Jesus fucking christ. I keep trying guys. Im always the first to send texts to people. I always take the initiative. Im super talkative when im out with friends. They seem to fucking love me then. But none of them ever ask me to do something with them.
When do i just give up? It feels like im keeping something standing up with all my might that'll fall over the second i lose the slightest grip.
Jesus fucking christ. I keep trying guys. Im always the first to send texts to people. I always take the initiative...
>Be 18 guy, never been in a relationship. let alone sex
>Start talking via social networks to a girl in my town
>She comes over one day, we kiss and stuff
>We go antoher day to grab a beer
>Some people see us
>The day after someone texts her something like "so you're going out with THAT guy"
>She starts defending herself, saying we're only friends
The good part is I didn't get to fall in love completely. Why do you want a relationship, just to suffer when everything goes down the drain?
You have taken the patrician choice of remaining alone.
I might be young and unexperienced, but no older bot will be able to contradict me.
I guess the pleasure you feel when you have it is better than the pain you get when you lose it.
And that's only a girl I kissed. Imagine married men whose wives cheated on them or busy dads whose wives neglected their children. You are immune to loss, OP. You are ok, you just don't know it. If you want sex just pay to whore or be rich so you can't have one night stands in an hotel room.
Don't you dare crying over your loneliness.
The pleasure of love is so immense that the lack of it makes it even worse. It's like eating everyday and suddenly you are broke and go on weeks without eating.
I used to feel the same way. Always send the first text, always be the last to stop texting, and I always tried my hardest to be talkative and funny when ever I got the chance. But I was never invited to ANYTHING! I thought I was just not a fun guy, or maybe they just never thought about me or to invite me over
But then I just kinda stopped trying. Yes at times I'm the first to send a message, yes sometimes friends don't invite me to shit. But now I get high with a small group of my buds on the weekends, I visit my friends houses, and during the next summer break. I might go on a road trip with a few people
Maybe I just turned more Anti - Social, so I stopped thinking about so hard. So I just went with the flow? Idk, just don't think about it to hard
If you always give them your attention and company, they'll never be given the chance to want for it
pay to a whore or be rich so you can*
Nigger im not talking about sex or love. Just about being able to hold onto basic fucking friendships and being worth asking out for a beer.
so never eating is better than not eating for a few weeks?
Huh. I'm having the same problem, I'm gonna try using this advice.
The analogy isn't perfect. Getting a pill with all your needed nutrients everyday is better than get used to eating and then not being able to. See the difference? You've got all you need to live. You gotta realize don't need that other thing.
Where do you live OP? I'd go for a beer with you desu
Goddamn i hate the social part of life. Its so abstract and impossible to figure out. The whole thing just seems to boil down to "just bee yourself and take it easy". But i think that is what im doing and it doesn't fucking work. I haven't seen some of these people in months and its still a massive struggle to just meet them for a beer. Maybe i am a suffocating person. I wish i knew what i was supposed to do.
I need you to clue me in on how to be outgoing and what not. Idk how to talk to girls but I've given myself to the end of the week to small talk a girl. I did it today with a coworker but I realize that was too easy I need to talk to a complete stranger. Whenever I do talk I use hollow phrases like "appreciate it" or "good day" "what's goin on"
I don't want to go out with just anybody. I want someone i can rely on to go out when im in the mood, and someone who'll rely. on the same from me. Something long lasting and meaningful. you know a good friend.
I have no clue how to talk to girls im interested in. Its way too much pressure for me. I can talk to girls im not interested in no problem. I just treat them like any guy. But making the transition to flirty from friendly is something thats wayyyy too stressful for me to be able to do. Ita awful. I need a wingman.
Well if you are "Being yourself and taking it easy" why are you here complaining about it to us? You obviously care about you being absent in a social life. Mad about your "Friends" leaving you behind
Everyone can have friends, Hitler had friends, Stalin had friends, I have friends. Even though I can't start a conversation for shit and I'm to loud for my own good. Blaming yourself for a personal problem is not going to fix the problem ...
I may sound like I'm being harsh and I'm sorry. I'm just trying to help
My point is im doing the best i can but im not getting the results i want. So i figure im doing something wrong. Im just at a loss.
>>She starts defending herself, saying we're only friends
she wasn't worth it then, user, you're good
>Not getting the results I want
Well that's your problem user! Say, when you go out and find a girl do they have to be exactly similar to you or have Every single check off of your check list? Heck no. Because then you would never find a girl! That's the same with friends. Hell half of my friends are libtards! Or SJWs that don't know the difference between reality and a joke. But there still my friend, because they are cool
They don't want anything from you?`And you try too hard? So what's the matter when it's mutual aversion, there is no duty for you to fulfill, don't fool yourself.
Yes because then you will die, and thus no longer suffer