Waifu General - /waifu/ #151

Dead Edition

Previous Thread :

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Crude cat waifu figure shall be first post

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I will find a way for us to be together, my beautiful Alice.

Attached: Alice190.jpg (740x877, 92K)

Yes, I do love her.

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Feeling like a mess of a person, but my love for her still burns hotter than anything else.
Never seen this one before.
I love my carnivorous gf

Attached: eat bacon raw.jpg (728x518, 121K)

She is top tier waifu material. Truly the perfect female.

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I'm a complete mess.

I wish she were here to help me, I love her.

Attached: baby.jpg (1933x1411, 181K)

the cutest and nicest waifu robot. 10/10.

>those first two panels
>Now what has this depraved motherfucker gotten into.

>Urabe will never eat you raw.
Just end it

Attached: [Final8]Nazo no Kanojo X - 12 (BD 10-bit 1920x1080 x264 FLAC)[1D28A4CD].mkv_snapshot_05.04_[2017.06. (1920x1080, 1.85M)

>dead edition
More like UNdead edition with bat in the thread.
She a cute!

I'm thinking of playing some vidya tonight
What vidya would your waifu enjoy playing with you? for me, it's BotW

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