Is anyone else amazed at how much video of people having sex there is online?

Is anyone else amazed at how much video of people having sex there is online?

There has to be 100,000s of tits and pussy uploaded by now.

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I can't comprehend it. I don't like being naked when I'm by myself. How these people feel comfortable taking naked pictures of themselves and sending it to people, or even worse posting it online themselves, is something I'll never understand.

Thank the Jews lad

>Blaming the Jews and not the loser betas that give whores money
This isn't Jow Forums nigga

I think you mean millions, but yes I agree it's ridiculous how people will sell their souls for no reason.

Personally I'm the most disheartened by how many pics and videos of what would otherwise be shy nerdy ugly fat girls there are doing disgusting shit and getting comments on it and money for it and sex offers and all that. Like, I just want a cute ugly nerdy fat girl who's capable of actual love and not this degenerate retardation.

Fuck on outta here longnosed kike

Im thinking about joining the industry

All the porn posted is a monument to how far we have fallen.

Some of it is pretty good tho

I'm not saying I don't fap to 10/10 big tiddy bitches, cause I do all the time, but I also acknowledge how the west has fallen to degeneracy as a result.

how can there be millions of hours recorded if there hasn't been millions of hours since recording technology existed?

>how can there be millions of hours recorded if there hasn't been millions of hours since recording technology existed?
based brainlet

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Think of all the girls in the world who were filmed while getting nutted on today. It you added up all that video it would be more than 24 hrs, yet it all happened in the same day.

better yet think about this, as a kv I always think about the world population FUCKING INCREASING i mean like if fucking was like breathing and easy to achieve BUT not only that also doing it a certain amount of times to get a woman pregnant
i cant even comprehend it as a robot

>I'm not saying I don't fap to 10/10 big tiddy bitches, cause I do all the time, but I also acknowledge how the west has fallen to degeneracy as a result.
every one that isnt a retard knows jews are behind the porn industry and want to push degeneracy to the west


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Can the truth only be spoken on Jow Forums now? Faggot.

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try millions. literally millions of tits and ass. Trillions of you count hentai and cartoon porn

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Porn literally is run by Jews though. What does that fact have to do with Jow Forums. Also fuck off jew, Jow Forums is a Jow Forums board.

There are some porn companies run by Jews, but they aren't the majority nor the most successful.

And Jow Forums has never been a Jow Forums board no matter what the Jow Forumsfags claim.

There's a lot of overlap because both boards attract the basement-dwelling virgin neckbeard NEET posters.

>Trillions of you count hentai and cartoon porn
you cant even draw stick figures that fast. Unless you're counting panels in which case you should count every frame in porn as 1

There are ~7.5 billion people on earth, ofc there is a lot of porn.

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I'm amazed that with all of the amateur porn I've seen, I've never seen somebody I know IRL.

just about to say the same.

>billions girls prefer humiliating themselves online forever than having sex with you

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Just because you'd feel humiliated for putting your body online, other people don't have to feel the same.

That's why there's a lot of money to be made in it, because it's taboo, while having high demand. The camgirls and amateur porn stars are better at business than most people because they understand this

most of the time its asshole ex boyfriends who leak our nudes..

If you don't want your nudes leaked then don't send nudes.

But narrow it down to white women of ages 18-40 and how many are there?

>everyone but me is a faggot

>I'm amazed that with all of the amateur porn I've seen, I've never seen somebody I know IRL.
I know right.
Hundreds of hours if not thousands, sometimes trying to just find someone who even looks like someone I know and nothing ever came up.

what should really blow your mind is that all the porn created in the world is not even 1% of all the people actually having sex in the world

Thousands of women prefer to fuck dogs than to have a chat with one of us (not to say than to fuck us). Hundreds of them even post videos online, but no one even wants to take a "selfie" with you in it.

are you having a stroke? even thousands times less would be an impossible number

I think recording yourself is fairly common since camera phones. I'm probably in the minority of guys who has never taken any dick pics.

Any girl who sends nudes or cybers is likely enough to end up online. A lot of the rest will get bfs and later record their sex.