I have a strong urge to kill

Anyone else here like me? Anyone who fantasizes about massacring normalfags and roasties for keks and fun?

My urge for wanting to spill some blood is strong. I don't care about other people. I only care about myself. Only myself. Never liked anyone on this world. I want to hurt people and enjoy it. While others fantasize about sex and love and all faggy crap, i fantazise about hunting people down and gouging their eyes out with a bayonet. I enjoy being hated and hating back. I thrive on pessism,negativity, and hatred. I just want to hurt others and laugh at their pain. Am i a "bad" person r9k?
>Ow the Edge!

I don't give a shit what you think about me. I am who i am and i can't and neither will i change

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just fucking do it friend. Just remember to target parasites and cockroaches only. Leave real people alone and focus on killing as many parasites as you can. You will be a fucking hero.

Wow! Me too! What are you plans? Who are you going to kill? Where? When? I want to know everything!

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Same tbqh. Just angry at the world I guess and becoming a full blown misanthrope

Track down a local cat or dog, get to killin'. Worked for me.

blahblahblah who gives a shit, just fucking stream it when you do it.

I remember feeling this way in middleschool. I was using hatred to cope with depression.

Now I'm too numb to feel that way.

What makes you feel that way?

aussie man set the bar high unless you stream it and blurt out memes and write a funny manifesto you wont even top it. if you try to emulate him you will just be called a fag copycat. dont even try it.

>Never liked anyone on this world
Not even your parents? At least one single day?
Do (you) mean NEETs? Do (you) want him to kill /our people/ ?

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Me too but I don't have the balls to do it yet. Though I don't know what's stopping me from going 5 days without sleep and shitloads of energy drinks, maybe impose some humiliation on myself on purpose, I heard that shit can make you go mad enough to kill

I have tortured and killed plenty of insects during my adolesence. Grew bored of it. I want something....bigger......

It's a natural human instinct.
Just go hunting and kill an animal

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No one. No one gives a shit about me. And why should i give a shit about others?

Just kill people who did nothing to you. Why do you do this. Is this what owning a gun does to your mind?

Animals are boring. Human prey is much satisfying

I constantly fantasize having superpowers to do it. My frail human robot self is not enough to do it.

Don't do it man. I know you are hurting, and I care. I'm not wealthy or anything so I can't go handing out miracles, but I promise hurting other can't solve the pain you are experiencing now.

yeah i mean "neets" that drain burger money.

there are plenty of parasites that pretend to be human. One of their distinguishing characteristics is huge hook nose and desire for money.

stop talking ffs jusr fucking do itttttrt

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Humans are just animals

I wish I was a lizard person with big claws so I could rip people to shreds and eat them

When Incels and virgins like Elliot Rodger, Dylann Roof,Randy Stair, Adam Lanza etc. etc. can kill others so can i. I can relate to spree killers so much. I am just like them

Then stop fucking talking about killing someone and actually do it lmfao.

It's in the nature of mammals, especially ape-likes to have strong connection to their biological parents
It's interesting, you say you didn't care about anyone
So are you a (((real person))) ?
Explain the formulation please

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Guns make it feel to much like a video game, if you guys had to kill with your hands you'd realize how messed up what you're doing is.

all this edge its physically makin me cringe fookin crikes m8

The only pain that exists right now is the pain of watching fine prey walking around me and i am not allowed to kill anyone. It's so damn frustrating. I wish i was larping but i am not. This is how i am as person. Just like pedophile is drawn to kids i am drawn to wanting to kill other people and enjoy it. I really wish it wasn't this way.

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I'd do with my bare hands. Probably dig into my victim's skin... But all just a dream... For now.

and people wonder why i want to remain a hikki and not go out into the outside world. You guys are sick and need to be lobotomized. You all have the oportunity to make the world a more beautiful place yet you actively chose to spread evil instead

Patience. All the good things arrive for those who wait

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Ok never mind, just don't do it. It won't make you happy. You'll just be another guy on the news and give the public more reason to treat people in similar circumstances badly

This world is shit. Society is shit. Humanity is shit. All people on this Earth needs to fucking die. This world needs to fucking burn

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that's very interesting go on......

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then why don't you start with yourself faggot. who gave you the right to be judge and jury you fucking narcissist

Nice try there. But no

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>being such a mad waige
why should an user who hates society even care about people who dont want to contribute to society?

Because i am the only sane person in this Clown World. Honk! Honk!

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Just don't kill innocents please. If you must, kill someone who killed unjustly.

sick motherfucker, originally tho

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Sounds like you need to get laid you sad little faggot. Also reported you to the feds, hope the party van does a wellness check on you before you chimp out.

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Fucking Speds. I don't even own any guns or have any plan to hurt anyone. I am just trolling for keks

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My God. You sound so much like me. It's just that my targets are not normalfags and roasties. But yeah, I understand the urge to do what you described.

Hehe. You're getting better and better, FBI. You'd almost think that it's a real case posting!

It would be pleasure to hunt down those hunters. Maybe not kids though.

For fucks sakes i am larping. I did enjoy triggering the faggots here thinking i would go apeshit. I neither have any weapons or any plan you stupid dumb retards. I am not going to kill anyone, but the reactions here are hilarious as fuck

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You're not a bad person you're just a bit edgy and have trouble expressing yourself. And if you truly didn't care what people think of you, you wouldn't be asking what people think of you. I hate a lot of people but I don't think I'd hate you. I feel more pity than anything else I guess.

OP here
No one is going to get hurt. I am messing with you faggots. I am bored and i have nothing better to do

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You nailed it. This is what has dawned to me lately too: WHY THE FUCK should I care about what my bullies and other fuckheads think about ME? If THEY do not care about me either, to the point of being able to bully and do all kinds of FUCKHEADED SHIT to me, such as judging and condemning me for NO REASON just to STRIKE ONE OF THEIR RIVALS, because I am an easy target for being socially rejected (for being sexually inactive and stuff). WHY should I care? There is NO FUCKING REASON why I should care about what they think about me or what I do, to even give a THOUGHT to me possibly having done something wrong. THEY DO NOT DESERVE IT.

I guess you were too retarded to be able to read the text in black, then. :)

Or then you're just got better and better in what you do, FBI. You really sound like one of us!

Are people here this fucking retarded?
I am Larping as a edgy school shooter/emo faggot. And you fags took the bait. This place is low iq as fuck. I swear this place is getting dumber and dumber every month that passes by

Is your name not important? Are you planning on blowing up a nuclear power plant?

I plan to end all life on earth by farting everyone to death. A new holocaust(sorry holohoax) is cumming

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kill some mudslimes for us thanks baby

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Just used your comment as a CHANCE TO SHARE my feelings about something. I give a fuck if it's a larp or not. But of course realizing that must be beyond your capabilities of comprehending things. Unless of course you're an elaborate inquiry poster: first you put up a post that sounds exactly like an r9k bait alluring people to use it as a chance to share their feelings even if it appears to be a bait, then as someone reveals it that you're an inquiry poster, you start yelling that you're a LARP, just a larp.

You have a shit taste in Anime Girls. KYS Faggot

It's all Larp baby.
>Hurr Durr! I am angry and i want to shoot up a school!
>I am so edgy and badass
I really have nothing better to do besides Larping today

>OP instantly backtracking when people started reporting him
fucking kek

What grade are you in and what state? When do you plan to do it?

>inb4 underage b&

OP here
Nothing is going to happen. Go to sleep

>It's in the nature of mammals, especially ape-likes to have strong connection to their biological parents. It's interesting, you say you didn't care about anyone
Hey, this is out of context, but did you know that apes can use the internet too?


>I swear this place is getting dumber and dumber every month that passes by

Maybe because you're here.

why do u think people hunt retard
itt edgy 16 year old

Wow, that porn add at the top right corner so reminds me of Elliot. I mean, that is what he wanted, to have sexual adventures during his spring vacation, in other words fuck like animals with other young people in that porn clip. But he never got to do it, BECAUSE HIS PEERS THOUGHT HE WAS RETARDED, because he could not be like them, to act, think or talk like they did. Humans are COMPLETELY AMAZING BEINGS aren't they? They EXCLUDE someone from fucking them like animals, just because they think that that someone is a retard for being inexplicably different, even if that someone went to Harvard at the age of 10. I mean, thinking that someone is retarded because of THAT, not fucking them like ANIMALS because of that. BAKA.

you thrive on attention and fantasize about being popular

Why does S and M and H become turned into B and A and K and A??? I do not even know what that means. Got to check.