2 minutes till my 20th birthday

2 minutes till my 20th birthday

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happy birthday dog i hope you arent still on this shit website for your next birthday

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thx you user

i am not shure where time brings me
currently i am a loser

Happy birthday you crazy user

happy birthday fren, I hope you got yourself a cake.

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Happy happy happy ........ birthday
So happy yay

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20 minutes till my 2nd birthday


thx you user

i hope so too
no idea what i will do

Maybe get yourself a cake and do something you've been wanting to do for a while, or something that you otherwise enjoy. In the meantime, i toast my water to you :)

Happyli Birthdili neighborino!

Happy Birthday OP. I was just in the last thread. I turn 20 in about 7 hours. Hope you're doing ok fella

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Happy birthday user!!

Happy birthday hitler dubs user. Anything you want to achieve during the coming year of your life?

Geburtstagswunsche user!

It's 6 in the afternoon you mongs

It's my birthday too user! I'm 18 now!

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Happy bday user, i hope you have a great day!

thx for alle happy birthday in this thread

and happy birthday for all user who to have birthday too

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Happy birthday! Enjoy it!

Are we all invited to the party?

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you're in western europe then probably. What, France, Belgium or Holland?

It doesn't get better, in fact it's all very downhill from here.

Happy birthday, sunshine!

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You are so adorable! Be my friend!

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