this site isn't good for your mental health, even if you don't take it seriously. It's filled with a lot of negativity that can't go unnoticed. How do you cope with this?
This site isn't good for your mental health, even if you don't take it seriously...
Makes me feel warm when other people are suffering from their own inner workings of their minds, as well as I. Getting called a fag that doesn't deserve to live is a reg thing i do to myself, so honestly unless you cant handle it, just hop on instagram or reddit.
All social media is just as toxic as this site, they just look a lot prettier.
Personally, I've managed to get a lot out of here. There's a lot of assholes, yeah, but there are also quite a few people who want genuinely good conversation, and even if they're dicks about it, at least they're straight shooters.
I've gotten good lifting advice, decent song/film/book recs, found some really cool original art, and seen some of the funniest genuine responses, all on this site. It's worth it if, like said, you can handle it. If not, that's fine. Go somewhere you're more comfortable. No one's forcing you to come here, and proselytizing to the people here is the last possible thing that's going to make them consider your point of view.
I am the one filling it with negativity. It's all I know. Misery loves company.
I only come here less than once a day
Different people have different tolerance levels for negativity and crazy stuff
venting my negativity here helps me feel better later, complaining in general helps me to get shit done
it used to be better, like a hangout for people that didn't always get along with the normies, but over the years it has been filled with whining, negativity and people that you wouldn't want to associate with, you are absolutely right.
I guess you become addicted or you manage the negativity since you got used to it.
unironically move to reddit. I rarely come here anymore.
is there an r9k sub?
the worst people here wont invade, they have this childish mindset leaving them incapable of visiting a website because another website told them
what this guy said
spending less than 10 minutes a day when I actually come here (2days/week) has been a godsend for my mental health. This board does nothing but fill your mind with unhelpful/toxic thoughts, you're better off shooting yourself in the dick if you want to keep browsing this shithole.
Hey geniuses, you know there is a whole fucking internet open for you to do anything with it. What is wrong with you idiots who feel "trapped" here
you chase the dragon, longing for good times that you used to have while browsing this website, but it has become increasingly bad, nothing but hatred, racebaiting, awful baits; its like the users dont have fun anymore while posting
literally said I only 2 days a week here, I don't feel trapped at all. This board serves me as a reminder of what contributed to my shitty life and mindset.
I hope I can save a few bots that aren't yet beyond saving like a few bots have done for me.
it would be 100% better if all the trannies suddenly died
I don't even care anymore, somehow i got used to it. at least i know there's people more fucked up than me...
its pretty fuckin tru though
How is the lifting going. Lifting weights has probably healthed with all the shit happening in life. What type of training do you do?
I don't take them seriously even though they are outright hurtful/hateful, but I'd be lying if I said they don't affect me. But I have other options like reddit/instagram/youtube and I go there for different reasons like browsing doggos or cats but none of them has what this board can offer lol.
Reddit used to be the shit but the fucking censorship of braincels and watchpeopledie just fucking sucks.
i dont, i come here for its negativity,is like drinking poison, i want to drink poison until i mylsef become poisonous
I feel the same way but most other websites feel like they're bubble wrapped, so I come here most of the time because people here feel less...manufactured? I don't know how to explain it.
my life is already filled with negativity anw
Quads of truth. Here you find the raw product of the human experience. It's visceral and upsetting.
edgy origininin
>Personally, I've managed to get a lot out of here. There's a lot of assholes, yeah, but there are also quite a few people who want genuinely good conversation, and even if they're dicks about it, at least they're straight shooters.
yea, this. like Jow Forums was way, way back, a bit before the deletion.
>all these fucking reddit fags in this thread that cant handle a little negativity
This is one of the only places left on the internet places where I can seek out hateful, bitter, negativity to cope with my mediocre life
I try to combat the negativity with wholesomeness.
Hang in there anons, things will get better.
based fellow niceposter.
I like the honesty here. People in real life lie to each other. This place is real
I literally cannot leave. I found this image helpful explaining the addiction
Another one like it. I wish someone told me this when i first started browsing Jow Forums instead of after being addicted for like 7 years
I was born in negativity, i eat and drink negativity, i breathe negativity, i was molded by negativity to the point that this site is positive to me.
Would have been good except for the misogyny part. I was a misogynist before I found this place