Hello friends, I've just turned 18...

Hello friends, I've just turned 18, I can browse the 4channel legally now! I hope I'll have a lot of fun with you guys! ^-^

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Kill yourself nigger we don't want you here

It's just a bunch of nerds arguing for fun and getting angry. Put your time in literally any other online community if you haven't made it a habit of coming here often. At least there you'll be part of an actual community.

ok faggot retard

>actually obeying age restrictions
square. laaame

I know this is fake but still, welcome and I hope you have a lot of fun. Ignore the mean comments, people are a bit rude.

Have a nice birthday lad

It's not fake, I was just being a little sarcastic...

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what's it like being FUCKING young

show that poipuccy mmm

It feels fresh... I can't tell you exactly the difference since I've never been old, but I can feel my hormones being all fuzzy and screaming

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sorry but I'm not a slut

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I know its not fake. Every board is littered with you zoomer niggers now. Its now SUMMER ALL YEAR FOREVER

And you retards will deny climate change

>I've just turned 18
Are you cute?

fucking virgins I swear LMAO

if youre a girl you can come to my femcel thing CGcy2t

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It's ironic, all the people who complain about summerfags and newfags always mention characteristics that they clearly show themselves. As long as someone is a healthy member of a community it doesn't matter how many oldfag points they got, just don't act like a retard

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What's your favourite anime, kiddo?

Boku No Pico and Euphoria. Oh and the one with the pirates :3 OwO

I hope so, no one ever told me anything nice about my looks, no one has ever felt something sexual or romantic for me

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It's Madoka Magica.

Oh boy, I wish I was this horny

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are you a virgin owo

i'm posting on this board

Well happy birthday then. I hope you stay this cheerful and positive, there should be more people like that on this board.

Thank you so much, I probably won't be this positive very long, consider I'm also kinda euphoric at the moment. If life goes on like this I'll end up just like everybody else on here, I'll end up corrupted and fucked in the head, with no way to escape. For now, I have my family to support me mentally and physically, it's all good. When it will be gone I will just collapse and consider the worst things, that's how life goes.

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