"I don't want to ruin our friendship"

>"I don't want to ruin our friendship"
>Can't get over it
>Want to scream at her but also kiss her

>MFW you get rejected by a stacy you've been talking to for over a year and took on the biggest date of all (senior prom)

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You thought you could looksmatch with a Stacy? lmfao

There's always a chance that someone likes you back user. You should never give up.

>"btw all women go for chads and are whores"

Prom isn't a date unless you kissed, fingered or fucked at the end. A tip since you're becoming a man: big dates don't make women fall for you. It's a meme. I take girls to taquerias and get $2 tacos. Maybe I'll take them to get yogurt. It gets the same point across but at a lower price.

I had a stacy..not a stacy but she was 8/10 gf. I am 4-6/10 max. Everyone will make it out of here once.

Yeah I get what you mean but I got her into my party bus full of chads and stacies, paid all this money, rented a nice ass tux, and it just wasn't enough. Her half laugh after telling me I'm not going to hook up with her killed me.

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I really thought this was it. She's kind of a fucking roastie and I had just put in so much time. The worst part is the other people she has gotten with are so fucking ugly. Where does that leave me.

>having 8/10 gf
you can fuck right off. Fuck I cannot stand you fucking couples you people make me fucking livid I would love to just hurt you motherfuckers

It's not how you look like (but it still plays a role). If you treat a woman shitty like me, you're likely to lose her just like me

everytime I see her I just get so mad. everytime I see a couple or just a pretty girl I get mad. I can't even watch porn, it reminds me of my rejection.

No need to get mad user.

Poor baby. Don't be upset about this too long. Get on with your life and learn from this experience. One monkey don't stop no show.

>a stacy you've been talking to for over a year
so youve been too cowardly to make a move in over a year and wonder why she doesn't want you?

the men she wants fuck her on the same night. think about how grossly inadequate you are in comparison to that.

Oh shit, I think you posted about this last night. Are you still hungover?

yes there is a fucking need to get mad I am tired of being alone without a gf I have had enough enough enough!

Oh god, I'm afraid of OP being me in the imediate future. Took oneitis to some dates, am pretty sure she was into me for the longest time, but my lack of balls stopped me from kissing her.

Our last encounters were odd as fuck, as follows:
>her being obviously into me one day
>me making a weird physical move once when passing her by
>her sitting far from me but still talking to me (scared?) and closing by before I went away (kissed her cheek)
>weeks after, she sits far away from me again but this time we couldn't talk - I didn't try either, got angry and just went away ignoring her by the end of the class
Wish me luck for tomorrow and a good nerve, robots. We WILL talk this time, it'd be too weird if we didn't.

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she was in and out of relationships. yeah I can't do anything but think about how fucking inadequate I am. I feel so small

yeah I did. I was falling asleep today while standing up because i'm so fucking tired. took a 5 hour nap and i'm still so tired. i think it's just doomer time

How old are you, how much do you rate yourself and whats your social status (i know that we're on Jow Forums but do you have any friends)?

>implying those relationships were serious
You're in fucking high school. High school relationships are the easiest relationships to break up. All high school girls cheat.

18. I don't really know but I guess a 6-6.5. I have a small grade and I kind of talk (get bullied) to chads and shit. no one respects me and i'm just a punching bag. I have maybe 2 or 3 real friends. my best friend makes me feel like shit

just do better next time. girls talk about sex the way men talk about video games. so if you come across as someone who's afraid or bashful about sex they'll just discount you for good. no woman wants a man more chaste and pure than them.

>going to ruin my own life because a girl rejected me
Fuck off.

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This is why PUA isn't total bullshit. If you'd learnt a little of it you'd have known not to talk to a girl you're interested in for a year but to make it clear early on you intend to get romantic and then fuck her and if she isn't interested drop her and move on or decide to keep her around as a friend and not be surprised that she's still a friend a year later.

The only way a girl you're talking to as a friend is going to start developing feelings for you is if you literally friendzone her back and go out with a bunch of other good looking girls and look like your life is perfect so that when hers falls apart when some chad dumps her and you're there to tell her it'll be alright before going off for your date with some other girl she'll start to think you're better and have a better life than her.

they don't cheat with pathetic losers like me

I try to tell these faggots about pua user, as cringe as it can be at times, it completely changed my life for the better, but these retards don't want to listen and swear it's all autistic palm reading and negs because they learned everything they know from normalfag blogs.

...fuck you, fuck you alright. I've met robits who had it worse and they got gfs. You're still young, look probably okay and have friends too. Even if the chads bully you, you should stick around them so people dont see you as a total loser. Try to interact with people more and try to ve nicer to your surroundings and when you have a gf, dont be like me and be an asshole. Treat her good and try not to lose her to someone else (you shouldnt become her pet though, dont let anyone play around with you and man up).

I beg to differ user. I was a pathetic friendless loser in high school but there were certain girls who just thought I was the bees knees. I'd post pics of some of them if I could. One is literally model tier. Too bad I moved too slow with her and never fucked.

you're right. the main issue is im just so unconfident that i can't even try to pretend i'm wanted by people or my life is at all ok. i also got too close to her. i talked to her about everything and she realized how lame i am

what sites/videos do you recommend. what worked for you?

i'm just fucking done with every part of my life right now. here's hoping college isn't nearly as fucked as high school

When I was a teen, I read articles from SeductionScience and GirlsChase as well as a shit ton of regular, non PUA self help shit. I also watched videos from a YouTube channel called YourCharismaCoach. I also read a book called Book of Pook, which I think is kinda ok meanwhile other guys swear by it and I read No More Mr Nice Guy. Those are all still good. When I got older, I liked Real Social Dynamics but they're leaving the dating industry and deleting old videos. But nowadays, you have people like Todd V Dating, who break shit down to a really mechanical level, so if you're a bit autistic, he's probably good for you.

thank you desu. i'l check it out

>I don't want to ruin our friendship
>fucks the other two guys in our group
And that's the day I knew I hated women

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She was being truthful. She didn't have a real friendship with those guys so she was ok with fucking them. But you were her asexual buddy so of course she wouldn't fuck you. You don't have a dick, silly! She probably didn't even know you liked girls, I mean you never expressed your sexuality. You always seemed a bit ashamed of it desu.

Not based sissy faggot poster.

you're her other kind of friend! (:

irony post I think

I try too. Unfortunately its reputation has been destroyed by shit pua artists selling palm reading for money and a lot of gullible robots trying the palm reading, failing and then calling the whole activity worthless.

But the core ideas are legit.
Also look at everything you can find about sexual attraction and what causes a girl to sort some men into friends because they're not sexually attracted to them but value them as people versus sort other men into partners because they're feeling actual sexual attraction. Some of it is obviously looks but a large part of it will be body language and what the man does to trigger those different feelings.

I'm just telling you the reality of r9k. You act like an asexual faggot scared to express his masculinity, you stay a virgin. Men born in the 90s have an issue expressing sexuality. 90s feminism taught us that our natural feelings are bad and that men should be ashamed of our penises, that we should hide our emotions, that women don't really want sex and you're a piece of shit if you want to have sex with a woman. Now, you have a generation of men who can't get laid because they can't get over the hangups they have about their own dicks.

But I have had sex you sniveling faggot


Move on nigga and find a girl who values u

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Have you people ever considered that maybe not everyone wants to fuck every single woman they meet right away and wants to see what kind of people they are first?

Back in my day it was perfectly normal to become friends with someone before developing a relationship, if you didn't do that and did it the other way around, it inevitably went down in flames (like it does for practically everyone nowadays) and you were considered a retard who was thinking with his dick, and generally ridiculed, what the fuck happened to that?

I agree this also applies for females aswell. I wasted my time for 7 months on a guy online ( who I didn't even see him on video chat) and we did this up and back flirty shit for 7 months, even bought him a birthday gift $60 game lmao. From money that my grandma gave me

Then he rejected me when I said I loved him
However a few months after I got a bf, i made it clear I'm looking for a serious long term relationship and so did he. Where still together after 5 months

I dated a Stacey, went to senior prom with her too. She cheated on me for a month and then told me about it when he broke up with her. You dodged a bullet considering you actually have feelings for her, this will be easier for you to get over. I was hospitalized cause my relationship fucked me up so bad, I actually have to see a psychiatrist about it in two days

INB4 underage fag
We dated for four years, I'm 21 now

What about the guy you rejected the same way? He doesn't count right?