Meet bf on Jow Forums

>meet bf on Jow Forums
>tell him I was sexually assaulted by my dad as a kid and how traumatic it was for me
>few weeks later
>he forgets to clear browser history
>mfw I find out he's been watching loli, incest and rape porn this entire time

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I have difficulty trusting the sincerity of your post

I know it sounds like bait but it's true. I'm pretty devastated desu. I've just blocked and deleted him on pretty much every platform now.

Why are men so disgusting. Next relationship, put a keylogger on his computer. You don't deserve to waste years on another pedo bastard.

>meet bf on Jow Forums
Bad start.

That's so perfect.

I don't understand what the problem is. It's not his fault you got diddled.

I'm going to assume you're not larping.

Don't post this here femanon. You're going to get bombarded with memecels and orbiters. Just talk to Jow Forums or some shit...

Thank you. I already knew he had a porn addiction which was bad enough, but I didn't want to impose my hangups on him so I got somewhat used to it, despite how insecure it made me. I just feel mad that he told me he was into mainly vanilla stuff when he wasn't and continued getting off to this stuff despite knowing what happened to me.

I mean, I might jerk off to milfs who play mommy once in a blue moon, but that would never translate to real life. That's fucked. It's just fantasy for some people

>Gets a boyfriend from a site that is known to have lots of degenerate people.
>Surprised when the boyfriend turns out to be degenerate.

Unfortunately when it comes to porn addiction people just become more and more extreme with their "fetishes". The best thing to do would be to get him to abstain.
But if the worst comes to the worst you could always do a little roleplay. You know what it's like for that shit to play out in real life so you have the great opportunity to give him a more realistic experience.

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Thanks for your concern but to be honest I don't really care about edgy meme replies, it's expected since it's r9k after all, sometimes there are nuggets of wisdom among all the shitposting and I guess I'm hoping to find some after this depressing shitshow of a situation.

>>mfw I find out he's been watching loli, incest and rape porn this entire time
and? sounds like the average guy you'd find on here.

>but that would never translate to real life
You are only saying that becayse you know you would never be given the opportunity and not because you don't actually want it.

Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking. I'm pretty autistic irl and mainstream dating sites are just too normie for me.

Normie dating sites seem fun for a laugh tho. Ive been thinking about making a tinder just bc im kinda curious, but i could see how for actually finding someone youre basically fucked

Stuff that comes under 'rape porn' is kind of a grey area seeing as a huge chunk of professional porn (especially JAV and hentai) could be classified as being rape themed, but incest and lolicon are still degenerate as fuck.

Look on the bright side, at least it wasn't traps, eh.

Or was it?

Sensible wahmen don't really have time to waste on dumb apps like tinder, seeing how most men consider women on the shelf by the time they're 23. Men have more time to fuck about.

No, that's absolutely disgusting. Stop projecting

He's probably a Joo.

Fiction is not the same as reality.

Surprise: as a victim, you attract abusers.

soo what are you pissed because you can't satify his sexual fantasies?

>find bf on Jow Forums
how does this even happen?. i want to know. Also you should have known better. Mentally unstable attracts mentally unstable, know thy self and all that

We should date

Oh wait I jerk off to all that same stuff LMAO maybe we should give ot a shot anyway I bet you'd be great at roleplay in the sack. Stupid femoid

>loli, incest and rape porn
patrician taste

okay so a guy like that can get a gf and i can't
fuck my life

break up with him he's jerking off to pedo shit

LOL. Now thats fucking hilarious!

Shit feels but you can't really help it. Judging a man on the contents of his browser history.

I think you were a little rash with your decisions. Maybe ask him about it? The loli is a bit fuckin' weird, but i've beat my meat to some primo incest hentai, and i'd hope i would at least get to explain myself to my partner before they up and left.

Maybe he had this fetish before meeting you? It's just porn either way, don't be so shallow.

i swear it's like hundredth time, some fat soiboi makes thread bout his fetish, while pretending to be a roastie.

Give him enough fucking to make him forget his porn, also get off the pill, it hurts you, your hormonal cycle and your relationship.

>meet anime lover
>surprised it's a pedo
That's gonna be a Yikes from me dawg.

men fap to porn that they will never experience and probably dont want to experience in real life
for example, i would never want a girlfriend to squat with her ass on my face and beat me off while she shits in a diaper, but i sure as hell will fap to porn of it

>tell him I was sexually assaulted by my dad as a kid and how traumatic it was for me
I too was abused and molested by my father and I'm a dude. Only I could truly understand your pain user
Be mine for I would not hurt you

What would you have done if you found out he watched bestiality porn

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He got nice taste. Now go and ask to become his little girl, slut.

That's retarded
I lile watching mom/sister incest shit but I don't have a sister and I have no attraction to my mom, that'd be disgusting
Might as well stop playing shooter games too huh?

Would you have preferred if he told you up front? His tastes weren't going to change.

>Real kids
They're drawings.

Drawings of busty furry girls makes my dick hard, doesn't mean I want to slap fake boobs on a bitch and rut her.

For all the retarded males in this thread who will inevitably say, "But 2D children aren't real! It's just a fantasy!" You miss the point that liking visual depictions of children correlates to being a pedophile, exponentially so for pornography. There is no group of people more likely to target children than those who consume pornography. The fact that it isn't a real child could mean a number of things: 1) He doesn't want to face the legal consequences of child porn. 2) He doesn't see anything wrong with an attraction to children. 3) He has cognitive dissonance about what he is consuming.
It's always "just a fantasy" until it isn't. In the US, 20% of girls and 5% of boys will be sexually abused. The fact that OP's boyfriend lied about his proclivities indicates a serious problem. He knows what he is doing is wrong, yet he continues to feed into it. People like him are the most likely to become abusers, and the dishonesty is not a good sign for a relationship. Even if OP had not herself been abused as a child, she would have been smart to leave him.
Dear OP: You made the right decision. Now read the responses here and learn what men from this site are really like. I'd recommend finding a boyfriend somewhere else. If you came here because you thought you were too ugly or too awkward to go about it the natural way, there is help for people with poor social skills. Once you work out your own problems, you will be much better off. Good luck.

Literally every point in this post is wrong

Thank you white knight very cool

I just want you to know I'm fapping to this thread.

This! So much this! Take my upvote kind stranger!

And yet everybody so opposed to loli porn always ends up being an actual pedo trying to cover their tracks.

thank god you're not the type to stay with him because of that
pretty sure thats how pedos end up married with normal lives

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Yes all men are awful and that's why I never tell them. One of my boyfriends confessed he jacks off to the memory of the rape story after I told him. And another one made me tell it even though I explained to him I don't like talking about it and then in not even 2 days completely forgot about it. I just refuse to open up about it now.

Where's the data to substantiate that?

When i was like 14 or 15 I wrote on the Experience Project about my rape story because I've never told my parents what happened to me and feel like I can't tell anyone but really needed to get it all out. I got hundreds of messages in my inbox after that from scary 30-40 year old men telling me how they'd love to rape me again, see me as a child, jacked off to my story, want to meet me, and even want to kill me.

That "experience" cemented in my mind how men are all disgusting and incapable of love.

UN head trying to ban loli porn in Japan was jailed for five counts of child abuse.

A Neogaf moderator vehemently against loli had several CP examples on his PC and was attested.


Stupid autocorrect.

r9k is full of shit

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I agree, this woman is an idiot

how can you prove the CP wasn't put there by pedophiles who had his IP?
they're not an honorable bunch, so it would be a mistake to assume they wouldn't do this/wouldn't know how

hmm 2 people are definitely statistically significant!

It may be true for people whose entire lives revolve around such issues or who are extremely outspoken about it to be hypocrites, but for the majority of people who can clearly see it's wrong this doesn't hold water.

It holds water because as soon as you start arguing that fictional drawings are as legally damning as real life examples, you enter thought crime territory.

If I draw two stick figures having sex, and then write "12-years-old" with a line pointing to one of them, according to you I'm a pedo. Under your world view, anybody who has ever enjoyed an incredibly violent movie or video game is a sociopath just waiting to mutilate someone else.

consuming media is not the same as thinking just because it's a drawn image
it's creating a market for low level amoral "artists" who will draw any fetish shit requested of them for money
this in itself isn't necessarily a problem until this market eclipses other ones and seeps into the animation industry/webcomics/meme culture etc.
you make some solid points but you're missing the bigger picture because well, pedos only really care about making pedophilia acceptable

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>meet bf on Jow Forums
Sure you did.

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Thoughts can be just as wrong as actions, and you would know this if you understood the Bible. Jesus explained that one who harbors hatred for his brother has already committed murder in his heart. The same could be said of lust or any other internal feeling.

Is it difficult and potentially treacherous for a government to try to police this? Sure. But as far as morality goes it is clearly wrong.

And consuming violent media doesnt overnight vhange you into a bad person but it absolutely does teach you to love violence, which is wrong. It can start you down a bad path. Perhaps you dont becomes career criminal from playing GTA 5, but later down the line you might think hitting your wife, gf, or dog in anger is ok.

Bad associations spoil useful habits.

>Like fiction little girls
>LoL you fucking degenerate, you are a danger to society and a loser.

>Like fiction character that murders inocent people

>Now read the responses here and learn what men from this site are really like.

Is it really only men from this site, or is it all men? This is one of the very few places men can say what they really think. Maybe Jow Forums guys love anime and lolis, but ''real life'' guys sure love their little girls too, they just haven't been exposed to anime.

just fuck off this board

You were blackpilled very early. How do you go on having relationships with men now?

it really isn't all of them, just weebs and NEETs who never got over their middle school crush
don't be so jaded, pedophilia is hardly the worst humanity has to offer

>pedophilia is hardly the worst humanity has to offer

There are not many things more evil than wanting to ruin the most innocent humans, children.

the way animals are treated in meat factories is pretty fucking horrendous and it's not sexual in nature at all, it's just neglect, and these creatures live and die in a puddle of their own feces
you haven't seen fucked up shit like poughkeepsie tapes or stuff that used to get posted on /b/
the cruelty that even a normal human being is capable of is unfathomable, I'm not underselling the damage a pedo can actually do but if we're still arguing about drawings, yeah, there are people underground in dubai being tortured and brainwashed right now and that's a bigger problem than victimless fap material

>Meet bf on Jow Forums

Yeah this story wasn't going to have a happy ending anyway

There's one very important point you seem to be missing: people who try to bed everyone they find attractive do exist, but even in the general population they're few and far between; on this board they're even scarcer.

I don't know about everyone else here, but the top four reasons I don't have sex with children have nothing to do with how attractive they are or aren't. Instead they are (in descending order of importance):
- I don't want to risk harming children
- It's highly illegal
- I very much doubt any little girls would find me attractive anyway
- ...and if one did, I wouldn't know how to seduce her.

ISTR when GTA3 first came out there was a huge drop in car thefts, because people considered the game to be better than the real thing.

>the top four reasons I don't have sex with children have nothing to do with how attractive they are or aren't.

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>meet bf on Jow Forums
>things going good
>weeks pass
>still good
>search through everything cause im a insecure cunt, including his PC
>find out he watches alone, in his free time, stuff that i personally dont like

How dares he???!!!