank some coke so im a lil heavier)
Well holy shit user, you're hitting weights that should kill a man of our height. Congrats on maximum skelly
dear jannies: leave this thread up if youre gay.
go eat some tendies and cheeseburgers you ghoul
jesus im 125lbs I didn't know it could get any worse.
Post stats
>120 pounds/54.5 Kg
I'm 6'5" and 130 lbs.
We're the exact same level of lanky.
Stop crying nigga. You look fine. I'm 6'4 and 255 shit is a chore to keep up.
start lifting you faggot, you have a decent frame.
is this the thread where i can come and look at shirtless robots?
Holy shit, that's skelly
trying to gain 10lbs by the end of summer.
You must be short. You look pretty filled out still. Minnesota?
You don't need to gain any. 135 at that height is slightly chunky. Stay smol and enjoy a life without back pain. I'm 120-125 at that height and everything's good.
yes user, this is the thread for shirtless robots
skellies are the only true robots, begone
shut up beanpole
I'm trying to gain muscle, I've been working out consistently.
I can already see a difference from pictures from last summer. Plus I live in a big city full of crackheads and homeless people, it's not fun going out and thinking you can't really do anything if somebody steps to you.
You need to get new scales,
I'm 5'8 125lbs and you look more filled out than me.
5 7 on a good day. Hover around 175lbs. Stocky build with some stomach pudge. Physical activity everyday.
jokes on you, i'm 5'4
I'm jelly.
t. 5'10 140
Lift your hair up plz
why so skelly, boys? I've been 109 lbs and 5' 7" for at least a year because depression killed my appetite
Yeah thats why Indian women are covered in hair, they're so high t
damn that was my HS weight, I really didnt realize until college how tiny that was.
I'm in the same boat as you user, I'm trying to gain weight, but I just can't eat all the time to build up weight.
Meal prep smoothies that are loaded with omegas and protein.
But user, how else am I supposed to let people know I'm emo?
Tfw OP has -3% body fat and still doesn't have abs.
>Op how do you get out of bed in the morning without sitting up?
i too want a trueno!
121 lbs/51 kg
im more of a skeleton than you. i'm just under 5'8 and i weigh 105 pounds. i am male. i dont go outside because i hate my body, gaining wait is really hard
im thinking about taking steroids to gain weight
Can you be my lanky bf pls
why bother? you will lose that weight as soon as you stop taking them.
Look at his legs brah. They are linguine noodles. Mirin upper body though OP. Looking like a SOL anime protag
As long as you're not fat,
I'm not fat I look 15 I'm not progressive and I am actually female usa
This is 100% a sweaty obese male
I used to weigh 55 kg and now i weigh 70 kg. (121 lb and 154 lb)
Since I gained weight 2 years ago my back pain got worse, now I cant even sit on a chair anymore.
Anons should I lose weight?
because i'm not going to make it these next few months without offing myself unless i change something drastically, and steroids might give me the confidence i need. even if it's temporary, i just need to get my life back on track. i know that's stupid as fuck but i don't know what else to do
I am not a sweaty obese male, nigger
Apologies madam. *Sweaty obese female (male)
5 11 135 skelly
Its a hard life. Im trying to gain. The best I did was a string of like 2 months where I did nothing but think about food. Scan everything with app called Calorie King and really pushed to hit the 3000 calorie days. I found it easier to focus on the goal with the app. I fell off tho... trying to get back into it
>tfw no gf
>"user let me be your gf"
>no wait nvm you don't exist
I'm not skelly guy. Just a passing harbinger of truth
Best way to gain weight for me is eating every 2-3 hours. Basically 3 good meals and snacks in between.
Snacks arent doritos and shit but good food like peanuts, almonds, sandwich, toasts, fruits, etc.
My go to snack when im lazy is peanut butter toasts and some fruit.
I gained 15 kg in like half a year doing this.
USA is a big place.
Are you in the Appalachian mountains, or even the Ohio River Valley? (Kentucky)
Also, you're a fembot so I can easily replace you with a better girlfriend if you piss me off.
157 pounds as per my scale like 10 seconds ago
>want to start working out so i'd look better but got no motivation
feels bad
Yea thats basically how I gained. Id have a snack bag of almonds and those Naked fruit drinks between meals.
((((citation needed))))
Winter gone bros :( who here wear long sleeves still :(
>gained 10 pounds over the last 4 months
>look exactly the same even in before and after pictures
P-progress right guys?
I'm living between two states right now so between the west coast and the south. Haha, likewise, robot.
she is not a fembot. you are not a robot. both of you go to /soc/ and live your pleasant little normie lives away from us please
Wanna be my bf robot hehe uwu
Stay back, I had my eyes on him first desu
I live in Florida so it gets tough, but I wear long sleeves all year long. Of course I have an office job, so it's easy to justify wearing long sleeves in July because "muh office requires it."
Alabama. Same... office job. Wear long sleeve button up...
>i-its cold in my office
>t-to cover up my tattoo
when i was 110 lbs i was flabby in the belly and had no muscles visible plus my arms were twigs, not even a minor bicep or tricep like OP
Pls be my gf
Am I good enough for you?
Dude how are you alive? You might wanna check that scale, could be giving false readings. I used to pass out all the time when I was like 145-150 and I'm 5'11. I'm 176 now and I'm pretty skinny
>fairly hairy legs and arms
you fine. be lucky your not fat asshole
105 5'7 I always wear hoodies or jackets so that people wont notice that my arms are twigs
post a pic for proof :^)
Sometimes I feel bad that I'm small, especially when I go to rock shows and get thrown around, but I really much rather have that, than be a fat fuck who can barely run up a hill, or cant sit properly on a seat.
>"I feel that I could break you user" *giggle*
>"eat a sandwich"
>"haha I can see your ribs"
>"your hands creep me out"
>fat people are naturally stronger than skeletons
I'd rather be fat than skinny. Not helping since I'm a manlet.
Pics of me. I don't understand how you guys are so smol. Its kinda hot tho
Atleast you arent 5'6 and 240lbs.
former skelly reporting in. weighed about 125-130lbs last year at 5'11"
fuck , sorry for equator posting.
how the fuck are you people not dead? Every single time I stood up I would get light headed and almost pass out when I was like 150, and it still happens a lot now. I'm not even that fit I just dont understand how you guys are so light
128 at 5'10" and still restrict my diet to sub-Saharan Africa levels. Don't get like this.
Good question, probably not density is it?
Closest I've been to death was at 107 lbs when I got sick with the flu and couldn't keep anything down. Getting sick is a good way to lose 13 lbs in over 2 weeks.
Seriously just eat amazing amounts of protein to put on that weight. Maybe not pic related but still good weight
I would lick your body christ
>Good question, probably not density is it?
I know muscle is a lot more dense than fat, and Im pretty strong and grew up doing a lot of sports, but im not super well defined or anything. Tbh I need to eat better, I eat a lot of carbs and sugar.
107 at 6'3 is just insane, like thats starving auschwitz prisoner tier.
anyone else go from understanding they're underweight to thinking they're a fat cunt multiple times a day?
I used to throw up everytime i looked in a mirror