Will all this trans/lgbt/sjw/porn/bdsm/fetish/degeneracy ever stop? i wanna go back to a normal life
Will all this trans/lgbt/sjw/porn/bdsm/fetish/degeneracy ever stop? i wanna go back to a normal life
Bumping because I'm personally infected with degeneracy and want my life to go back to normal
imo they should eitherr make lgtb nsfw or creating a /fgt/ nsfw board so all this cunts can gtfo of Jow Forums
its not just r9k. i want the world to be cleansed
if you are here chances are you dont go out much, dont get me wrong, i dont go out either but if it really bothers you can just kys and end your suffering once and for all
No, it will become worse in no time.
It's always been here. They just had to keep it in the closet. And the only reason why they're flamboyant about it is because their community as a whole is sick of biblekikes trying to kill them over something they never had control over in the first place.
The answer to your question is called Humility.
>keep it in the closet
can they go back? its disgusting
no it's only gonna get worse, all of this is rooted in sex addiction, if you want to live a normal life just practice semen retention, get married and start believing in God.
I'm happy that faggots, traps, and other all other scum have high suicide rates, not to mention they cripple themselves with HIV, prolapsed rectum and all manner of venereal diseases, I'm happy that they are miserable despite their efforts to portray themselves otherwise.
Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude 1:7
i wish we could have morals with out retarded kike-worshiping christcuckery
Stop targeting them, and they will.
God isn't a kike, since you're a dumb sinner who's gonna burn in hell you aren't aware of the fact that the modern day nation of Israel along with the kikes will all be destroyed according to the Bible.
This whole "christcuck/kike on a stick" meme is so stupid and retarded, you atheists love to brag about how logical and intelligent you are but you morons don't know jack shit about what the Bible teaches.
How do you expect to debunk a religion when you don't know a damn thing about it ?
christianity is a cucked pussy religion. look at your churches. they are all feminized
The problem is that it focuses too much on the personal interpretation of one person, and nobody acknowledges what it actually does to everyone else that isn't in their hugbox group.
You should probably stop browsing Jow Forums if you want to stop seeing degenerate pornography.
>its not just r9k. i want the world to be cleansed
Negger Bitte
How does any of that shit impact your life aside from you have to feel a little uncomfortable while surfing the internet?
If there's anything to be learned from recent history it's that if you give them an inch they'll take a thousand miles then call you a bigot for not giving them more.
>women can't be priests
>women can't altar serve in traditional Churches (disregarding the heretical ones)
>women can't be deacons
>women are expected to be subordinate to their husbands
Yep sure is feminized! I don't really understand what you want a place of worship to be. Would it be more masculine if we held worship in Gold's Gym and pumped hot iron while listening to the sermon? How ironic to be complaining about femininity when you are on the most beta board on this site.
>dont forget priest rape little boys
It's goobers like you making everything about us. Just do you.
>Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. Ephesians 5:22
>A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing. Proverbs 9:13
>If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Leviticus 20:13
You're an idiot, those so called churches are lukewarm secular faggot churches, most of these churches you see are run by faggots.
Christianity has been weakened and emasculated the same way this society has emasculated men.
that's catholicism, it's not Christianity, please don't confuse catholicism with Christianity.
It will stop when it stops garnering attention. Learn how to use the thread filters and block words like trans, etc
Legitimate question from a Christan here, how does the Bible specify that modern day Israel will be destroyed? Somewhat curious actually
No, only once the current system ends, and since it's going to be a global government that's reaching the Kojevian "end of history", there won't really be actual people to save anymore.
I mean, even now, if you ask anyone if they're willing to sacrifice any comfort whatsoever to actually stay a proper human, they'll tell you to fuck off.
If we could just ban all fembot threads, this place would be back to normal overnight
It's a warning shot across the bow to get yourself in check so you don't end up like them.
Stop the degeneracy in your own life it's all you can control. If we all did it the culture would start to shift again.