Genetics dictate everything.
Genetics dictate everything
As a big Jojo's fan I've had this rec'd to me umpteen times and the first ep was...interesting. Love a good gory anime about BULKY NIGGAS as much as anyone but even in that respect this felt a lil' excessive. Does it get more interesting later in the show?
Yeah actually it does. Are you watching the old school or the newer series?
Newer series, since netflix is convenient. I've heard what I've heard about it from Super Eyepatch Wolf's video (bless that Irishman).
The artstyle's gonna take some getting used to. It very nearly borders on body horror how BULKY these NIGGAS are.
Parental affluence is a better indicator for success than the nebulous concept of 'good genes' whatever those might be.
Yea especially when you have Hanma blood.
Except it's been proven that you can not influence your children for the better. You can bring them down but this "good parenting" will at best just be less limiting for your child.
Read the manga first. The series isnt finished on netflix yet.
>it's been proven
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
No,im retarded and beleive everything i read on the interner.
>im not responsible for my failures
If you have total control over your life and the things that happen in it you dont belong on this board.
More importantly, I come up with stuff on the spot to sound wise and give me chance to be self-righteous. Thank God this board is Anonymous so nobody ever connects the dots. Now I'm off to accuse an user who's trying his best of virtue signalling and make his thread all about my cynicism. Smell you later, losers!
no one has total control over their life and the things that happen in it. thats delusional.
Im drawing a blank. But listen,genetics do dictate how well you do in life. Aside from being born with silver spoon in your mouth of course.
>Born with shit intelligence
>Browse Jow Forums
>Everyone boasts about how they're high IQ and smart
It's like I can't even fit in here
nah that's just a cope
wasnt the point of baki was that he was trying to prove he wasnt a genetic failure when compared to his father so he worked really hard.
This is how I know your a bit of a dumb dumb, no one here is really that intelligent, and if they're they don't have anything to show for it.
Also stop believing online IQ results, all of them are skewed positively to try and bait people into sharing the test website with others or to get them to buy the full results, after all no one wants to know about them having an average IQ, but as soon as they see the (not real) result of being +90% percentile then they go about bragging, indirectly getting more people to use the site.
tell that to trannies and they will kill you
Hit the gym fatty