Anal stimulation in straight men

>Anal stimulation in straight men

Gay or not gay anons?

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very fucking gay

Straight if you have zero feelings towards wanting to be a dick or wanting to smash a man.

There is no such thing as straight or gay, everyone is bi

Even chads?

I'd like to be smashed by girl or fingered while getting a bj

One of those is gay and the other isn't

even if its a girl delivering in both cases?

when you think about it, what we call gay sex isn't necessarily "gay". the action a man putting his dick in another man's butt is only called that because mostly gay people do it, but that doesn't mean you're gay for just doing it. a straight woman pegging a straight man's butt is an act between a man and a woman, it's literally impossible for that to be a "gay" act

>not wanting to be a dick

Especially chads

Yes, that's why they're so angry, they're bi but anything that isn't straight and macho is frowned upon.

this makes sense actually, thanks for the clarity

The strongest orgasms i've ever had have always been with anal stimulation, but only every played back there by myself.
Im straight and like only do anything like it once a month, maybe less, but have always fantasized in having a girl do it to me.
But its just something to gentle and delicate, not like a girls vagina, you have to take so much more time with it.

Idk anons
never told my gf and not sure ill ever talk about it with her

can confirm
i started my ``sexual life`` masturbating to lesbian porn,but by spending time on this shithole of a site i developed a trap/femboy fetish and now a day i cant even cum unless i jack it to women with cocks

Not everyone is attracted to both genders

yes. being a symbolic women is gay

>the action a man putting his dick in another man's butt is only called that because mostly gay people do it, but that doesn't mean you're gay for just doing it

Femanon here-

My ex-boyfriend looved anal stimulation, particularly pegging or vibrating buttplugs during PiV sex. It's completely normal for guys to like having their prostates tickled, it's legitimately a male g-spot. Why deprive yourselves of newfound orgasmic euphoria out of fear of it 'being gay'?

Gay guys like anal, but not everyone who likes anal is gay.

That's like saying "I don't eat because obese people like to eat and I'm not obese!"


5 shekels have been deposited to your account orignfbnfly

Not gay. If it exists why not use it?

This. Do you think that a gay guy would want to be penetrated by a girl? Its only gay if you want a guy to do it.

>Femanon here
Stopped reading after that shit

i am not remotely attracted to men and would never consider a man sexually

You are potentially capable of it though. Like how people learn to like food or music after they finally open their mind up to it.

This reads like something straight from reddit

but if im not even interested in doing it, im not anything but straight

that is like calling me a drug addict because i could get addicted to meth if i took it

This reads like something gay from reddit

>afraid of sucking a dick because you'll be literally addicted to it

There's no such thing as gay or bi, it's a fetish. Everyone is straight.

It's homophobic to care.

you would enjoy drugs if you took them. its not about addiction.

>Anal Stimulation
>straight man
weird way of saying rape

I genuinely don't get how someone can enjoy sucking dicks that much, and I've sucked at least 20 different dicks in my life. I get no sexual pleasure from it, it's like having a warm cucumber in your mouth going in and out. I do it for their pleasure only and usually I just try to get it over with. Rave reviews though so I must be doing something right

He actually made a good point but you're still trying to interpret it the wrong way. Really shows how you want to make people believe they're bi/insecure

I like fucking girls and I like playing with my ass
I dunno user

I don't find the male form attractive though

How does one take it in the ass without being the submissive? Thats the real question.

There is nothing gay about stimulating your anus, or a woman stimulating your anus. Calling it gay is like calling masturbation gay because you're touching a dick, or calling blowjobs gay because mouth-to-dick is what the gays do. Here's a simple way to tell if something is gay or not: does it involve another man? If so, it's gay. If not, it's not gay. A girl fingering your ass does not involve another man. Therefore, not gay.

Literal closeted homosexuals. No comfortably straight man gives a shit about anal stimulation being "gay"

>he's never heard of a power bottom

Attached: 44fba36b2b7ebaa11284f626564ad6c6--its-always-sunny-its-always.jpg (500x372, 23K)

>power bottom
Dominantly submitting is still submitting.

Sauce on that vid OP

OP pls provide the sauce

>gf wants to peg me
>Only real hangup is that she's easily excitable and willing to tell everyone she (by which I mean I) know about it first chance she gets

Shut it down NOW... one time I allowed my girlfriend to finger my ass while giving me a blowjob.... we were both high on meth and next thing she asks if she could put make up on me....

She was giggling like a little girl but acting mischievous I knew she was serious... I looked at her like WTF...

It's gay as fuck but it feels really good.
I used my dildo for the first time in about 6/7 months the otherday, forgot why I stopped using it.
It does feel great.
It's fucking gay though.

>Gay guys like anal, but not everyone who likes anal is gay.
This is true, but many women will disagree with this and I can't risk ruining my chances because of buttsex.

Why? You want to masturbate to other people having sex, like a cuck?

straight but very very originally

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What is a guy considered "gay"? I enjoy watching videos of girls getting fire-hosed by dicks, usually the explosive cumshot videos, and I'm not gay. I'm very much straight.

It may not technically be gay but it makes you the bitch. Never be the bitch for a woman. She will never respect you.

Who cares what others think of you? You got a pegging gf. Thats all that matters

>it makes you the bitch
No it doesn't. A woman giving you sexual pleasure somehow makes you the bitch? Explain the logic to me.

this is the real problem. While I'm not against prostate stimulation, I'm not submissive

If your asshole getting stretched, youre a bitch

Absolutely this
When women know that they can literally fuck you in the ass, they will absolutely do it in the figurative sense.

I do not want to lose fecal continence, develop hemorrhoids, t be the botch in the relationship. I would have my prostate remove, but that would mean that I would lose all urinary continence. I would rather not piss myself.

Why does having your anus stretched make you a bitch? Again, how does a woman performing a sexual act on you for your sexual pleasure make you the bitch?

Because women are not supposed to be the top. You are letting somebody literally duck you in the ass. Every culture considers that submissive. It is even worse when a woman does it to you, because you become even lesser than her. Getting your asshole stretched is just the physical consequence. You are not a bitch, are you?

>lose fecal continence
This does not happen with ordinary anal play. This is only an issue if you really abuse your asshole like a porn star.
>develop hemorrhoids
Better avoid sitting in hard chairs, being on the toilet for more than two minutes at a time, poor diets, growing old, etc. You probably already have them, 75% of people get them at some point. And again if you don't abuse your asshole like a porn star, it is less likely to happen.
>be the botch in the relationship
Ass play will not make you "the bitch". You sound ridiculous.

I must also add that i am religious. It would be an abomination for me to participate in such an act. Thankfully, most women are not into it.
Point is, I want nothing in my ass.

>Because women are not supposed to be the top
In vaginal intercourse for the purpose of procreation, yeah. We're talking about kinks though.
>Every culture considers that submissive
Every culture also believe in magic people in the sky. Have you ever considered thinking for yourself instead of defaulting to what everyone else thinks?
>It is even worse when a woman does it to you, because you become even lesser than her.
I know this is Jow Forums but come on now. You can't seriously be this misogynistic.

>I must also add that i am religious. It would be an abomination for me to participate in such an act.
thanks for the laugh friendo

>I know this is Jow Forums but come on now. You can't seriously be this misogynistic.
Even normalfags think that way. Do you honestly think female hating robots wouldn't?

>every culture
I refuse to trust what I think, and I refuse to trust others
>come on now
I detest women, and would rather continue on with my life without their presence.

the problem is that the woman is going to take it as an act of strong submissiveness. She'll start to treat you as submissive in other areas, until your relationship with her is completely unbalanced with her as fully dominant, at which point she'll have lost all respect for you. A relationship is not meant to be perfectly equal, men and woman are different. If you go down that route, she will not be loyal.

Speak for yourself faggot. For a decade+ I've only watched lesbian porn and even passable traps deserve the gas chamber

>She'll start to treat you as submissive in other areas
If this happens, then 1) she's a bitch and you're better off without her, 2) you're already a gigantic doormat anyway, and your relationship would go in this direction eventually anyway.
None of this is related in any way to getting your ass fucked.

Women do not make the disctinction. They crave power even more than we do. You should never permit a woman to have dominance over you in any way. At least one other person in this threat agrees with me.

you're a virgin I bet

Who gives a shit? It feels good.

The person being penetrated is in a controlled/vulnerable position. This is basic animal psychology. Look at dogs. Dogs mount as a display of dominance.