Wat do?

wat do?
for the sake of argument let's say she's your 10/10 and worth braving AIDS blood

Attached: template.png (680x492, 10K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm circumcised so I can't get AIDS. I'd just jump through the waterfall and bang dat QT.

I'm not getting aids for some dumb bitch. What?

well i'd go and fetch my raincoat OP

get umbrella

You can't get aids from touching or even ingesting aids infected blood you dummy

Grab some CBRN gear. Tell qt to stand back. Jump though. Set CBRN gear aside. Make love.

Aids is not infectious disease but HIV is so...

is this what you wanted?

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"Though it is very rare, HIV can be spread by eating food that has been pre-chewed by someone with HIV. The contamination occurs when infected blood from a caregiver's mouth mixes with food while chewing. The only known cases are among infants."
So if you had any cuts on your body or in your mouth and it got on your body or your mouth, YEAH IT COULD MIX WITH YOUR BLOODSTREAM AND KILL YOU
Sick of faggots and their prep bullshit trying to normalize AIDS, it isn't normal and never will be

Get AIDed rostie

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so apparently its autism thats infectious in here

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Nah I wanted to see what people would do to get around the blood. I like qt gf better than prime teen pussy, seems less slutty, but both work

why can't she jump across to me? she needs to get out so why would i jump across and get stuck with her?

did you try the hardware?

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What program did you use to make thid

apparently not
i didnt. the longer youre here the more you realise its all repetitive. nothing is new


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>waterfall of blood
So, like, a bloodfall? Or does it have water in it too?

all blood

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I don't understand why she doesn't pass through the blood herself, instead of both of us doing it, as you need to take her out of there. Also, that is a thot and not qt gf, you flaming newfag.


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pissbreak bloxxxoxo

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I'm really enjoying this, whoever is dumping.

sry this is after this then

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ifuckedup bloxxoxo

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>eat aids
>aids is digested
>aids trickles down throat
>aids is absorbed in stomach tissue
>intestinal walls
>aids gets processed through bloodstream
>you now have aids in your blood
>but you don't actually have aids
and you just made me imagine swallowing aids, fuck dude

aidsroast bloxoxoxx

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the roast is free

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oh dear

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goodbye i love you, bye bye

Based and mictlantecuhtli pilled

fucking aids cultist keke

idk what that story is bro but here's my actual realistic answer.

Attached: bridge.png (545x410, 18K)

Wear a dry diving suit

Sorry roast, you're on your own for this one.

Based. Thank you not originallyo

>didn't bolt it to the rock

Attached: ohno.jpg (1021x1112, 63K)


i have plenty of these on hand at all time

Attached: aidschallenge.png (680x492, 12K)

Just bring an infant girl from Africa, I hear they are the cure to aids.

>get a steel plate
>form it into a Y-shape, with a waterside type corners on all sides
>dig two holes on opposite ends as a diversion for drainage
>walk under and wedge the single section underneath the waterfall with full hazmat suit and medical approved gloves
>support the section with a tripod
>decontaminate before going in
>we walk out together

just close your mouth and you're fine

circumcision is disgusting, and the flawed studies linking circumcision to ~2% actual lower aids rates have been refuted