How much cardio should I do? How much cardio do you do, and what kind?

How much cardio should I do? How much cardio do you do, and what kind?

Attached: Running.jpg (275x183, 8K)

what are your goals?

if its to get good at cardio, do it lots, and all kinds

Maybe every couple of days for at least 30 minutes. You hear all kinds of opinions on how much cardio will wear down your joints faster but imo 2 - 3 times a week alongside lifting is more than enough.

I want to not be fat

eat less

I want to burn fat as fast as possible

I just do 30 min a day and some bodyweight exercises.

50k a week

do cardio until you aren't fat.

try low impact stuff such as swimming, cycling, rowing to start with.

also walk places whenever possible, if ur catching a bus, walk to the next stop etc.

How much?

until you aren't fat

You shouldn't stop doing cardio, ever. It's healthy.

0 mins a week

I think I read you want to have at least 3 1 hour periods a week with your heart rate at 80% max.
That isn't for fat burning but for general health.

Endurance (do something low intensity for hours) - running, swimming, hiking

Strength endurance (do medium intensity stuff for a long time) - barbell, dumbbell, bodyweight circuits

High intensity conditioning (produce max power longer than just a few seconds) - sprinting, kettlebells, battle ropes, burpees

Do the first two regularly so you don't get tired at common physical activities. Do HIC once every week or two so you can do maximum strength stuff for longer.

Training for an ultra. 40-80k a week (so far, most weeks 40-50k).

Honestly, hard to combine with lifting 5 times a week. You end up having to do two sessions a day or so.

run every single day for an hour or more. anything else is week shit.

Cant outrun a bad diet user

When I was in college track, I was maybe burning 500 calories a day during workouts. Eat less.

Eat nothing

rip user

Depends on where I’m at, but usually 5 hours a week at least (cycling, swimming and rowing mostly). I swallowed the cardio pill years ago, never felt better, insane mental gains de su. Weight lifting didn’t make me happy.
If you’re a man in his 20s then at least 2 hours a week would be sufficient to get the bulk of benefits IMO


3 times / week
20+ minutes each session