Is this the mother of all blackpills?

is this the mother of all blackpills?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>be me
>dunno what blackpill is but read that shit
>this me when im left alone for over an hour
I still dunno exactly what a blackpill is but i get a sense that its something to do with pessimism?

No, that's only half of it. Here's the full version.

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the entire concept is so stupid I feel dumb just trying to coherently explain it accurately, let's just say it's a kind of mass delusion retards willingly put themselves under to cope with being losers

lmao my mindset being like this is probably why i wanna kill myself, but i put myself into the spiral and i cant get out

I'm not reading a five paragraph essay on some user's justifications for why their life sucks. Still, I will comment on what I did read.

>Don't ask people for help

I actually agree with this to a limited extent. If you bother your family and friends too much with your issues, they'll shun you, think less of you, or consider you a burden. If anything, people should try to get professional help as soon as they think they need it. Because a professional mental health expert is paid to use their knowledge to try to get you to put your own life into a better position. Them being paid does not mean they will automatically take the least amount of effort with their clients. Psychologists aren't desperate for the cash like Dentists are.

>It's better to suffer alone

This is not true. At least, it depends on the pain. Chronic pain sufferers often band together because they understand that outsiders don't know what they're going through and they generally want to keep living despite the increased depression and suicide rates brought on by the condition.

Seems more like seething jealousy/angst. What is the underlying point? Compare this with that and you get what? A lonely neet with no potential for success? I guess it's cool that this person can take the time to say everyone's advice is bad, so his final summation is that he lives a bad life because that's that and nothing can change it. Amazing. It's clearly an underage poster.

you don't fundamentally understand. mindset like this is not created by someone who has never had any will to want to change.
I'm 25 and for the past 7 years I've tried literally every single thing under the sun to fix my disposition. this is a reaction to people who have tried everything they can and get no where. while the world screams just world fallacies. people who turn around an incredibly fucked up life/ childhood are 1 in a million. usually due to some god given talent or luck. normal people take their foundation that was laid by stable parenting and normal socialisation simply as a given.
someone extremely fucked up has to expend all energy simply existing and keeping things from falling apart.

Honestly it just sounds like you're a lazy faggot who's making excuses for not being strong enough to change.

and you're just a normalfag from a cushy upbringing who thinks he deserved and worked hard for everything given to him on a platter

the biggest success in life is keeping people's expectations on you low but now retard tier.
>if you do favors for people all the times them people take that for granted and the moment you dont comply they flip out
>if you are deemed smart the moment you fail is going to get you a lot of negative press.
>no one cares about your problems so dont bother sharing them
>be ready to backstab people when it really benefits you, you are the only looking out there for you you can bet your ass they would do it back if they benefited from it
>also never assume someone is going to help you
and my what i think is my best advice, if you hate someone and want them to fail and destroy them in any shape or form
>never ever challenge them, be their friend and give them bad advice, dont tell people that they can cuz it can trigger their motivation, make them feel like they tried and its ok.

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no what that person wrote is self reflecting. there are black pills but being doomed because of a bad childhood is not one of them.

get your shit together

but how do you get your shit together when you're fundamentally broken? what does "get your shit together" even mean when you can't answer the door or go to the store?

yeah dude why can't you just get a higher IQ from the library, your poor nutrition and education didn't matter at all

First time I've seen the unabridged version - bloody hell. Reading this at breakfast, and I'm half inclined not to go into work today.

Agree with this - you can do a lot right, put in a lot of effort, make lots of improvements, and still fail.

>just put on your bootstraps, bro
>everything is your own fault
>never complain
>just get over you anxiety and depression
>just stop being stupid
>just suddenly stop being bad at math
>just suddenly have tons of friends

Keep in mind that this was written 10 years ago, before things like were widespread, so all the problems you have are a billion times worse due to the global panopticon now, and there is no escape, not even to the third world where these technologies are often tested before anywhere else.

Just be like me, a Chad who didn't read this massive blogpost and spits in the face of blackpilled diatribe

Afraid you'll end up like this?

yeah not watching that kiddo
try harder

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the divide between normalfags and losers is going to grow larger due to late stage capitalism and less resources to go around. get ready for normalfags to ramp up their hostility towards people like us as their masks of faux empathy start slipping. shit is going to get really dark

>late stage capitalism
how is it related to normos being hostile towards us?