Can I downplay my education in my NEETbux application? I have college education but it would help my cause saying I didn't finish high school. How well does the government keep track of that shit?
Can I downplay my education in my NEETbux application...
how the fuck do you even apply for this shit
get an appointment to social services and try your luck
You should have dropped out of college.
That's what I did.
t.successful NEET
If you're smart enough to scam NEETbux you're smart enough to score a comfy white collar job that's low stress and pays decent.
>working in 2019
>paying for other people's shit
not gonna happen bucko, not a cuck
I'm sorry you're this delusional about things.
>If you're smart enough to score a comfy white collar job that's low stress and pays decent you're smart enough to scam NEETbux.
elaborate if you think you're so smart
80k vs 20k max for not much effort is a big deal. If you're deathly afraid of effort or failure of course you'll not bother.
Like I said, you should be able to figure it out since you're practicing the art of bullshitting. You can be chattel for pennies or you can put that intellect to work for you. Lot of people do little to no work all day every day because they know how to bullshit.
What will I do with 80k?
I'm not a materialist swine, I don't need much money.
Hiking and shitposting are my hobbies and they're not expensive.
I have this liberal catholic homeless shelter lady that helps all sorts of people get bux. I haven't went to her yet but she's "an advocate" and it's almost 100% you'll get it. If anything, find one of those people. I know about social services but they'll do anything to make you work instead (at least here in NY state)
>i don't have to explain shit to you
ok buddy maybe next time don't bother posting if you're just gonna call people names and not bring a point up
Nest egg, retirement, never having to want. It's not a good idea to skirt through life with no serious savings or investments. If your money isn't working for you you're just letting your money get fucked by others.
I'm sorry, do you want to cry now? Go back to being a NEET then with nothing. You're just wasting potential or you're not as smart as you think you are.
I didn't say I was smart I didn't say I had potential you're making shit up, I just said I went to college I didn't imply shit. Are you some brainlet that secretly looks up to college educated cunts and bring his resentment up on the internet?
I have no need for that, though. I spend less than half my bux every month, why would I ever get a job?
But I have everything I need and more. Why would I work for something that functionally makes no difference in my living situation?
I wouldn't they love nothing more than trying to prove you are a liar so they can toss out your case. When I went to my hearing the judge insisted I lied and actually passed high school when in reality I did not. His evidence for his argument was non existent and they had my school records showing I did drop out. Didn't stop him from using it against me as one of the excuses to toss my case into the trash.
They were willing to make bullshit up and lie to toss my case. What do you think they are going to do to someone who actually lies? The disability court is not a place of fairness and facts, its a twisted world of bizarre logic.. If you have excellent documentation of your medical history they will go out of their way to discredit your doctors. In my hearing they had me go to one of their doctors for a second opinion and this doctor supported my case. Naturally we cannot have that so their medical consultant spent a good portion of the time discrediting their own doctor.
Here is how you win a disability case
>have an overwhelming amount of evidence or extremely obvious evidence (IE you have no arms or legs or are born with down syndrome)
>in the case of the former having as much evidence as possible from different doctors really helps over a good long number of years with no gaps.
Unfortunately that is hard to achieve because this is the USA and getting consistent medical attention for that long while also being potentially disabled is not an easy task.
Your next best bet for winning is
>Hope the disability judge and main medical consultant fucking like you and believe you are sincere and that you deserve the bucks
So basically it comes down to fucking luck and whim
In any case it took about 9 months after the initial application just to see the judge in my case. Its a long process and I would expect it to drag on for at 2 to 3 years.
Same here. I even get my rent paid and free travel.