/Wagie/ - Wagecuck General

Just got off work. How was your day?

Where do you guys work and what do you do?

I'm a bartender for that serves drinks to tourist in the daytime at a beach resort. I fucking hate it

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working at fucking McDonalds
have 4 days off starting from tomorrow which is nice
going to watch Star Trek all day, all night

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I like to meet with twinks on Grindr in common wagecuck bathrooms and get sucked off

McDonalds is a place I frequent lol

You sheep! You cattle! You literal dog!
How does it feel to be sucking the cock of the unemployed?!!!

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Working at Domino's while I get my trade certs (welder). They pay fuckin' peanuts but hey at least I'm paying for my expenses while living out with roommates and not being a drag to my family.

what kind of people eat dominos

In my country if you don't work you die from the starvation

Work at a full service gas station, so I just put gas in cars all day. Make pretty stupid tips, especially considering that it's the most mindless, stress-free, low-effort job I've ever had. Wages + tips averages out to about $16-18/hr. It gets me outside and moving to some degree, plus customer service has helped me get over some of my social anxiety. It's a pretty good gig for a recovering hikikomori like me.

Dominos aren't that bad, I actually enjoy their pan pizzas.

Work at Best Buy
Get yelled at by Old People bc they cant use quickbooks 2019 on their Windows XP toshiba laptop
6/10 day. At least I get paid good

>got fired yesterday from Wendys after two months working, for general slowness, fucking up orders too many times, and generally being a sour son of a bitch.

My mom barely stopped screaming at me all day and basically won't leave me alone until I start filling out applications at other places. Looks like I don't even get a day's peace.

I work the graveyard shift at a gas station. About to go to sleep for a few hours then head in around midnight. The work itself can be ridiculous. I have to do the regular cashier duties, I have to do janitor duties of cleaning bathrooms, floors, equipment, etc. I have to do cook duties of making food and coffee, and I have to do warehouse duties of checking in merchandise and stocking boxes and shit. I'm basically doing 4-5 different jobs at once all for minimum wage and I only have one other coworker on the shift to help me. Its the most strenuous minimum wage job I've ever had, there is no downtime. The one upside is that the coworker who works the graveyard shift with me is a literal 9/10 beautiful petite blonde girl who looks like Amber Heard. I have no idea why she works this shit tier job, she could easily make 100x more money by being a model, cam girl, or marrying a rich guy.

We both work at a gas station but yours sounds way better than mine

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Regional bank at a call centre. Nothing fancy just helping people reset their passwords and answering basic questions.

I have a Masters in Economics and get paid minimum wage with the expectation of daily unpaid overtime. It really sucks and it does hurt seeing all my peers getting paid 2x what I get paid in interesting jobs. I legitimately feel like I have intellectually reverted back to my 14-16 yr old self, I have gotten so much dumber due to the repetition and boring nature of the work day in day out.

As bad as it is it just makes the weekends all that sweeter, you really do cherish what you have. That feeling of coming off work on a Friday is unironcially the best thing going in my life right now.

>phonecall wakes me up
>hide under blanket and keep saying "no" until it ends
>receive voicemail
>it's an invite to a job interview
>still haven't called them back

I feel so fucked up why is a phonecall so hard?

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you should talk to her and find out her story, be blunt and just ask wtf she's doing there. could be amusing

I work at a grocery store basically being a babysitter for overgrown children have a few interviews at noon wagecuck places hopefully something works out

Have any anons here ever worked at a movie theatre? What is it like and what did you need to get that job?

Mine was ok, I'm a file clerk for a disabilities office. Gotta wait 30+ minutes to pick my mom up.

Really surprises me how bad with technology old people can be. Gives me hope I'll have job security for the short term

Nice country lol

im wagekekkin it at in n out burgers. getting paid like 16 a hour. first job i ever had. i start in like 3 days. what should i expect?

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I work for parks and rec in a place in the us that has a big parks and rec budget. union, good pay, good benefits.

day was alright. some dickhead shot up meth or fentanyl like 5 feet from a playground though and that pissed me off. had to walk away and call the cops to keep my job though.

I'm an automatican on a coking plant. Best job i've ever had. After working my ass off in factories and other labor camps, i've got myself a steady job, where if nothing gets broken, i can play video games on my laptop till the shift ends. It sometimes is dangerous as fuck, but since I don't care if i die, im cool with it.

How does it feel to be a literal leach relying off of the people you mock for having jobs? I hope welfare gets cut off to people who refuse to get jobs. Take a shower and get a job you fat ugly unwashed faggot.

Dude In and Out is one of the best fucking jobs you can have. Good job on getting it.

Yeah IT sucks but Best Buy/Gedek Squad is a good place to start desu.

what do you mean one of the best jobs? is it hard to actually get a job at it? i watched the videos to learn how to be an associate after they hired me. two days of videos and i havent actually worked yet.

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How do you guys pack lunch?
i work in a warehouse.

i wake up at 5am make spagetti and thats what i eat at work.

t. 18 year old thats having depersonalization

>chad bartenders working at fancy seaside resorts are now posting in wagecuck generals making pretend to hate their jobs
Jow Forums 2019 ladies and gentlemen

Why do you need to call them, if you've already been invited?

>apply to Target
>literal brain dead cashier job
>Manager says and I quote "You aren't Target material"
>2 years later finish college in comp sci take starter job for 80k probably make more than him
>that Target is closing now

I wonder what the fuck he meant and what I fucked up?

CS in two years? Must be from a CC then right? You're making 80k out of the gate with a CS diploma?

Considering your compsci degree and the fact that you're on Jow Forums, you probably came off as spergy and/or socially maladjusted in the interview. Brain dead cashier jobs take a certain amount of people skills, which even dumb normies have.

>t. 18 year old thats having depersonalization

that's pretty bad dude, you shouldn't be having this until at least your mid-20s

No. I already had 2 years done in my bachelors. Wanted some job to help pay bills at the time. After that I said fuck it and continued going jobless.


I started work doing a bunch of A/V installation a few months ago. It's okay but the fucking days are like 12 hours sometimes and there's nothing I can do about it. Sometimes I get to hang out in really nice, newly built, rich people's houses all day and it just makes me feel more inadequate when I come home to my cookie cutter two bedroom house that was built 25 years ago.

They asked me to call back to confirm if I wanted it (I imagine they will give me specific time and place then)

I just had another phone call regarding a different job I applied for and I botched it. I'm going to die unemployed and the pathetic thing is that I'm actually trying.

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Nig zookeeper. I don't want to ID myself so I won't give too much detail but the average reading level is 6th grade, with a fairly wide standard deviation.

I teach high school chemistry.

Same exact situation here man
>doing CS degree
>Can't land an internship (tried very hard)
>applied to hundreds of shit jobs like restaurants, retail, food service etc
>constantly told I don't have enough experience even though ive been a successful customer service agent for a really nice club in Las Vegas for multiple years
>Still cant get shit for a job
>end up bagging groceries
>immediately start at 65k in a low CoL area

If you're a bar tender then maybe you should use this picture instead

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Do you know how to synthesize psychedelics drugs if given the tools and instructions?

Would you have sex with any fellow teachers?

It's not really a bar. It's just a beach hut and I have to wear this dumb Hawaiin floral shirt.

If you're in school, don't bother putting that stuff on a resume. Employers will see it and assume that you plan on leaving whenever it is convenient for you and likely not bother investing time into training you. If you're as autistic as I am, you think that putting that you go to school for physics (or any other stem) on your resume for a shitty minwage job is cool and makes you stand out and super employable, but I assure you that it does not.

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I used a personal day today because they scheduled me to another double back. Got home at almost midnight and they wanted me to come in at 7am? Fuck that.

What's the weirdest name you've come across?

I bake bread for a major supermarket
Not the worse wagie job out there considering your coworkers are mostly autistic or some sort of strange as well to be starting so early
Most mornings are silent because people are tired.
Lots of work RP drama that makes me want to bang my head into the wall though. Anyone else got those coworkers who are just seriously way too into it?

>with a fairly wide standard deviation.

what's the worst you've encountered, and how numerous are the low levels. Jyust asking because I had some dudes in my high school classes who could legit barely read, but you should have more and more interesting stories here lol

I'm also a bartender, but I work at a upscale bar where all the customers are rich af, but still act like broke trash faggots. I hate my job, but this is the only thing I'm good at. I failed college, so I can't go back. I thought about jumping on the IT cert train and just hope that I can get a basic job.

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Do all my meal prep on Sundays. Takes a few hours to get it done, but it's better than getting up early everyday just to pack lunch.

I was thinking of doing this if I cant find anything after I graduate this may. Most bartender I've spoken to say it's good pay, but you give up all your nights and have to deal with drunk people often. How did you start off? Working as a bar back, or how did you end up doing that?

No and no.
Actually, if given the instructions, probably yes. But anyone with a >100 IQ and a basic understanding of lab equipment/safety can do that.

Honestly I'm not too bothered about the names, I think they're kind of cool and unique in a way. I just wish my students were smarter.

There's multiples who read at pre-k levels. I try not to pry to much into it since I'm not an English teacher or anything, but it certainly makes it hard to get them to follow along with labs where the instructions are written. Most of them act like they just don't want to work, which is probably also true, but I think it is also a facade to hide their difficulties comprehending the material. I will say that basically all of them can read phonetically, in other words they can pronounce words on a page. But their struggle is with comprehending high school level texts- if you asked them to summarize the ideas of what they just read, a lot of them would be lost.

Lol pre-k sounds terrible, but overall your post doesn't make the situation sound that bad. My english teacher in hs would pick random students to read pages from either Lord of the Flies or the Great Gatsby, I forget which. Anyways, we had kids who fucking broke down and couldn't string together a sentence, stumbled over words like bloated, sensuously, semicircle after multiple attempts at each one - would take 5-10 minutes to get through a page. One big nig with a coconut head on the football team called Jamal couldn't read the word "grandmother," I was in my guidance counselor's office later that year waiting patiently while she was on the phone with some american discussing him getting an offer to go play for Penn State down in the US. He got into university. Ridiculous

Anyways, why not move to a whiter area/school?

NEET rolling in a kek bread

I work for the Fed gov. It is a gravy train in terms of work to pay ratio. But there is a huge stigma of being a civil servant. Most people think I'm a dummy because my coworkers are too

rollin 88

Yeah, it doesn't sound as bad as your experience. Like I said, most of them can at least sound it out.
>Anyways, why not move to a whiter area/school?
I probably will, it's only my first year teaching.



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It's because of diversity hires user, and because government is very inefficient and bureaucratic. Basically just stigma and guilt by association.
My mother is a teacher; I'm glad she isn't a drunk. Be careful out there.

I manage a store that sells comics and other various media like collectibles, music, card games, etc.. It's not too bad and is a nice company to work for since it's local yet well known throughout the region, plus I get full time, decent pay for my area, and the company has good benefits. However lately it's been stressing me the fuck out. I think it's because I manage the place and work a lot more hours than before. It was a ton more fun when I just worked part time and got to chill and not worry about if my employees are actually working and not fucking around chatting it up behind the register. Now I'm expected to merch the place and quality check our used product (we buy back vinyl records and other various media) which is so mindnumbingly boring. On top of that I have to deal with the occasional asshole junkie giving me shit about how I can't buy back their shitty scratched up Disturbed CDs so they can get that extra five dollars they need to score their next fix.

Maybe being a manager isn't for me.

tl;dr don't become a manager.

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I started off as a dishwasher. I then moved up to waiter, then barback and now I'm a bartender. Yeah the pay is ok on some nights. I'm just tired of working here. I've been here for 7 years now. I have thought about leaving, but if I do leave, the only job I can get are restaurant jobs. I'm only 26, but this job has done its damage on me. I feel like I'm slowly becoming an alcoholic.

I service big rigs, gas, def, coolant, wash, park or drive them to the shop. Occasionally run parts for the mechanics.

Handyman business, I fix various seasonal things. Summer time it's mainly sprinklers / irrigation repair. Charge clients per job, or my base rate of $50. Average about $300 a day, 6 days a week in season.

I'm working part time at my university cafeteria. It is boring, but I can't complain too much.

>manager at gamestop
>making less than 10 dollars an hour

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Where in hell do you work? Is that minimum wage, and if so, why don't you get paid more than the average employee?

Minimum wage in my state is 8.55, and I make 9.60. It's getting upped to 10 in july at least, so hopefully I'll be making 11.05 at least or I'm quitting.

What the fuck. I'm a part-time programmer and I'm getting $15/h in a pretty big city. How is fast food paying that well? Are you like a manager or something?

Naw. In-n-out pays well

in a way, he wasn't wrong at all, and predicted your future

Just dropping in to say hey.

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There is many opportunities to move up in the company and do different tiers. The money goes up usually $1 or more for whatever tier you level up as. Many people make bank working at In and Out. 16 per hour is very good for first job especially if you are in California where its rare to find a first job that pays past 13/hr.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa oooooohhh wow damn thats funny. wow. You got fucking cucked my dude. if i were you id quit immediately and find another job. if you are doing actual programming for a company and not just revisions you should be making twice that starting off

I work at a major tourist attraction in Ontario. Working there made me a racist.

mortgage loan underwriter. I live a very "meh" existence.

I just got home from my job as a bartender at a local mexican chain restaurant. My day was pretty slow but I still made good money

Ive been there 7 years now but Im making around $800-$1000/wk in cash working 4 days a week
I know its not super amazing and Id like to go to school and start a real career but the work is generally pretty easy and makes me enough money to stay content in life

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>put in 15-20 applications over a week ago
>not a single email or phone call

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i worked at a gas station and did all that. its not that fucking hard. only problem is its highway robbery how little they pay you (even when they dont try to skeet your check)


I made >$30 an hour starting out years ago.

it takes like 100 apps to get an interview and 3 or 4 interviews to get a job in my experience

It depends on the place. My first programming job paid only a little better than his but it was no experience required and provided on the job training. They made their money back off the low wages the new hires were paid, basically.

That was years ago though, I currently am salaried at 90k/y. It's still not the highest salary a person with no CS degree could command with 4 years experience programming, but I really like the location and I'm comfortable here. I'd have to get a really good offer to move.

For anyone trying to find a job: look into IT jobs if possible. They're fairly easy if you can remain calm when people are freaking out about things being broken. If you're knowledgeable enough to know how to install programs and can navigate your way through Windows doing simple stuff like uninstalling programs, changing display setups for dual screen workstations, and now how to image/swap out basic hardware you can likely get a job.

Try contacting recruiting companies and temp agencies. You might not make as much, but the company will do a lot of the searching for you and generally want to keep you happy at your job since you're passive income for them. If you have a problem with the job they get you they will work with you to find a new one (assuming its a reasonable complaint).

Customer-facing jobs are generally good to have on your resume assuming you didn't get fired from those jobs. They show employers that you can speak to people without being autistic.

If you're still in college and working on general ed, haven't started your major, or are just beginning credits for your major make sure to talk professors in your department along with the academic counselors. The counselors have to know general credit requirements for each major, but the professors will know the specifics for that major and can help you guide you towards whatever job you're trying to get into. It also helps to build a rapport with your professors; a letter of recommendation from a higher up professor will really help on job applications (especially if you don't have much job experience) and a professor might have connections that can get you into either a nice internship or entry level position.

Post your application without any personal info. Lots of companies use programs to screen applications before actually looking at them. Certain things will get your application trashed before it's looked at by a human because the program can't parse your resume.

Check if there are any staffing agencies in your area for warehouse or something

Working at a full serve station has made me get over my fear of talking to people, but also terrified of the world.

I fix printers, fun at first but now it's fucking boring and the company I work for doesn't appreciate it's employees etc etc same spiel any wagecuck knows about.

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He was saving you, user. He didn't want you to suffer in retail hell when he could see you were meant for better things.

He clearly meant you were an overqualified genius.

Huge thing of chicken n rice and veggies on sundays, makes 5 lunches easy plus some dinners. Isn't even hard to make. You can eat it cold or microwave it, I've done both. I'm not picky and don't mind eating the same thing 5 days a week for lunch.

I do customer service for Costco.com. It's a fucking hell hole. I hate it. I hate dealing with entitled rich people mad because their damned stove didn't arrive on time.

Nah fuck IT help desk work.
t. worked it for about a year

I work at a movie theatre, Avengers has been KILLING us for the last four days, just got off shift.

Rolling in shit

I had orientation for a new call center job and everyone was just talking about marvel shit and Game of Thrones the whole time. Is this office job life? I got drained just being around normies, what the fuck?

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Huh, I knew a guy who used to bake bread for ASDA. He said that everyone in the bakery was legit autistic as well. Had some really funny stories. Now I think about it, whenever I get fresh bread from a supermarket bakery 90% of the time the bakers look like trolls.

Is baking a time honored tard tradition?

What call center user? I work at one and we had orientation today for a new group of employees.

One in South Texas...

Oh, okay, nowhere near me.

Don't get me all excited like that user, I rarely meet people who go on Jow Forums

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Fell for the college meme but did ok. Now I have an underpaid lab job at a shitty company where nobody knows what theyre doing and its honestly soul sucking. Considering learning a trade and getting a more manual job but my family would probably say that would be a waste of my intelligence. But what does it matter as long as I do something that doesnt wanna make me an hero?

Sorry user, it was just an odd thing to see. I just got home from my call center job. What's your company called, and what are you working on?

I ain't gonna dox myself but I'm gonna be doing troubleshooting for a tv provider.

What department? I recently got an offer from the DOE