
>loving it

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5'6'' and 220

going to join you soon user

>fucking want to die

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More like McLovin it, fat ass

I dont eat junk food. I eat regular human food.

im 5 6 and 150 lbs should incave in?

Post pics and stories about how miserable you are
>most embarrassing moment
>only feels fat people would have
>sex life?

>down 70lbs from this time last year
>plan to be 200lbs in another year

Women despise fat men.
And i want those flaps.

Not OP but,
>most embarrassing moment
My mom forced me to do a 5k in middle school with no training, took me 45 minutes of pathetic jogging
>fat feels
When my thighs hit the desk whenever I try to get up and it lifts up the desk a little, causing it to hit the floor really loud
>sex life

>loving it

Im not miserable but life isnt ideal. Been trying to replace the fat with muscle. Been doing serious weight training and what not for the last 2 months. Getting pretty good. Can bench 200lbs now.
>asked a girl out using a commander shepard quote during lunch and she just walked off. We never spoke again after that.
>not sure.
>had sex with a skater chick back in highschool on and off for 9 months.then she graduated and stopped talking to me.

Do you guys ever picture yourself as thinner or do you feel like you have been discriminated or judged?

I dont see myself ever getting below 220 considering muscle is heavier than fat. And nah i dont think so. No knes ever mentioned it to me besides my parents but even then it was after highschool that they decided to give a shit about it.

yeah I'm not believing this until you post a pic with the date and this post number written somewhere on your voluminous lard

Stop trying to get his pics you stupid feeder

It costs you nothing to be thin.


>linking a fucking tedx talk

Actually it does.


I dont have 17 minutes to spare can somekne tldr this for me?

>5'6 and 215
I wanna get back to my original weight of 170.

>most embarrassing moment
trying on clothes before buying them is humiliating. Also when someone calls you fat out of the blue.
>only feels fat people would have
tfw go through office chairs extremely fast
tfw chub rub
tfw winded going upstairs

I don't even think I'm that fat. It doesn't feel like anything to be fat pretty much. I naturally in my head picture myself thinner but the mirror tells the truth. Also yes I've been treated poorly for my weight, but most people who judge don't even get close to the truth.
>sex life?
celibate nonvirgin.

Does anyone's knees hurt?

If so post height and weight

>When someone call you fat out of the blue


Stop eatin nigha lmmaaaooo

Is that really all he says. Damn glad i didnt cave in and watch.

How does it feel knowing you'll nevver be chiseled and ripped despite how much effort you put into lifting?

I dont do things for women. And not all of them are into that anyways. As long as i get to looking like bolo yeung like in blood sport ill be fine.

that's basically all you have to do to not be fat

stop eating so damn much

Thats fine and all but different people have different weight distributions and what not. I do watch my calories and the like but it wont change that i am a big man.

>bro just dont eat xD

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He talks about supernormal stimulus and the hedonic treadmill

I stuff myself with unrefined foods and maintain a sub-20 BMI

is 6 foot and 220 lbs too bad?