Jow Forums seriously needs more positive transgender representation

Jow Forums seriously needs more positive transgender representation.
Iess fetishisation of trans people, we are not your fap fuel.
more discussion of the trans lifestyle and community, no more abuse and harassment.
no haters and trolls allowed! if you don't have anything nice and constructive to contribute to the thread, just don't say anything at all.
you Iiterally have 149 of your own threads at all times.

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Go back to your containment board you disgusting freak of nature

lol ur funny, funny man

Trans rights

>no haters and trolls allowed
what are you gonna do?, you infantile maniac

Can I report this? Isn't spamming the same thread multiple times a day some kind of offense?

It's a little reassuring to know trannies kill themselves left & right.

Mommy Contra says that board is toxic so I stay off it.

>we are not your fap fuel.

Yeah your right. You guys are not our fap fuel, but the ovens are going to need something to run off of.

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>r9k needs more positive transgender representation
If you want positive representation, this site isnt for you fag.

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Here's your (You) cutie

This is the site for us, because you can't vote us down like on reddit.

piss off "mia". If every single board unanimously enforced the idea of /lgbt/ being a containment board then you could all live happily and wouldn't bother people either.


It's embarrassing how people use anime characters with their trans shit and never actual trans people. Is it because real trannies are too ugly and don't pass? Please stop posting your propaganda.

There's nothing wrong with idealized avatars.

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It's basically propaganda on the same level as pic related because many tranny discords are obsessed with turning others to the 40%

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Get off Jow Forums and go to the nig and PC sites like Instagram and Twitter We come here specifically because we dont want to be bothered with pesky morals

>boo hoo im not getting enough representation while being a parasite on someone else's board.
shut the fuck up and go back to your containment board you freak of nature. No one wants you posting disgusting tranny pics here

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>Less fetishizing

Like I wasn't willing to be a cis woman's emotional tampon, why would I be yours?

Fuck me or kill yourself. You're trans so you'd actually do it too unlike an attention seeking woman.

I don't appreciate gas lightning either. Its not fetishizing me knowing what I want and need and demanding it with confidence and stern moral foundation. I deserve to be loved, as do you, so either love me, or go love someone else, or again go kill yourself. It's really simple.

But its not like i spend all day searching for dick girls on Brazzers or something

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You literally have a whole board for this
>>/lbgt/ fuck off

you're an anomaly

More GAY representation pls

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Gwyndolin is literally everything wrong about trannies, he was a dude that was forced to become a girl

Nope you're Fucking disgusting and need a bullet in the head not help just death

That's just a few fetishists. Stop being so extremely online. Go outside.

>Iess fetishisation of trans people, we are not your fap fuel.


Please explain how transgenderism isn't just adopting sex stereotypes, and dysphoria isn't just caused by a disconnect between one's own self-perception and the gender roles pushed onto them by society.

this is 110% troll but also yes stop being an autistic faggot towards tranners

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the drawing being this manly doesn't it anger the trannies?

It doesn't anger me, I think it's really cute
Also the artist who made her is really chill

it's clearly a boy

are the tannies realizing they will look their own way and not like a woman?

You've made a mistake tranny. You will now be used as worm food.

She made some interesting videos about this.

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Im sure a good number are content with how they look. I stopped caring so much about looking like the girls in the magazines and everywhere else and just let myself do my own thing. I feel a lot better about myself now because of it. I think it's not just something teenage girls or whoever to be super obsessed with their appearance, I dont feel anyone should care about looking like someone else.

it also looks like shit

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If it was then Jow Forums would be deleted.

there is a /lgbt/ but they are special and allowed on every board to spam their shit

>I demand ponies on all boards if the trannies continue on all boards

That's from 2016. Natalie is much prettier now.

how? his hair is gone?

There's /s/ and I see nude women on all peach boards and most blue boards.

See for yourself

>peach boards

women are natural. they should be allowed on all boards. what are you, a bigot?

>not clicking that shit tranner

post a pic here

Why are you afraid of some wholesome comedy?

>Jow Forums seriously needs more positive transgender representation.
>Iess fetishisation of trans people, we are not your fap fuel.
>more discussion of the trans lifestyle and community, no more abuse and harassment.
>no haters and trolls allowed! if you don't have anything nice and constructive to contribute to the thread, just don't say anything at all.
>you Iiterally have 149 of your own threads at all times.

please stop praising and supporting your fucking mental illness. Get help. You have a problem

We are getting help :-)

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trannies don't realize who is their enemy and who really cares about their well being

protip: your grandpa knows

kill yourself disgusting normalfag piece of shit
fuck off back to whichever shithole you came from

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My grandpa jumped out of a plane to kill fascists.

Bet he regrets that when he's looking down on you.

GTFO of Jow Forums you sodomites!

you can use your grandma or your dad too

>Jow Forums seriously needs more positive transgender representation.


and stay there.

How does one not be a normie here? Be default in every way and whinge about stuff?

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Real trannies do pass and don't make it known they're trannies. The only ones who seethe are unpassable twitter/discord trannies who have taken the word trans hostage but then again most passable trannies don't feel the need to label themselves as trans.

fucking faggots why dont you go to lgbt already?you have your own fucking board just go and leave us be

If you need a safe space, there's Jow Forumsbraincels

>Jow Forums seriously needs more positive transgender representation.

Weren't trannies expelled from Jow Forums a while back because of a discord sex ring?

This phenomenon is particularly terrifying because of how alluring it is. If I were younger I know I would have fallen for it and completely decimated my life over a stupid crossdressing fetish.

wow are you even trying faggot?

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You would have just detransitioned if it wasn't right for you. The long term consequences are really very minimal compared to getting fat.

It would have left a giant stain on my familial life, cost tons of time and money, and would have generally made my mental health far worse than it is already. I'd say that's fairly significant. Also I don't think getting fat and being trans are mutually exclusive but either way I'm not planning on doing either.

Rules about spamming and flooding and multiple threads and advertising aren't enforced for gays and trannies. See /soc/.

You think you would have ordered black market pills instead of working with professionals to get a prescription?

Probably would have stuck with the latter but either way it's not as if seeing a psychiatrist is cheap, not to mention I have the most basic garbage insurance that I can pay for and still be insured. Getting raped at the pharmacy doesn't sound fun either.

Lolis on all boards it is, brb writing a bot

No trannies pass, shlomo. Stop feeding lies to mentally ill people.

You belong hanging from a tree faggot

Last time you asked that, I responded with the question:
>Why do you think we need more positive representation of something that is, by any objective standards, an epic fail?

You replied with
>i want newfags to go

Even if newfags to go are available, that's not a satisfactory response.
It is not my intention to abuse or harass, but I don't see why we need more positive representation of the most epic failure possible other than those that will leave you dead or in prison.

go back to yer own board you fucking whiny bitch boi

repeat after me


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what is /lgbt/?
your containment board
now go there


Gwyndolin is intersex you mong

That's why everyone hate lgbtards, you constantly demand and never give anything in return. gtfo to /lgbt/

here something constructive
trap is not a slur and those tranny on twitter need fuck off

>Iess fetishisation of trans people, we are not your fap fuel.
aww how adorable
people manage to found you attractive
please be happy with that and not absolute faggot