
any of u guys play runescape

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yes, 16 hrs a day

my account got fucking hacked and banned

On and off I'm at 2170 total and the grind to Max is so shit Idk what to do.

Nah Runescape is pay2win bullcrap.

I only play /v/scape - free access to full 2007 member content, all quests, etc.


reminder to collect your free sand from Bert, friends.

Tried osrs but I could not get into it despite starting out in early 2007. I miss pre eoc 2011 rs after wildly got released
>618 revision graphics
>nex/nex sets
>stealing creation/soul wars/fist of guthix
Just take me back

ya I feel that, still really cool to play a game from my childhood but I def miss some things that were there when I played like summoning(even if is was op garbage)

yeah I fucking love runescape. I just started playing 3 weeks ago and a couple days ago I discovered botting and I'm fletching botting as we speak, will hit level 90 by the end of the day. gonna get max stats and become a billionaire with tons of moneymaker bot alts

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this. Osrs sucks

osrs is comfy but rs3 is also fun. the bossing has a lot of mechanics to learn. it's a shame that the economy was destroyed and maintaining bonds is like a part-time job now.

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can I have some gp?

Yeah, time to time. OSRS ofc, but I miss pre-EOC, late 2011 was peak for me.

>can I have some gp?
i spend 480mil gp a year just to maintain my membership, i can't even afford a gear upgrade. i can give you tips on how to make gp though
>grow mort myre shrooms for 3-4mil/hr
>take vials of water from portabel wells for ~2mil/hr
>tan dhide into dleather for like 4-6mil/hr depending how much money you have to start
>smith rune dart tips/arrowheads for ~1-2mil/hr (that's how i got my first bond, spent 3 days smithing and nothing else)

i know it's tough, but hang in there. you'll find better ways to do things, and more ways to make money. it takes a while for it to get easier, and i'm still not at the stage where it gets easy, but i know that it does get easier eventually.

level up, user. i believe in you.

>tfw kebos elite
>complete a chambers of xeric raid
i guess not...

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Literally the only good money makers on RS3 now are high end bosses, and even then it's only really Telos that's top tier money. They broke the economy with high loot bosses. They did the same with OSRS too.

i know, and i dislike that. the only consistent money makers i have are like 3mil/hr at best. i can't do telos very well because i only really use ranged, and i haven't gotten more than 1-2mil loots from raids either. i tried learning to duo vorago, but it was very difficult, and i'm not very good at video games. i did nex too but nex seems to be less gp/hr than fighting ascensions or spiritual mages, and i haven't gotten any unique drops on gwd2 bosses for over 250 kills on the bosses (with rep).

the money makers i gave you give just about the same profit as the pvm i'm able to do consistently does.

i'm trying my best though. learning high-level bosses is exhausting me.

The kebos elite reward is complete dogshit.
I'll probably do it for completionist but meh.

give me money for 99 farm, i'm 95 farming already.
its the only skill i do (osrs)

92 farm on rs3

pls it's all i can do

Is it really? im itching for a grind if I finished off my runecrafting id gain like 28k extra blood runes
>10% additional Blood runes from blood with the elite. Runecrafting (no additional experience is given for the extra runes)
i started grinding 65-91 around a month before they announced that reward man feels bad

If warding somehow passes I'm never playing this shit game again

only game iv been playing

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i hope warding passes desu

>wanting summoning lite
kill yourself my man

jagex ruining the game is the best way to quit permenantly. If they ruin OSRS I will have a long break until Neo OSRS starts up.