im a 5'9 female
i hate my height
is it too tall?
Im a 5'9 female
No. Because then I can look you in the eyes when we kiss.
No even worse you're a femlet. Average woman is 6'3" nowadays.
Be my taII gf.
No I'm taller than you. also my sister is really tall so tall girls never intimidate me. I would date you if I got to know you a bit.
No, you're just as tall as the average man.
Wouldn't be an issue to a lot of guys, would be to insecure guys.
I'm 5'10 and it wouldn't bother me.
where the fuck are you
the average woman here is 5'6
and what is a femlet???
>beta enablers inflating the ego of all women and then wondering why all the roasts want chad
Kill yourselves.
Nope, most guys (myself included) care very little about height, unless you're a midget or giant. Now the issue is that you probably want a guy that's at least a few inches taller than you, which limits the pool a bit more.
Manlets get dabbed on on all fronts so a lot of guys would probably feel insecure about being with a girl who's so relatively tall. But If you're able to find someone with decent confidence (at least in regards to height) you'll be fine.
Your to tall for me, 5'5.
Have sex, sweetie.
the ideal height threshold for women is between -3 in. and +1 in. relative to their male partner
you're alright, just don't date a man below 5'8
nice quads but what the fuck is that image
Yes, tall girls can't be cute. But you already knew it.
No I'm 5'3, I wish I were taller
mfw I'm 5'2
There is no such thing as too tall for women. You will have a large number of males to choose from no matter how tall you are. I'm 5'7" and I would date you if I didn't think you would leave me or cheat on me as soon as you saw someone taller you thought was attractive
Nah. I like short girls personally, but since I'm 6'4" you're all short to me
Pic related is only 5ft. You can make it if you get Jow Forums. Small fit girls are actually really cute and don't look like pathetic copers like small fit boys.
Dont know the sauce, but I believe that's supposed to be ilhan Omar on the left. I browse Jow Forums as an unironic NatSoc, and I'm surrounded by cut non-whites all day, but I know I'll never make a move :(
5'3-6'0 is fine
Anything shorter and taller is when it becomes an issue, unless of course you're Elizabeth Debicki
I'll say it again, height has little/no impact on a male's opinion of you.
A small girl doesn't even have to get fit, even skinny fat girls can be 8/10s. As long as they're not 300Lbs, have a decent face, and no major deformities, they'll look more than alright.
Shut up, the world needs more fit girls.
It needs less fat ones, sure. If her breasts are composed of mostly muscle, you might as well date a guy.
Unfortunately it will be a little harder for you to find a mate. Sorry bout that
I specifically search out women 5'9 and above because you have the best feet. Speaking of, please post your feet
>be hardly smaller than the average guy
>yet expect every guy desiring you to loom over you and make you feel the lil girl
Are you too tall? No.
Do you have demands that your own body make unfeasible yet you hold on to them? Pretty likely.
I'm 6.5 and I would like a tall gf. Even 6.0+ is fine. I think most of the tall guys want a girl with height a height close to theirs (gf being a bit shorter of course). I'll leave femlets for manlets
no lol
get a better fetish
is 5'9 even tall for a girl? I'm 6'2 and have had sex with girls taller than me
im insecure about my height, but i dont mind other guys height
ive dated people shorter then me im 100% okay with it
Pff I have the best fetish, I have sucked the toes of no less than four different women from my college this month
Then you shouldn't have any trouble in the long run really. It is not like you get any less attractive at that size, girl.
It is more that smoll girls get a extra helping of cute.
Some guys like me (5'10-ish in murican, I think) will be more weary of you, thinking you want someone larger. But eh that is a robot speaking. We always consider ourself unwanted or find a reason to think that.
Normal guys mostly go for the numbers game and will try approaching you anyway.
And I do not see the lanklet guys give much fucks either way.
the foot fetish is worse then the incest fetish
Nah, I like tall girls. I wanna be on eye level with her.
Not even close.
I've had more than enough sex in my life.
I just don't hate women or have mummy issues.
You will die a virgin
You're women, you'll always have men hitting on you regardless of height Fuck off.
Tell that to a black woman. No, I'm serious. They're at the bottom of the dating pool.
just go commit sepoku/sudoku bitch
We won't miss ya
We're talking about height here.
I'm a 6'1 femanon...
I know, and I'm telling you that not every women has men lining up to date her. Hence why I brought up black women, literally the bottom of the dating pool
They still have it easier than the average man.
Maybe asian or abbo men, but not white and black guys.
How is it down there, sir?
I'm a 7ft tall femanon
Eat shit zoe.
I'm 8ft tall when fully erect.
Nobody believes you unless you post pic. Please?
They have more options than every white and black guy
Plus all they need to do is just not be trashy and they can get the top 10% of men
So they still have it easier than 2/5 of the world. Good to know.
well this is me right here in this thread
No but would tall girls even feel my average sized dick.