Anyone else here hate trans people in secret?

Anyone else here hate trans people in secret?

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I don't think I'm capable of truly hating anyone. Hating people for doing stupid shit is the same as hating animals for their behavior. I try to stay away from it all, but if they harm me, it's really no different from being harmed by chaotic weather. Sure it would suck for me, but cursing at the sky would do me no good.

transsexuals are hypersexual deviant predators. i dont hate them, but i dislike and will not trust one with anything

I hate someone based on "the content of their character".

>hate trans people in secret
why do you have to do it in secret? they are like .1% of the population

cause liberals will hunt you down and try to get you fired if you disagree with their deviant antisocial agendas

I just think they are stupid and not as hot as traps

Not really. I hate the degeneracy in LGBT community because it's rife with dirty bug chasers, fudge packers, and sexual predators. But trans people are only victimizing themselves. Their disorder is symptomatic of deconstructive Jewish clown world psychology being taken as fact without question. I can't feel anger towards them, only a profound sadness that instead of accepting who they are, they chose a life full of pain and ridicule.

Could not agree more. The LGBT community itself is the biggest cause of their problems. Too many nut jobs in it

No I masturbate to traps 80% of the time now.

>he's a schizophrenic who thinks the whole world is out to get him because he ridiculed someone wearing a dress once
you should like leave the house sometime

No, I hate trannys openly.

No I'm in love with a transgirl irl

Most definitely, trannies are scum and I wish them all great misfortune. Of course, this is an unfashionable opinion to hold in modern America so I get by with just ignoring them.

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I don't hate them but I feel extreme pity and disgust toward them. I would never be rude or treat them differently, just keep the thoughts to myself

I don't hate them but I find the fact I can't ask questions irritating and I don't think they're ever really men or women. I don't understand why they play up gender stereotypes so much.
As a Man I want to know from a FtM what they think it means to be a man. I'm not a women so I can't judge a MtFs answer to that vice versa.
I don't think they should be allowed to compete against women if they were born a man and hormones on kids seems wrong to me.

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>I want to know from a FtM what they think it means to be a man.
To be a man you must have honor. Honor and a penis.


I simply don't see the problem, they are just doing what they want to without bothering anyone.

Trannies are fucking diseased. There is an actual disease called gender dysphoria which is basically when someone is born fucked up in the head and wants to become something they are biologically unable to become. Their suicide rates are off the charts and in order to keep themselves happy they need to take hormones, and walk outside in a dress. 95% of trannies aren't even cute enough to pass as a female and just end up looking hideous. In order too look decent they need to apply a shit ton of makeup and doll themselves up, which is what a normal girl only does when she is going on a special occasion. If a tranny walked outside without their makeup they would look just like a man dressed in a skirt with long hair. Some trannies look decent when they are below 30 but once they start to grow old their fake tits shrivel up and they look even worse than they did before. Children are being indoctrinated into transgenderism at an early age and are allowed to choose what sex they want to be before they even undergo puberty and know what gender really is creating a mentally and physically ruined generation of males.

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>in secret
no i fucking hat tranny fags ill tell anyone

I don't Despise them because they can chose to be whatever they want to be, I don't give two shits, We are all fucked anyway so what if someone wants a dick?

yes. I started dating a boy and 4 months in he claimed he was trans. Now I have to deal with his trans bullshit all the fucking time, and to make it worse he restricted access and doesnt want me touching his dick. so I drug him and take it my self

I just want my boyfriend back


I used to be the biggest liberal out of high school and completely tolerant of trannies, but as I spent more time reading about mental health, and either volunteering myself or talking to actual professionals in the field, you end up learning the truth about trannies.

What I'm about to say is an open secret among those actually in the field, but since the issue has since been politicized, the truth is no longer getting out.

Transgenderism isn't an actual disorder as implied. Gender dysphoria is a made up term meant to appease the political side of the LGBT movement, who throw a shitfit over nothing and constantly fake oppression. (More on this in a bit). Transgenderism instead a symptom of borderline personality disorder, the symptom being "identity disturbance." Like pic related explains, it's a coping mechanism to fill an emotional void, and in a month to a year they will drop the tranny act for something else.

The suicide rates (both attempted and successful) between trannies and BPD folks are identical, because it's the same disorder. Trannies don't report feeling happy post-op because they are using their fake sex change to fill an emotional void that only comes with BPD. Spoiler: this doesn't work. They will never be happy.

Now the kicker, have you ever dealt with someone suffering from BPD? They are top-tier assholes who destroy everything around them, can't into basic friendships to save their lives, and throw tantrums over petty shit (remember IT'S MA'AM the gamestop guy? thats normal). All trannies are like this. This is why the LGBT activism community has so much infighting. These people actively hate each other, cannot get along in a shared environment, and compete subconsciously for fake victimhood points even if it means making shit up. All while only pretending to be a tranny for a month or two and then fucking off to some completely different hobby.

Attached: borderline-personality-disorder-identity-disturbance-psychcentral-com.jpg (453x253, 44K)

>in secret
I make a point of despising them openly actually.

I want to you believe you after dealing with both BPD folks and trannies in decent quantities, but since you are user on 4channel I have issues trusting you on your word alone

Do you have any studies or other evidence save for the decent argument to support your claim? I'm familiar with the stats on both and know you're relatively correct on the correlation.

Have fun my man.

The problem with becoming a tranny though is once you start taking hormones and god forbid undergo a sex change that shit fucks you up for good. You will look like some monster for the rest of your life and what once was a fad has now become a permanent burden on their lives. The hormones also fuck with your brain and dick making it harder for you to get it up so even if you didn't undergo the surgery you will have long lasting permanent damage.
The doctors that support sex changes and prescribe hormones to these subhumans are either quacks or are required by their job to do it and I don't want my precious tax money going to paying for tranny hormones and funding sex change surgery. This issue is the one thing that I agree with islam on because their ideas of gender identity and roles in the society is far better than what the progressive west has. And they really know how to get the message across that fags and trannies aren't welcome pic related

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Based as heck. Thanks senpai

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So idk who you are man or what your goals are here, but oh boy do you have me hooked.
>Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran
>you picked a different personality disorder than the one the paper chose for highest co-morbidity

What level of disinformation are we on at this point lad?

Currently reading the study. You are right about that one.

The other confounding factor is the way Iran treats homosexuals. Homosexuality is illegal, but being a tranny is perfectly legal and protected by the government.

If an american doctor were to write about that level of based shit they would be stripped of their medical license because its the jews that control the pharmaceutical business

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However, it should be considered the line of this:

>Understanding these disorders contributes to clarification of GID nosology. Some scholars classified GID as a part of borderline personality disorder (BPD) (10 to 13). For example, Murray has suggested that GID in men is a presentation of character structure matched with Kernbergs criteria for borderline personality organization. Transsexualism is even considered as a subset of borderline personality disorder

So even the definition between being trans and/or bpd might be comorbid, and the criteria utilized for this study for a diagnosis is different than that comorbidity hence the low rate in the study

I don't really have time to hate people whose existence doesn't affect me. Dislike them, at most. Not in secret though.

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>In secret
>He doesn't openly mock and get everyone to laugh at trans "women"
Never gonna make it

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You're confusing transsexuals with transvestites and drag queens - those are just men wearing feminine clothing.