I'm 23 years old and I'm about to start dating a 16 year old, she'll be 17 in 3 months. How risky is it? Our moms are really good friends, I don't know if it'd be worth the risk, she's a fucking qt and really sweet though, we both share the same hobbies and interests, she would be the perfect girlfriend for me.
I'm 23 years old and I'm about to start dating a 16 year old, she'll be 17 in 3 months. How risky is it...
reported the thread to the FBI
Just ask her mom. I read on wikipedia brad pitt banged a 15 year old. When I was in high school. When I thought I was gonna be famous. What a fucking slut.
16 is legaI in my state.
Based Kansas user. Go for it desu but be very respectful and responsible and don't try to fuck her right away, it's legal here but it's the principle of the thing. It's a bit of a weird situation but not too big of an issue. Definitely take things slow in any case. Do her parents know? Does your mom know?
Worth a shot OP. Just really depends on what you want out of it, and how much shes into you. I fear a 16 year old is unstable in the brain, but maybe it will work.
No one knows and I want to keep it on the low until she's 18. Our moms have been trying to set me up with one of her older daughters, but I ended up falling for her. She's so cute, and sweet, the thought of me pounding her out doesn't even cross my mind, I just want to hug her and kiss her.
Depending on your situation this may be the best move, also depends on whether you're working now or still in uni. Maybe she'll go to your uni or move in with you down the line if you're out of uni but that's all speculative. It is a bit risky in that sense, you'd be asking a lot of her.
You'll be retarded if you don't do it while everyone is giving their consent ....
Don't do it, it's not going to work out.
There is nothing wrong with being attracted to a girl with fully formed breasts and vagina...
Especially under 24. Hope ur not black tho
A good friend of mine was 27 and started dating a 16 year old a few years ago.
Literally nobody from either family cared as long as he treated her right and didn't abuse/exploit her. It was mega weird at first but after like two and a half years they're still together lul. They're saving up for a house at the moment.
This weird only in burgerica.
you deserver to be tortured
She will find you disgusting by the time she turns 19, regret everything, and proceed to fuck your life up.
>the principle
die normalfag
I have found that young girls don't really know what they want, so even if you think everything is fine her mind may change by the next day. Tread lightly my friend.
lmaoo girls in my country are already horny whores at 14
>haha it's legal in my state haha
Yeah with parent's consent dumbass, you're still a fucking bedo
zero risk
creampie that prime teen pussy
pal i have only one thing to say about that, when i was 24 i had the chance to bang a 14 years old, she was the sister of a friend of mine, she was your tipical little slut, she wasnt even a virgin at the time anymore,she was a beatifull little tease, she seems right out of a ero doujin.i sat down and though about it, i was 10 years older than this girl that obviously had daddy issues and was using sex as a way of feeling loved,i decided it was wrong and rejected her. years later she had a son at 17 and now at 19 she is married with a guy 5 or 7 years older i dont remember,and me?i am a 30 something losser who is still a virgin,i had the chance to lose my virginity with a 14 years old little slut like in one of those ero doujin and say no, i think about that every night now before going to sleep. dont be like me pal, go and fuck that girl, fuck her so hard you two will remember it for the rest of your fucking life
>in my country
So basically everyone in the west?
Depending on where you live, 16 could mean she's on the clock
Be careful about your next move, summoner.
Your action is legal here in ye olde land of Britannia.
Yet through my crystal ball I can see that there lies a potential decade of being banged by this magnificent creature named Tyrone if you live in the barren lands of the great prison state, United States of Amerilard.
>America, the free'est prison state in the lands
Make sure it's legal or don't have sex til she's 18.
You can still be charged in some cases if her parents don't approve of your being with her.