>tfw Versailles is pronounced "Ver-Sigh"
>tfw rouxgaroux is pronounced "roogaroo"
>tfw Bouvier and Boucher are pronounce "boo-vee-aye" and "booshay"
>tfw Pitre is Pete
>tfw there's literally no difference in how singular and plural words are pronounced
French is a draining meme language and I refuse to read such tiresome, overdramatic nonsense.
Tfw Versailles is pronounced "Ver-Sigh"
Only reason ide consider learning is to read so unedited occult shit like the grimoire verum.
I've been talking about how gross french is for so long. It's nice to see someone side with me. I'm glad I'm not a frenchman, so I don't have to speak that disgusting language.
It sounds like people gurgling mouthwash. It's almost as bad as Arabic, where they just repeat "Allah" over and over.
>It sounds like people gurgling mouthwash.
Yep, pretty accurate
>It's almost as bad as Arabic
Arabic doesn't sound too bad, and Arabic text looks really cool.
>French is a draining meme language and I refuse to read such tiresome overdramatic nonsense
I've never heard anyone complain about the French lanuage the way you do. French is objectively one of the easiest major languages to learn as a native English speaker. It takes approx 600 hrs to make it to C1 level
>Bonodidisiourier rouxxallieseive bosonstuiciver jonjour mon suisuirer
This is what the language looks like to me. Why add all the letters if you're not going to pronounce them
Have you just started learning it? I did it in school but didn't continue to practice it. I still remember how to pronounce things, I think that just comes with repeated exposure
no reason to learn another language, sounds pointless. everyone that is important speaks english. traveling is not enjoyable. why the fuck would i waste so much time learning another language? give me one reason. you can't!
I do it as a hobby
Because traveling IS enjoyable, actually and if you live in a place where multiple languages are spoken, it can help you communicate and get jobs. I live in Texas so Spanish is a language I need to understand at least a bit.
It makes me sad that America is slowly being taken over by spics
>traveling IS enjoyable
not in my experience at all. i don't understand the appeal, please explain it
>if you live in a place where multiple languages are spoken
yeah some people speak spanish here, but they should really learn english. i know a bit of spanish. how often do i use it? almost never
> it can help you communicate
if they are worth communicating with, they would learn english
>and get jobs
i am a programmer so i learn programming languages
> I live in Texas so Spanish is a language I need to understand at least a bit.
i live in florida and it's flooded with mestizos who speak spanish. i have no desire to interact with these people if they can't even learn english
however i did take spanish in high school for 2 years so i know a decent amount. i see no reason to learn another language though, since everyone who matters speaks english
The irony of a post like this being in english, the language with the shittiest and most inconsistent spelling rules
>not in my experience at all. i don't understand the appeal, please explain it
New scenery, experiencing a culture different from your own, their food, traditions, history etc. relaxation
>if they are worth communicating with, they would learn english
Anglocentric thinking. I've met plenty interesting people who spoke Spanish only. I met a guy who spoke mostly Spanish and minimal English who got me into real estate. Now I only work a job part time because of the rest of my money comes from rental properties.
>i have no desire to interact with these people if they can't even learn english
Latinas love when men at least attempt their language, especially if you know their regional dialect. Latinos are also fun to hang around.
America has always, at any given point in its history, been in a state of "being taken over" by someone. America has no culture. This is simply the natural continuation of everything that has come before. I welcome the Mexicans as the next generation of true Americans. In thirty years, this country will have a significant Mexican population, and they'll be complaining about some other group "taking over" their country.
Coldest take possible, I think. Congrats, you're retarded.
English is shit too but I'm American so I have no choice but to speak English. English and French are on the same level of retardation.
>New scenery
so you mean different plants? it's not hard to find plants where i live
>experiencing a culture different from your own
elaborate please, what does that even mean? everyone has a different "culture" than me
>their food
there's thousands of restaurants in a 50 mile radius of me
can't think of one i need to travel to experience
requires a time machine
vacation is mostly the opposite of relaxation. i can relax at home, i live near a beach i can just lay in the sun
>Anglocentric thinking. I've met plenty interesting people who spoke Spanish only. I met a guy who spoke mostly Spanish and minimal English who got me into real estate. Now I only work a job part time because of the rest of my money comes from rental properties.
maybe they're interesting to you. i rarely meet interesting people in real life. in fact, i can count on my hands the number of interesting people i find in real life. it's less than 1%.
>Latinas love when men at least attempt their language, especially if you know their regional dialect. Latinos are also fun to hang around.
i honestly don't care. i've known loads of hispanics, since they are the majority here. i prefer being around my own race. the only girls i ever had sex with were latinas, they don't seem to care about me knowing english. also i want a white gf
Texas was literally Mexico at one point. Texan culture doesn't exist without them or blacks.
>New scenery
I already live in the greatest country on earth, with the greatest scenery on earth. I don't need new scenery.
>experiencing a culture different from your own
Why would I want to experience inferior cultures?
>their food, traditions, history etc
Why would I want to experience inferior versions of all of this?
I can relax at home.
>Now I only work a job part time
See, this is the effect the spics have on this country. I already have a real job anyway, so I don't need to rely on some dirty emmigrants to get me one.
>Latinas love when men at least attempt their language
Like I care what literal subhumans think.
Oh fuck I was jokingly mocking the other guy but he basically posted the exact same thing but unironically what a clown
>so you mean different plants? it's not hard to find plants where i live
Plants, mountains, beaches, , snow, heat, architectural style, everything.
can you explain an experience when you were enriched by a plant?
what's so interesting about them?
i live on a peninsula. i've been to many beaches. guess what: they are literally exactly what you expect. i also don't like swimming (i lift weights for exercise)
never cared for it
i get plenty of this
>architectural style
you travel to another country and spend thousands fot see a couple architectural styles. you can google 1000s of different architectural styles for free.
i simply don't understand the appeal. it's like the idea of it is better than actually experiencing it
from what you provided, it doesn't seem that great at all
>elaborate please, what does that even mean? everyone has a different "culture" than me
It's interesting to experience these cultures
>but do you have authentic Nigerian tilapia with fried plantains and jollof rice? There are some places where you just can't find these things.
>can't think of one i need to travel to experience
So you have Mardi Gras in your hometown? What about Dia de Los Muertos? The State Fair of Texas? Cattle drives?
>requires a time machine
Have you ever been inside of a fort that was used during a battle?
>vacation is mostly the opposite of relaxation. i can relax at home, i live near a beach i can just lay in the sun
Ok that's your opinion
> i rarely meet interesting people in real life. in fact, i can count on my hands the number of interesting people i find in real life. it's less than 1%.
You don't meet many people at all
>i honestly don't care. i've known loads of hispanics, since they are the majority here. i prefer being around my own race. the only girls i ever had sex with were latinas, they don't seem to care about me knowing english. also i want a white gf
You're boring. I prefer being around all people.
German is more similar to English.
Latinos are obnoxious. And I would rather lose an ear than date a Latina.
>can you explain an experience when you were enriched by a plant?
I personally like flowers. Sorry if you don't.
>i live on a peninsula. i've been to many beaches. guess what: they are literally exactly what you expect.
I don't live near water so beaches are something I get to enjoy rarely
>never cared for it
Me neither but some people enjoy it
>i get plenty of this
So do I but some people don't, so they travel
>you travel to another country and spend thousands fot see a couple architectural styles. you can google 1000s of different architectural styles for free.
Pussy is better than porn, seeing how they built an entire city on top of French or Mexican cathedrals firsthand is better than google
>from what you provided, it doesn't seem that great at all
You seem like an awful person to be around
>It's interesting to experience these cultures
there's plenty of interesting things to do without travelling. everyone has a different culture. i can experience a different culture by driving for 10 minutes
>but do you have authentic Nigerian tilapia with fried plantains and jollof rice? There are some places where you just can't find these things.
i prefer beef + cheese combinations. philly cheese steak for example
when i travel to other countries, it's actually hard to find decent food worth eating
>So you have Mardi Gras in your hometown?
i went to mardi gras because my dad is from louisiana. it was overrated. i enjoyed the powder sugar donut though
>What about Dia de Los Muertos?
what's the point of celebrating this?
>The State Fair of Texas?
no but i went to a few state fairs. it's a huge scam to get your money, didn't care for it
>Cattle drives?
what's the appeal? my town is full of cows
>Have you ever been inside of a fort that was used during a battle?
yes, i have. i barely remember it. i do remember the BBQ i ate after though
>Ok that's your opinion
you literally need to travel across the world to relax? lol
>You don't meet many people at all
unfortunately i do meet quite a few, i wouldn't be bothered if it was significantly less.
>You're boring.
only boring people get bored. you're like an ADHD child that needs to go somewhere new every day. can you even sit down and read a non-fiction book from cover to cover, learning useful/interesting things that enrich your life?
>I prefer being around all people
i have standards. and i'm talking about for copulation. i interact with hispanics daily (they speak english), i just don't want to mate with a mestiza. simple as that
>I personally like flowers. Sorry if you don't.
i like plants but i think it's overkill to go half-way across the world to see some.
i like sleeping but that doesn't mean i need to take a flight to every country and sleep in a new bed every day lol
>I don't live near water so beaches are something I get to enjoy rarely
maybe because i've always been around them they're not so interesting to me. i think they're way overrated
>So do I but some people don't, so they travel
they could just start a fire =)
>Pussy is better than porn
so you're a sex tourist? at least that makes sense. i can get laid without paying a bunch of money to travel though
>seeing how they built an entire city on top of French or Mexican cathedrals firsthand is better than google
it's just simply not that interesting. there's loads of more interesting things. also you cna learn about 100s of cathedrals with google, but while traveling it takes hours, or days, to go from one to another. if your goal is knowledge acquisition, then reading is more effective
>You seem like an awful person to be around
you sound very boring and ADHD. can you even sit still for a moment? can you even read a book? fail
>I enjoy literally nothing
>you sound boring lol fail
>>I enjoy literally nothing
i enjoy plenty of things
- reading
- cooking
- eating
- exercising
- various drugs
- writing
- hunting
- music
literally nothing requires me to travel very far. i never get bored. you, on the other hand, are bored if you can't go travel to some random place
i think you like the idea of it more than the activity. because i've traveled to quite a few places and i can say it was totally overrated
No I just see life like an open world RPG. Imagine if you started an RPG and never left the village you started in. There's a whole planet out there, I'm not just gonna ignore it.
>Imagine if you started an RPG and never left the village you started in
but i have traveled to 8 different countries. it didn't really enrich my life at all
all it did was prove to me that traveling isn't really great at all. it's totally overrated
at least now i know that
>There's a whole planet out there, I'm not just gonna ignore it.
there's 100,000 different objects you can place into your butthole. how do you know if shoving a baseball bat up your ass won't be enjoyable? or a sea urchin? everything you shove up your ass and don't enjoy is just one mark off the list of potential objects you can shove up your ass
basic pattern recognition would dictate, after a few tries, "maybe i don't like shoving things up my ass"
>it's totally overrated
I disagree
>there's 100,000 different objects you can place into your butthole
Categorically false since you had WASP control followed by naturalization for your first couple of centuries. Melting pot is a modern phenomena
This. Especially those sounds like how the "ah" in "France" is pronounced in French for example. Sounds like they're getting fucked in the ass while talking lol
>not in my experience at all. i don't understand the appeal, please explain it
New experiences are enjoyable. Though if you're just gonna play games on your phone or whatever and sulk all the time when your family drags you somewhere, its of course not going to be enjoyable.
>New experiences are enjoyable
getting punched in the face is a new experience
getting a pencil shoved into your peepee hole is a new experience
reading a book you haven't read before is a new experience
i went traveling with other people. i mean it wasn't HORRIBLE or anything, it just wasn't any more enjoyable than if we hanged out. it was definitely more expensive though, but i make $80,000 per year now
i'm just saving up for retirement. traveling on vacation is a total waste of money and effort. it's a joke, there's no appeal.
i'm not a boring person (only boring people get bored) so there's endless "new opportunities" i can experience without wasting time traveling around the world
hey Jow Forums4chan am I in an incel thread?
>unpleasant things are unpleasant
thanks for the information
I will restate, this time adjusted for autistic children
>new experiences that are not objectivly unpleasant are enjoyable
j'aime parler francais beaucoup. je m'en fou.
ah, the old "if you don't agree with me you're immature/autistic" canard
>new experiences that are not objectivly unpleasant are enjoyable
look, goofball: there are thousands of places to visit within a 20 miles radius. if your IQ is 3 digits, you can experience new things every single day without having to travel half-way across the planet
i've traveled to 8 countries. i had new experiences. over the weekend i did not travel very far (20 minute driving) and i had new experiences
traveling to other places just isn't that fun. looking at a different plant than grows where you live just isn't any more enjoyable than reading a new book out in by back yard, soaking up sun smoking my tobacco pipe
it's just not worth all that effort, and there's all sorts of undesirable things you must be subjected to when traveling, typically
it's just not interesting, not at all comparable to reading an interesting non-fiction book and learning something new
>i did not travel very far
so you did travel right? I didnt travel but i traveled closeby. Very high IQ right there.
No one said you have to go to another country to travel. You can travel to another city for example, you can even "travel" to another neighborhood within your own city to see what can be done there, although that stretches the definition a bit. Novel experiences are just fun. Better than sitting in your house all day long doing nothing and wondering why you feel like shit.
the redpill is that romance languages are shit tier. french sounds like gargling rocks, spanish sounds like poverty and italian is just people saying different types of pasta.
>you can even "travel" to another neighborhood within your own city
yeah nobody means going to walmart to get groceries is traveling. but if you want to clutch at straws, go ahead
the entire original argument was that learning a new language is useful for TRAVELING TO OTHER COUNTRIES
>wondering why you feel like shit
but i don't
>Novel experiences are just fun
sure are! and there's literally no reason to learn another language when you could use that time learn more useful things instead
both french and german are somewhat similar to english however the easiest is probably norwegian or frisian