So why is it user?

So why is it user?

Attached: femenism knuckles.jpg (720x540, 83K)

Nobody has ever offered to have sex with me, and I'm too scared to try to initiate for fear of getting #metoo'd.

I want a girl to reverse metoo me.

Why don't you fug bois? :3

feminism, originally original

I'm not gay, so that isn't really a good option.

How do you know? Have you ever tried?

yes, because sex is handed on a silver platter you autist

How would you envision reverse metoo working? She invites you back to her place and you, being of sound mind and body, accept, and have consensual and mutually stimulating sex.
Then 15 years later you throw a fit and post about how much of a creep she is on social media, try to get her fired, and go to law enforcement and try to get her arrested?

No, I just want a girl to molest me.

Nah, but I've seen plenty of videos that include naked men and naked women, and I know which ones I'm attracted to.
There are so many unwritten rules when it comes to getting laid, I'm sure I'd screw up most of them. And as a man, screwing up an unwritten rule could easily mean losing your career, or worse.

I have autism, so that hurts my chances by a significant margin.

lmao unwritten rules? how hard is it to just not rape someone? you people make this so fucking difficult for yourselves

Well, let's see:
The man is expected to go in for the kiss, but if she doesn't first verbally consent it's assault. Asking for it is awkward and creepy though, so don't do that. You just have to know when the right time is and go for it. Just don't be wrong, or you've just committed assault.

It's fun to make a guy think you're going to kiss his lips but then you go for the forehead :3

If you can reach his forehead without him expecting it, he's too short and had it coming anyway.

Never tried, never felt like hitting on a chick to get laid. Besides, I got my hands for getting off.

>ugly face
>can't hold a convo for more than 2 minutes
>no confidence
>no self esteem
>ugly face
>kinda chubby but not so much
>weak voice
>bad hair
>ugly face

Attached: 1554351871907s.jpg (125x125, 3K)

>Tiny penis
>Facade of a personality involving self-deprecating humor regarding the aforementioned
>Even if I was a tall handsome skinny interesting person, years of imageboards and the internet at large has left me with an inability to trust other human beings
>Can't even invision myself being intimate with ficitonal characters anymore, let alone flesh-and-blood human beings
It's a wonder my family puts up with my bullshit, why would strangers willingly associate with me?

I can't tell if the creator of OP's image is a parody of a parody or if it's unironic. Fuckin poe's law

What would be the motivation for a woman to sleep with a 6 when she can have loads of 8 cock anytime she wants thanks to the (((sexual liberation))).

>he thinks he's a 6

Attached: laughinggirls.png (449x401, 490K)

it's because i'm a feminist unironically

Understandable. Women realize how weak and pathetic feminist men are. They want a real man who will take charge.

It doesn't even matter. anything below a 7 makes it 5x more difficult. Male 6s have to settle for Female 4s, which leaves the male 4s with la creatura (or nothing).

>be me
>weak chin
>big weird head
>fucked up yellow teeth
But hey maybe the problem is my personality right?

Its because women are garbage and thy dont love me

As a male 4, I'd be happy with any female who's willing to have sex with me. They don't exist, so here I am posting in this thread instead.

I'm here because I'm a violent alcoholic who goes on drunken rants about the jews. It really is my personality.

What are you drinking tonight, fellow alchie? I'm just a depressed alcoholic. The worst thing I do when drunk is post in threads like this.

Just some cheap vodka. I really don't have anything better to do than post in this thread, which is pathetic.

Vodka here as well, though with some vermouth for flavor. Just ran out of scotch :(