Your current age

>your current age
>age you started browsing/posting on Jow Forums regularly

14 unironically

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19 (20 in a month)
18 (unironically)

i was a normie before i dropped out and became a neet.


I was a cyborg my whole life until about 19, since then I've been a full blown robot. I used to complain about not being normie, but I didn't realize how much better being cyborg is than robot. At least I used to have friends, even if I never had a gf.


Am I considered an oldfag?

16, unironically

I just come here to feel like I'm not alone in failure. Will likely off myself within 5 years anyway.

As you can guess, my life has always been shit.

I'm literally the same as you. Jow Forums is all I know, everyone says its gone to shit but I have no where else to be.

People have been saying that for literally over a decade

Yeah I was gonna advice underaged fags to leave but in retrospect its not like I had anything else to do.


Yup. Pretty sure we are.

24 14

I realised how many time I spent here when I saw a screen of a post from 2011 and I remember posting in this thread

i got here through my internet friends that i met on a phpBB forum about cartoon network
they are all complete normalfags now while im still here

Started at the prime age of 14

13 because of older friends


I've never stopped liking this place.

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That's true. The only noticeable dip in quality I feel was throughout the 2016 election.
I always report posts that are made by underaged in hopes of the banning actually making them leave this place.

Everyone complains about zoomers shitting up this site, when we used to be the zoomers shitting up this site ourselves

>14 as well
>I first visited at 12 after hearing about it on the news in like 07 or so
none of us are old fags

14 or 15, don't completely remember
When i first started, i was a dumbass who browsed in public. Im so lucky my parents never caught me when i was in my /d/ phase.

I dont complain.

I wasn't shitting up anything. I mostly lurked, and I would advise underages now to do the same. The smart ones will know not to announce their age, at the very least.

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But it shows...

Started on /b/, went to /x/, then sort of settled in and dispersed across the site. I still think /b/ and /x/ are the youngest boards.

First time I ever saw Jow Forums was when I was like 9 though, because my brother browsed it. It's funny because my brother was just an edgy normie, you guys would hate him even though he was on here before all of us.

I really need to leave this place

Let me guess, the election?

Coming up on 7 years here real soon, jesus
This, I don't think I even posted for at least a year after I started browsing here

Fuck you all and fuck your mothers

Was anyone here NOT a kid/teenager when they started coming here?


Before I found Jow Forums, I was a perfectly well adjusted teenager. I played sports, hung out with friends, enjoyed spending time with others, did well in school, etc. Now I am a 29 y/o NEET KV failure

because it's true. The real Jow Forums died in 2008

13 or so, /l/ was still a board when I started browsing.

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Anyone else come here from newgrounds as well?

From the looks of it im guessing not.

20 and started posting around 16 I never thought that I would be on this god forsaken site still
Would be cool if I could find all my posts see how edgy and shit I used to be


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>tfw newfags still can't triforce

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>>your current age
32 I think.
>>age you started browsing/posting on Jow Forums regularly

13 fucking years in this shithole and still can't leave.


I remember watching a documentary about internet when I was 14, was happy, that Jow Forums got mentioned for raiding. How stupid I was...

Also, my life was on a downward spiral for half a year before I've started lurking. It was a lot better for last year, but two years ago i had suicidal thoughts daily.

>current age
>age you started posting on Jow Forums regularly
16, Although I've known of it since 14. It just never occurred to me to visit it, I dunno why. I don't really like Jow Forums anymore. I feel like r9k has lost its appeal, and one can only spend so much time on Jow Forums every day. I can't leave, though.

so 5+ year fags, how has life been for you over the years?

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>14 unironically as well

Current 26
Started 21

I was such a pussy that I lurked for 2 or 3 years because I was affraid to be called a newfag or a summerfag

>between 18 and 21, I no longer remember

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I lurked the first year-ish, just out of respect. I saw so many kids shitting the place up, and I didn't want to be one of them. I still rarely post, but that's because there's almost nothing worth replying to now.

yeah basically the same. I thought I needed to learn the codes of the boards I liked before posting

I think i didn't post anything, not even roll, for 5 years since i've started lurking.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I thought. I really only posted on r9k for the first year and a half, though, once I started posting. I think it's a nice attitude to have, respecting board culture by lurking.

I remember being here when a guy sent pictures of him fucking a skull from the Catacombes on /b/. Couldn't tell which year it was tho

Yeah I'm quite sure that's why everybody hate redditfag that just come here and start posting without respecting Jow Forums codes

It's not even redditors, although they're part of it. I just hate how this board it mostly just porn and bait now.

Looking at the ages being posted, we are guaranteed to be drowning in underage posters at this exact moment. I think I may need to consider leaving this place and moving on with my life.

I don't even remember most of the time I have spent here. It's all just a blur. What a fucking waste.

15 (around ferguson riots, definitely a fair bit before the whole 2016 election cycle)

2007, I've seen that screencap

Damn I'm fucking old man

I was 22 f

How old are you now, gramps?

Yeah i hate the fact that i cant leave this place, the "you're here forever" meme is real


and every moment was horrible.

i feel so god damn old
I always considered myself a newfag because i wasnt here in 2006 and here we fucking are.

started browsing at 16 and i think i started posting at 17

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I was 15 at the time so I'm 27 now. I didn't even realized I spent so much years here

you have no idea how real it is.

Let me tell you all a story. I'm 24, I started coming here when I was 15. In 2015 I made it my new year's resolution to get off Jow Forums. And you know what? I did it. I went over a year without it, and tried to be a normie while doing it.

That year fucking sucked, so I came back. Being a normie, or at least trying to be a normie when you're not one, is horrible. Work is fucking stupid. People are fucking stupid. Jow Forums is fucking stupid too, but at least on Jow Forums I can relate to some of the people. So what's the problem with spending a lot of time here?

Trust me on this. Get on NEETbux if you can, get a comfy reclining chair, PJs, a fluffy blanket, a decent laptop, and spend all the time you can shitposting away in comfort. Embrace the inanity of it all, the levels of irony, the stupidity and autism. Learn to laugh at the retards on the internet being retards, and don't be afraid of making yourself look like a retard, it's not like anyone actually cares. Think about all the wagecucks and normies out there who are stressed and hate their lives while you sit back in your jammies embracing what modern technology can provide for you.

I'm a NEET by choice, and it's fucking awesome.

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You can never trully escape mister bone's wild ride user

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21, 14 i.e. you minus 2 years

How long have you been a NEET though?

Since 2016. No plan to stop

Really? I get fucking bored during long holidays
Would start feeling useless in 3 years since I have no real hobbies in the first place


let me off this site ffs

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>Current age
>Age started lurking

Don't forget, you're here forever.


This is the only website I like.
No one knows who I am.

Unironically :(


you think? what does that mean?

>26 years old.

I had already lived a full life before I got here, So I was innoculated against some of the more sinister aspects of this place.

fuck off time traveling faggot

Fug. Been here for 7 years too long

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am 24
started 21
wew time flies right

>over 12 years ago

This site has changed my life for the worse desu

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I knew what Jow Forums was when I was like 11 but I was too much of a pussy to look at it because I had heard about how /b/ was full of messed up porn and gore

14 unironically
started on /b/, but have just kinda drifted around different boards. now i'm here

late 23
fun stuff

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Have known about the site since 16 though

>probably 19 or 20, I don't really remember

Same as this guy, showa 56 represent

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Current 27 years old
First time around when I was 16.

I can't fucking believe it. I know its fucking sad.

>10/11 unironically r

Havent accomplished a single thing in that time span.

>13 (started to understand the things)


ah, middle school memories of me jerking off to cp found on /b/ and /jp/ while also being a child myself

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>currently 12


So many newfags on this board.

ima just do year. 2012.

>Watching Aurora theatre shooting videos on youtube
>"This was 9gags fault!" in the comments all over the place
>someone spills the beans about Jow Forums raiding comments
>i didnt know what either site was.


I still consider myself a normie

I didn't fucking post on this site for like the first year after I found it, I just lurked. Part of it was being to shell shocked by /b/ to dare participating, then that wore off disturbingly fast and it just became more a general lack of confidence in participating.

This was back in the mid 00s though, and Jow Forums was a completely different site then.

Same as youuuujriendk

I went digging into my old screencaps folder to see if I could find that one, and man it's like excavating a fucking archaeological site. There's folders inside of folders, forming strata of noticeable stages in my development on this site. I went through one folder where all the images had really long sarcastic file names, and its cringy to read them now because of how tryhard they are.

>now 20
>started in october19

12. I used to browse /b/ exclusively. Probably shaped me into who I am today