Add the gym receptionist girl on instagram

>Add the gym receptionist girl on instagram
>she doesn't follow back, just likes a picture
>go to the gym yesterday for some sprints and shoulder exercises (rest day, doing cardio and shoulder stabilisation)
>on my way out we speak 2 sentences after she asks if im done with sprinting for the day
>20min later she follows me and likes another picture
>Message her 1-2h later saying hey whats up, she just sents this female emoji raising her hand as a hey gesture 4-5h later
>fall asleep like 20min afterwards before I message something
>wake up at 4-5am and see she deleted her response

How do I react to this? I know she's playing hard to get with me as she's kind of slutty and been having contact with a bunch of gym goers. But she plays especially hard to get with me. I wanna shag but need ideas how to win at her own game.

maybe dont even mention it and ask her for her number if i see her today or something before my push workout

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I suggest you try the following:
> send me pics of ur butthole slut

she's using you for attention when bored, retard.

Chad probably fucked her out and she felt compelled to delete her emoji out of respect for his dick

>user finally finds a gril as autistic as he is

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Sorry bro, she thinks you're gay. I can tell by this kind of interaction. Next time you talk to her casually bring up that you're straight. If you feel like that would be too forward maybe just start off telling her that you think you might be bi and then ease into the idea about going out sometime, kind of a judgment call there.

Ask her out. If she actually likes you she will be dying to go. If she blows you off then it's done and you will have wasted the least amount of your time

Tell her you’re on nofap, then she’ll definitely sleep with you.

She's not into you. Move on.

Yeah she seems like a shallow bitch desu. That and she doesn't seem into you. Just unfollow her and keep going to the gym.

The only answer is get the snap.

She deleted her message because she thought saying hi to you would give you the wrong message.

Surprise, it did.


This tbqh

Maybe say more than two sentences to her. In my boomer days we would actually talk to girls to gauge interest. But you probably don't know how to pick up social cues so I can't help you.

This OP, but you're also kinda gay for even having Insta

>receptionist is nice to OP
>being nice is her job
>OP thinks she's interested in him

cant make this shit up

Nothing wrong with having a chat with her to make sure. Friending her on instagram and messaging her is wtf though

Holy based

You definitely use Instagram

Based and dubspilled.

smooth operator

>being nice is her job
I'd say more often than not receptionists are kinda cunty desu

Retard faggot.

fuckin kek, this honestly

>ever getting involved with the gym receptionists


Women don't owe you anything.

Just move on op. If she hasn't messaged you with actual comments then just move on.

Well op is being nice and saying hi. The receptionist is leading him on. Slut!

Lol@your ugly ass thinking you have a chance, shes just trying to get exposure on insta, she dont care about you nigga

You understood me wrong there.
Followed her a week ago or something. She striked up a Conversation on my way out and then Followed me back and liked stuff 20min later after I left.

Messaged her after that.