Mfw no love avoidant bf

>mfw no love avoidant bf

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>love avoidant
What do you mean by this?

Hi OP. I could avoid you and pretend to not love you while actually loving you

so pretty much a chad then?

Imagine being gay AND autistic


The kind of person who values things and ideas above people and thinks love is cringe
And ill have to hug him first and hell be all like 'please no' and I'll have to make sure I keep my distance otherwise hell stop liking being near me

And we can be in the same room and read or do whatever and there'll be no need for constant gratification

Antisocial art Chad

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why are you guys always asking too much

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i want an asocial art robot.

Because my parents never hugged me so when someone shows me love I instantly don't trust them

based and same

Sounds like a shitty relationship. You'd do better sorting out that baggage first.

not him
>18 years of no real parenting
dude just fix urself what the fuck I grown with good parents that took care of me and show what love means
fucking normies

More realistic than a relationship in which you're either afraid or neglected.

I'm a dude like this and I've known other dudes like this and the one thing we all have in common is zero success with women. stop memeing.

You just don't get it

It feels good to not have to show love for someone else and the other way and to just be comfortable with that

agree bro somehow I got rid of that ''nolove''feeling I don't feel empty anymore because of that I just feel happines and angry and horny thats all I don't get the ''love'' feeling since I don't know how it works

location? origami salami

location too far away.

No one cares roastie. Fuck off, you arent welcome here.

I'm too far away as well but alright then

I will stab you

Youll miss and then Ill ass rape you because youre weak.

I'm probably not what you had in mind any way. not an artist in the traditional sense.

being one is about your mindset as well. what do you do, user? writing for example counts just as well for me.

I design video games.

Lmao rip

Maybe I am weak physically but I am mentally stronger I will make you cry and you'll want to be loved and I'll offer you a hug and SYKE NO ONE WILL HUG YOU

that sounds more for sure, what kind of games though?

>more interesting
ignore the typo please

It's not like he was ever interested in taking. Maybe those guys we like just end up alone

>love avoidant
>ends up alone
yeah, maybe it's possible

Those guys are fun up until you actually need them, 0/10 would not recommend

>tfw avoidant guitar and piano playing, game developing, crafty gardening, woodworking, glass blowing, photoshopping chadbot

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Its fun until you want to have good sex and they treat your body like a cardboard box cause they can't into intimacy lmao

>they can't into intimacy lmao
i feel hurt and ashamed fuck you

wow this thread is still up. I'm assuming you wanted to know what genres and platforms. anything 3D action or at least "tactical" in some way, and on any system where there are no extra fees for accessing multiplayer because I ethically can't be a part of that scam.

I'm actually extremely intimate but it only comes out during sex. Pretty much bottle up all the emotion I have. I have an obsession with making anyone over been with come, too.

Sounds perfect come be distant and then have loving sex with me UwU

I'm pretty sure people like that don't have relationships user. They definitely don't seek it out, like most women expect men to do.