Why can't whitey take the heat?

why can't whitey take the heat?

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Being afraid of a spice>being afraid of a single word


Wtf I'm offended and hate non-whites now I better make society collapse through a race war

You have such a boner for this image dont you?

How come white guys are so rich yet have so much free-time to get so fit and knowledgeable about high culture? And to top it all off, they're they have the highest social-status and approvability if you date them? It's not fair bros, fellow migrants will just marry into their majority demographic.



How dare you suggest I'm deluded!? I just want to up-end society and overthrow the government to remove a threat that kills less white people than suicide and drunk driving!!! What am I doing about suicide and drunk driving??? How dare you ask that question actually helping white people dosen't let me say NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGERS!!! Triggered yet snowflak??? I'm so clever and cool no one has ever been racist before me!!!

This fucking stupid post again? Christ...
I wish the originality of this board was more enforced.

Calm down, little whitesoi. Don't go shooting up a school now.

spics get their love of spicy food from their spanish origin
as in the half of them that is european, or as we call it "white"
niggers need to cool down with some purple drank when they eat mild buffalo wings from 7 11

Kind of goes to show you how much better white people are than other races. Who else could go through the trouble of conquering entire civilizations just to gain access to a product they don't even care about that much?

Spaniards get their spicy roots from North Africa

Most offensive part of this image is that the dude isn't wearing a hair net
C'mon man thats a basic precaution when working with food

fuck off to faggot

Why is Gajeel making tacos?

It took niggers thousands of years and arab conquerors teaching them, to learn that you could eat spices instead of just rubbing them on your dick to get erections.

the ingredients themselves perhaps, but that has nothing to do with the people
africans didnt even treat that shit as food; they were considered dangerous to eat
only a spaniard can handle spice

Its not bardock?

Are you saying Arabs are white achMed?

>Hahaha why is it that people who never eat spicy food are so sensitive to spicy food haha

Heat from food is dissipated from the body through the dick. The larger the dick you have, the better it is at dissipating heat. Whites have the tiniest dicks of all races, thus they can't dissipate heat as effectively as the other races, thus they can't handle heat

I'm not white, my family are migrants. But if you don't want to believe me in order to supply your own masochistic cuck fetish that is itself a perverse result of privilege, be my guest.

Because, when there is a thing that we are bad at, it is something minor

the guy serving him is also white though

Actually, it was the Portuguese who turned chili peppers into a world-wide sensation - previously, they'd only existed in the New World. But that's typical of Spain - despite every advantage, they're always in Portugal's shadow.

t. cuck fetishist

>yeah,i forgot asians exist,so what?

You guys are really still getting baited by this pic

I'm saying that niggers can't handle spice either and spaniards got their spiciness from north africa after it was conquered by arabs who ate spices, not make weird shaman lube out of them to stay hard while fucking their wives or use it to ward off hippos or whatever other weird nigga shit they used them for.

Why did they need spices to stay hard? Was it for the old men of the tribe?

Shit up, disgusting nigger subhuman.

>mfw the shitskin forced to spice their dogshit food to the point when they able to eat it without vomiting

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this is bullshit. I eat my food spicier than most blacks I have known. black food isn't even spicy

What about the chinks? Pretty sure they've got small dicks that's why they love all that loli shit

>Why did they need spices to stay hard?
Superstition. It was used in warrior cultures like the zulu.

>tribal priests says "rub it on ur dick so u can fucc all night and produce many warrior children"
>get blisters all over your dick and your wife's vagina instead
>do it all over again the next week until you develop tolerance

tribal niggas were into some weird shit man

Thank god for the Greeks and their cultural descendants or we'd still be the same way.

This is the 4th time i see this thread with the same pic, why are you so insecure about your race?

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>relevant to any conversation

Funny how "civilization" managed to avoid Western and Northern Europe for so long. But the Nordics are the master race, I'm sure the thousands of years they spent markedly inferior to the Hellenic and Roman empires is just those arrogant Mediterranean fucks getting a lucky head start. Anyway, I'm off to not apply this same logic to everyone else.

Let me in on a little secret us nonwhites are in on. You see we have our penis dick and we have our spicedick. It's something of a competition we have going on since spice existed. We say Asians have small dicks because we mean their spicedicks are small since they can handle the least amount of heat out of all the races. They don't get offended of course, because we don't say their actual dicks are small. It's a sort of friendly banter.

We don't include whites in our spicy banter because we know they'll turn violent and think we're insulting their manhood (whites are spergs like that, they can't understand metaphor) and not friendlily poking fun at their inability to handle spicy foods. So we just leave you guys out.

>Funny how "civilization" managed to avoid Western and Northern Europe for so long. But the Nordics are the master race, I'm sure the thousands of years they spent markedly inferior to the Hellenic and Roman empires is just those arrogant Mediterranean fucks getting a lucky head start. Anyway, I'm off to not apply this same logic to everyone else.
Whatever rejection of the mainstream narrative you hoped to gain from this falls completely flat when you look at the reality. The peak of civilisation, DID move towards the north. It started in Mesopotamia, shifted towards Egypt, a severe new development in Greece, and even more severe in practice with the Romans, revived with the Italians, then Spanish, French, German/Scandinavians, British, and now Americans. That is literally the history of dominant empires in the world, especially within the Western perspective that is currently dominant (certain Asian empires may actually have been superior at certain times but were completely separated geographically from competition with European powers making comparisons redundant).

>Mesopotamia, shifted towards Egypt, a severe new development in Greece, and even more severe in practice with the Romans, revived with the Italians, then Spanish, French
All of these are at around the same latitude range. German and scandinavian powers are an autistic anomaly that doesn't even matter.

And with each transition, we see northern barbarians sacking the glories of a superior civilization. The Greeks looted Egypt, the Romans looted Greece, the Visgoths looted Rome, and so on until you get to the Vikings who never even had unified political leadership. Face it, "whites" today live in luxury they never could have achieved on their own, and they have the arrogance to claim Mediterranean conquerors and philosophers as their own when in truth their ancestors were dyeing themselves blue and kicking severed heads around.

As a fellow white person, I am deeply enraged. I will gather my fellow klansmen and we shall begin the race war tonight.

a more highly developed nervous system

white weenies getting roasted lol

white people eat hot wings and banana peppers. what spicy foods do niggers eat?

I'm noticing a few more people with thicker skin this time around. Only a few, though. Maybe soon, these morons will stop biting the bait.

spices were used to hide the smell and taste of rotten/poor meat
guess who controlled the meat supply

Well damn that's pretty fucking spot on, okay so I gotta ask, how do I make my spicedick get bigger? I keep trying but I think I might be too white for spice

shut the fuck up you fucking cuckold. kill yourself you disgrace to white people

nobody cares if spics say we cant handle spicy food cause they do eat hotter food than us it's when niggers do it that I can't stand cause black food isn't even spicy

I'm white as the driven snow and I just decided to like spicy food one day. I worked my way up from banana peppers to jalapenos and now I can enjoy habeneros, which are the most delicious pepper. There's not much point to going further as ghost peppers taste like ass.

Imagine actually being this retarded, did your tard wrangler type that for you?

>spanish origin

Whitey actually cares about flavor and spice has diminishing returns

For any nonwhites here:
(the law of) diminishing returns
phrase of diminish
used to refer to a point at which the level of profits or benefits gained is less than the amount of money or energy invested.

Depends man white people either can't take spicy food or they eat fucking crazy shit. Like my fucking dad. He absolutely loves spicy food. He makes this relish for his hot dogs which has given him chemical burns because he touched his face after making it. He even flew to New York to try some curry at some pajeet restaurant where they have to wear fucking gas masks so they don't burn themselves. Or you can be my buddy who freaks the fuck out at Thai meme ketchup being too spicy.

I hate shitskins but love spicy food and can take quite a lot