Previous thread OD'd.
What you up to druggies?
/drugfeel/ RIP Dream Market Edition
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Smoking bud and eating pizza while shitposting on drugfeel and int
living the life nigga. currently on a diet of cigs and coffee till my tolerance goes back down significantly, just recently finished smoking a little over an oz in a couple weeks.
used to order dominos when I was getting high on weekends at my uni dorm shitposting on r9k all the time. took me months to lose the weight, now I don't even get munchies.
my name is john and i hate every single one of you, im on 300mg, a droswy sedative anti depressant. Yes you can get high
Off of it if you stay up long enough
2 or 3 hours then you feel relaxed.
Listening to lofi, this is my 4th or
5th time listening to it.
As you youngins say its chill
Neet waiting on a check
Diagnosed schizoaffective
Get injection every month of invega so in conclusion, im on invega, gabapentin ,trazadone, nicotine, cbd oil, caffeine
Wish i had weed
This is how i wanted to type
>6 months to 1 year before there is any decent new dark net market
what should we do until then?
Currently taking a week long T break from weed but gonna get to an 8 when i do it again
smoking amnesia haze and drinking warsteiner beer. stomach feels a bit strange so just concentrating on the droogs tonight.
mfw I kept putting off stocking up on stuff and now it's too late.
Sitting in my car at the convenience store chain-smoking bowls for hours watching traffic.listening to talkradio drinking ice coffee window cracked. Yeah dog
After daily smoking for two years weed doesn't really do much for me anymore besides making me tired and sleepy.
So currently subsisting on alcohol, speed and the occasional psychedelic. I used to be more into ketamine but meh.
I didn't do any psychedelics in a long time. I wanna try DMT but i have so much shit going on in my life rn im not sure it is the time.
One day.. i guess..
I have given up on dark net markets. Whenever I try to get tails to work on my PC my wifi adapter won't work and I can't connect to the internet, Ive even gone and bought one that supposedly works for linux and it still didn't work.
What are some good daily drugs/drugs you can use frequently? Weed sucks and I live with parents so can't even smoke it that often (and can't get too high now that I'm home from uni). Kratom barely even affects me but it's still somewhat useful for this purpose. And of course, with dream and now wallstreet gone, legal shit is all I can do. Any ideas?
I came across pink meth, lads. Snorted it through the weekend. What a fun drug, I can see why people get addicted.
>legal shit is all I can do
>daily drugs
You're fucked man, become an alcoholic or go home.
Not sure where you live but anything that has abuse potential is illegal. Maybe try research chemicals I guess, but they will often be not suited for daily use.
How would you say the effect is different from that of regular speed?
I'm thinking of getting my hands on it to try it sometime, but it's probably gonna be either meth or crack or regular coke for now.
I can't stand my life though so I need something I can do at least a few times a week
>become an alcoholic
4 more months until I turn 21, after that I'm probably just gonna drink myself to death
I wouldn't know, I consider myself an amphetamine connoisseur so I just do pharmacy amphetamine (and usually not recreationally), only snorted streetspeed once, and I don't plan on doing it again (probably same with this). I've got around .8 grams left, planning on maybe smoking it, but it's not shards it's sort of like rocky powder, but I'll just throw it in an oil burner and see where it goes from there.
tried huffing gas again for the first time since i was 14, how worried should i be about putting holes in my brain?
>Open bag containing 2g of weed
>Whole fucking apartment smell of weed
Excuse me what the fuck
Currently the only speed I have access to is street-grade but it's decent quality, not completely cut to shit. It helps that I live in a country that's notorious for its high-quality speed.
I've got some pharmacy amphetamines as well but that's slow release tablets so I don't use those recreationally.
Whats the problem?
Will mummy spank you for smoking the wacky tobbacy?
I don't like that fucking smell senpai
Anyone else here eating more edibles than they used to? I've smoked weed every day for such a long time now it's lost its magic, but somehow a good weedcake still does it for me.
>that feeling of getting too high on weed and everything becomes way too bizarre but not to the point of getting paranoia and shakiness
It took me a relatively long time to write this post.
what are some /vampire core/ drugs?
Bath salt / pcp
How does drug induced depersonalization feel like?
Just do Kratom. It is cheap legal and good for psychosis
You dont need it to buy shit
What do you mean? oreganananao
Pretty good, except if it keeps going after the drugs wear off
Weed newfag here. Been smoking for about a month now. Just scraped all of this from the bottom of my grinder. How is it called and how do I smoke it?
put it in a blunt and smoke it
or pack a bong hit
that's keef new fren, i recommend topping a bowl off with it, get ready to get slapped
Mix it with some tobacco and put it in a joint.
lsd is the choice psychedelic for vampires, you can take one tab and stay up all night tripping
If you do it more than once or twice, you are doing real damage to your brain (and other organs). lmao I thought huffing gas was a joke like Jenkem.
One hitters are perfect for keef, I'd recommend getting one for whatever amount under 5 dollars. I remember i had enough keef for 1 full hit and it blasted me for 30min during an LSD trip. When you smoke on a trip the patterns just start popping out of the floors and it's pretty fascinating.
Dxm 100% since the visuals only creep out when you're in complete darkness.
I am trying out empire now that dream is gone
I will report my findings when the time comes
LOL don't smoke it out of a bong... I'm a regular smoker (say 5-10+ bong hits per day) one time I packed the bowl fat with this stuff... but it was pure golden powder (the shit that collects at the lowest shelf of your grinder)...
One deep hit and I went INSANE.. felt like a psychotic breakdown... couldn't walk or talk right for an hour...
Stoned, drinking rum and cokes and waiting for it to be like 11 so the landlord goes to bed and I can smoke a fuck ton more weed. I'm a Canuck so I have the strong legal stuff.
guiez, I was an idiot over the weekend and took two doses from a bottle of robocough with only a 3 days of cool down, the last time after drinking a shot of tequila. Got some major heat sweats a half hour later and ended up with what appeared to be bloody stool the night after. How badly did I fuck up? I'm I ded?
It's called keef
it gets you high as fuck but it burns really hot so it's pretty harsh if you're new to smoking
but throw it on a bowl or put it all in a joint and you'll be blasted. I always put my keef in my dry herb vape
why dont you guys do fun drugs like dph?
Weed made me cum
i didn't touch my dick and i ejaculated
i had like a dry orgasm for like 30 minutes after
i was also on phenibut
Has this happened to anyone here?
Only after a fat meth shot
If there was red blood in your stool you should go to the doctor
Trying to make firecrackers now, not sure if I'm cooking the bud too long or too short or too hot or what but they don't hit like they used to.
was it comfy?
i was super comfy
Guys, I fucking took a Valium and holy shit does this dumb you down. I feel really really slow and I can't remember straight. I'm calm and feeling good for sure, but this shit just makes you fucking retarded
>cannabis is legal now
>Smoke less than ever before
that was supposed to be the part where you give me shit for being a lightweight, not justify my fears. I mean, it seemed to have only been an isolated incident anyway, it's totally not something life threatening, r-right?
Nightshades bra, 4 day trips
I'm not sure, but I heard fresh blood in stool is not good. Just go to the doctor. I dont think the DXM would cause it. Ive mixed alcohol and dxm many times.
It may be nothing, but it could be intestinal bleeding so just go get checked out
anyone else get creeped out by long lasting antipsychotic injections
>had nothing so had to resort to using nicotine
>burnt coil on vape and have no replacements so now I have nothing
I guess I'll pick up some snus tomorrow or something
just got a fresh new carty. feeling pretty good lads
>smoke a bowl
>barely feel anything, like 3/10
>fades away completely in an hour
okay so I'm doing 600mg of dxm and some bowls with kief what am I in for?
user take a break for a few weeks
opium. classic style. pipe and all
pictures of opium dens always look so cool
So I think I might have some sort of insensitivity to opioids considering they hardly do anything for me even at doses like 30mg oxy, so would it be a bad idea to do even higher doses? What's the upper limit of safe?
i've taken ket up to 150mg and barely got any visuals
where do you get DXM not mixed with other meds in EU? preferably solid not in some dilute syrup
I just got an email that confirmed my 4-AcO-DMT order which I will use for "science" purposes. I was going to take around 10/20mg. This would be my first psychedelics experience and I don't have a trip sitter. How do I make sure I don't fuck up
get a trip sitter
about to smoke the very last of my weed, got enough for about half a bowl
i dont think my tolerance is the problem but im gonna be pissed if im not high after this
you don't need a tripsitter
use if you do actually end up freaking out or something but don't worry about it, you'll be fine
find some good psych music off of /mu/ to listen to
whatever happens im with you user
this is me except with 85% thc concentrates
im baked lads
and i only used a quarter bowl, evens and i order mcdonalds
I liked how you typed that out, it's a nice change of pace :)
God fucking damn, I'm just doing all the drugs now.
>nah man I'm totally going to be responsible
>wow this is fun
>maybe just a little more
603 here, Manchester area. Who can help a robot out?
Is it possible to get fucked up if you're fat? I've gained lots of weight recently due to giving up, and no matter how much I drink or smoke I'll just feel sober and tired.
What would happen if i played this while tripping?
>tfw ive done cocaine, LSD, shrooms, DMT, MDMA, xanax, oxys, tramadol, barbituates, 25i-nBOMe, meth, tons of adderall/vyvanse/concerta, etc. and probably other shit i dont remember all before i was 20
>been sober for few years now
>adult with a career and shit
I kinda wanna try smoking weed again but I wouldn't even know where to get it anymore. Might have to ask one of the black ppl in the gym locker room that smell dank.
youll probably retake constantinople before you come down
Eat edibles
The deepweb is good, Dream and Wall St are fucked but Empire is still up ta the moment. I usually order from a vendor on his site: namastehtkkctyoa.onion
I've tested his LSD, 2CB, MDMA and ketamine personally so they are legit and he sells at wholesale prices. You can find him on Empire Market too under the same name, it'll take like 2-3 weeks for it to arrive though because he's from the netherlands. You can buy bitcoin from Coinbase, localbitcoin, etc not too hard
you dont need darkweb to buy weed online
Heroin time! But not getting blasted because I am nearly out so need to ration until I get more
Please comment on my hilarious thread guys
Addy ganger reporting in
Currently going on about 42 hours without sleep
I've only been going on it since yesterday afternoon, but that was after 4 hours of sleep the night before. Currently in lucid zombification mode.
I'll probably hit a second wind come dawn.
is it a must to preserve my weed? i've just been leaving them in the baggies i got them in and they get all dry and dusty after a week, does it lose potency?
>dream ded
>wall st fled
don't even use drugs, but how am i going to feel cool and special about knowing naughty websites now?
Hey lad I had the exact same thing and got the panda adapter for WiFi now works like a charm
I'm getting some mild auditory hallucinations (like a really faint crowd of people mumbling gibberish) and am seeing some small bugs fly around in my room. I kind of want to pop more Adderall so I can explore these hallucinations more, but I've already nuked my tolerance enough with this latest binge and also I don't have any sedatives for the comedown
Oh well, I guess I should just lay in the darkness while experiencing some mild hallucinations until my body will eventually let me sleep. Goodnight user
how long till these are good to go bros?, first time grower here.
Will DXM ever be controlled in our lifetime? i fuckin hope not
I'm currently stoned as fuck. My new dab rig came in the mail today and I am super excited for it and did like 2 grams of shatter out of it already.
I had a great 4/20 and I've just been having a great time lately.
Have some awesome new stoner rock
Going to vibe on some codeine in an hour or so, watch some cs go. I fucking love this drug.
Took some yesterday after an hiatus of months = no tolerance. I will probably do it a couple days more (tomorrow, maybe day after that) and then stop again.
None of that promethazine syrup shit btw, pure codeine.
I like the little flashes of light. They're my buddies. But once the voices start is when it's time chill out. I kind of enjoy the first stages of comedown.Waking up after the first sleep is when the real horrors of dopamine depletion manifest.
Good luck user, congrats on your fruitful binge and here's to the next one!