Fembot here. Ok, I admit it. Asian women are superior. Help me emulate them

Yes, I said it. The average asian woman is much better than the average western woman. They look way better, they're super intelligent, and they act so much better. They eat a better diet and diligently take care of their skin. As a result they rarely get fat and look incredibly youthful. They act very feminine and cutesy, yet are intelligent and hard working, compared to the crude slobs that live in english speaking countries. And unlike their western counterparts, they dress so nicely and take great pride in their looks. I wish I could be more like them.
Okay, now that I've got that out of the way, how can I best live my life the way a japanese girl does? I'm just a boring plain-looking tomboy-ish white girl, but I want to be more like a japanese woman. What food do they eat? What skincare routine do they have? Clothes they wear? Makeup? Exercises? Anything else? Please give me some pointers, if you could, I'll take them!

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Nice larp, faggot.

Ooga booga

>tomboy-ish white girl
Why would you want to change this in favor of becoming a mindless insect drone?

white women are better though
dont listen to yellow fever fags

Im sure that there are a lot of asian youtubers showing their way of life and all of that crap.

By becoming my gf and then I can help you

You should be emuting 2D girls instead.

Uh, because right now I don't really have much going for me. I dress very plainly. I'm not very good looking (I still have acne and I get really REALLY jealous when I see asian women with perfect looking skin) I'm not very smart either, I graduated high school a bit early and yet I still don't do anything at all besides watch shows and play games. I don't know what I'm going to do with my life, and obviously I can't live with my mom and dad forever. I don't eat the worst diet and in fact I'm underweight because I'm recovering from an eating disorder, but I know I can do better.
I dunno. I'm insecure about myself and my life and I see pics of these perfect looking asian women with seemingly perfect lives and I get jealous and think if only I were more like them I'd be a better person. That's why I guess?

Your best chance is having my Asian DNA inside of you.

just become a goth.
everyone wants a goth gf


Well you're either a really good larper or an actual woman, because this whole post is retarded.

>mfw none of the replies at all in this thread are about what I was asking

please help or go away I won't become your girlfriend I'm not looking for anybody right now!

not her, but in a similar situation. i've always felt conflicted about this since i enjoy the music and people, yet feel like i need to still look trad. as a result i don't go for either and just wear the 'safest' possible clothes, aka hoodies and jeans.

>really good larper
No. This might be accurate when it comes to the way women write but the whole topic and the treatment of the topic shows that it was written by someone who hasnt experienced this.

they use sorceries. they dont play fair.

learn wicca

Get off this board. You must be retarded if you thought you'd get help here. Plenty of other places you could've asked.

post feet and ill white knight for you

if you really are female stop acting like such a whore and act more like a human fucking being. Don't think only about getting your pussy stuffed think about loving someone you self absorbed slut.

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im you but male.
i enjoy goth aesthetic and culture but im too afraid of changing my image that much so i wear only hoodies and jeans too

What's the point of being madly in love with someone if they're just going to beat off to the idea of being with someone else?

You aren't Asian so you're never going to become Asian. The best you can do is try to be like Hannah mind or Brittany Venti and just learn some pseudo Japanese phrases, dress in frilly clothing, and wear makeup that lightens your complexion.

Hannah Minx*

>im too afraid of changing my image
this is a fear only true autists can understand. i feel for you, user. i also wanted to start wearing dresses/skirts, but where i live no girl does that on a regular basis.
anyway, i hope you'll be able to get over your fear. the change doesn't need to be fast, i imagine just starting to wear and buy more and more black will help.

thanks for your words and i wish you the same

With clothing, I think semi-formal clothing looks very cute. Like dress shirts, skirts, sweaters, maybe even a tie or a ribbon. I wouldn't dye my hair if I was a girl, mainly because its common among generic girls that fall for 's meme. It would follow that having a nice haircut is cute too and helps with looking clean.


Eating well, dressing nicely, and generally taking care of yourself and acting responsibly are all good things to do, and Asians by no means have a monopoly on it. You can find lots of advice on all of those things if you just google or search youtube, and ultimately rather than imitating any one person or group of people you have to research and experiment and figure out what works for you. For instance, not everything your average east Asian girl wears is necessarily going to look good on your form, so lifting their dress sense may not be the way to go.

The thing about those pictures is that you're comparing your behind-the-scenes to their highlight-reel. That shit ain't real. It's their perfectly posed and postured social media snapshot that exists only in the instant in which they take that picture.

this sounds like cluster b. steer clear of Jow Forums and learn how to get self esteem. youll never be asian, and men will never fetishize you, accept it

Be conscious of sunlight. Wear a hat and long sleeves when you're outside to protect your skin. Likewise avoid abrasive materials. Soft clothing is better. Don't wear pants, that's very masculine. Skirts and dresses should be your default, but not in a sexy way that shows off skin. Wear shorts under shorter skirts, or leggings. Never wear leggings by themselves, treat them as underwear like they should be. That way you can have tight form fitting leggings and a short skirt, but without coming off as slutty. Generally speaking, avoid sexy or revealing clothes. Sexy =/= stylish, that's a classic western mistake. You want to look well-dressed but demure.

Focus on developing your personality and being a good person. There are two pillars of Japanese culture; education and politeness. Do your best to learn about whatever you're doing. It doesn't matter what your hobbies are, if you're knowledgeable about it that's respectable. Similarly, you should make an effort to be as kind and polite as possible. Don't swear, ever. Don't litter. Speak quietly in public, say please and thank you. Japanese people do things like picking up litter in their neighborhood or planting a community garden in their free time. That's the sort of attitude that you should aspire to. Doing something good just because it's good.

As far as food it's generally small portions. Vegetables and rice are staples, if they eat meat it's usually fish. Avoid things like chicken, beef or pork unless it's a special occasion. Basically, nutritious meals in reasonable portions, and don't drink your calories. For exercise, daily activity is enough. Walk or bike instead of driving if you can. I know that's not always practical in the US, but try to incorporate it into your routine in some way. If you work on your feet that's plenty. Light calisthenics are also a good replacement for walking/biking.

Look weeb. Their skin looks like that because of genetics and lifestyle choices. Also THEY ARE ASIAN! You're white? Im guessing? Alot of robots are black or globinos so whatever you are you're not asian. So take care of your skin for your nationality, go to a fuckin doctor get your (possibly fucked up) body a checkn from your externals to your internals if you have insurance and they'll pay for it and get a referral to a nutritionist to help you get on track to a healthier diet if you cant fuckin figure out that junk food all the time is bad for you. EXCERCISE (SEMI-REGULARLY AT LEAST FUCK) seriously. People dont excersice enough. Or stretch for that matter. Im not telling you to run the fucking boston marathon but at least do some god damn jumping jacks and yoga for christs sake.

If you want your body to look more feminine. Make a thread asking for sissy body workouts for excersies specifically tailored to get your body looking womanly. HELL FUCKING Jow Forums PROBABLY HAS TWO THREADS UP ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW THOSE FAGS. Asian women eat alot of the same foods ecerybody else eats because they dont only have access to limited types of foods anymore like the 1300's.

C'mon man. Get your shit together. Please.