Fake Chads

I have female friends who always tell me how their men are cheating on them, treating them like shit - the usual.

No matter how old I get I will never understand what makes women systematically pick the worst possible men, trusting them with all their heart, and not realizing a simple, logical pattern.
I'm a sober, reliable med student and I'm pretty sure I'll be a top surgeon in 10 years. And I'm 100% sure I'll be a virgin, too. Aliens would probably think I'm an alpha male. But in the eyes of human females the "perfect" guy, for some reason, is a tattooed meth head who tells a different bitch "I love you bby" every night.

However, just like thots wither by time, these fake Chads will get fat and out of shape when they hit 30. These people do not have the willpower to actually work on their looks once their metabolism slows down. They've been spoonfed with the luxuries of the world since they were kids. When they're ugly and their charm wears out they will be left wondering what happened and will self destruct in frustrated rage.

Attached: Sad-Frog-Meme-Girl-11.png (489x423, 23K)

Rise above, OP. You are doing great.

Women's stock plummets as their looks go down hill. Men's stock ascends and then explodes when they get established careerwise. Then the used up Stacie roasts realise that "provider" doesn't mean muscles and cocaine at frat parties, it means a house and fridge fill of groceries.

If your self assessment is true, just keep going. Soon you'll be able to have your pick and not all women are dumb whores either. There will be some worthy ones left and always younger than you.

Men cheat so you make it a womans fault

A woman who is with you by necessity and not solely because she WANTS it with no motives...
This is a recipe for disaster

I don't believe a word you've said here. How are you running in the same social circles as tattooed meth-heads? I make six figures - hardly as much as a "top surgeon" - and girls in my social circles wouldn't dream of dating down.

>tfw never had looks, past age 30 and still poor

Both parties are at fault. I think the shit guys are at fault the most, of course
But if the girl didn't put out immediately, the douche would get frustrated and go on a tantrum
>reee why am I not getting pussy already reeee I'mma leave you if you don't give me pussy
I've seen this happen. These fuccbois are absolutely disgusting and unmanly. The get cranky without their weekly pussy just like a baby gets cranky without candy.
Girls should simply stop enabling these man whores and the problem would go away.

Well, Op... It's not that difficult to understand.

Chads don't care about that one girl. They have a lot of friends both female and male and they are happy and have exciting lives. Women are fighting to win their attention.

Robots on the other hand, are so reliant on a woman to feel happiness, that the instant a cute girl gives them attention... They're all in. There's no chase, no fight for attention, just the fact that they're now responsible for your happiness.

And honestly, why the fuck would a female's choose a social outcast that thinks a fun activity is playing boardgames with a bunch of other nerds, when you can be with Chad. Who is exciting, goes out, introduces you to other fun people, loves to travel and meet new people people, who other women are interested in, and who doesn't rely on her to have a good time.

Learn to give less of a fuck, and be happy without her. You'll be amazed how easier it'll get.

Let me just add to user's post...

The really young ones WONT be using you and will actually like you for YOU. trust me, if you git gud at life when you're older, you're gonna get 18, 19, 23 year olds on your dick. So then not only will your wife stay hotter for longer, but she will also not be jaded enough to use you for your money, you will just be chad to her. little girls will make you feel like a king

take the loli pill

I think your perception of both Chads and robots is wrong.
>they are happy and have exciting lives
Chads have a low IQ and thus a bad imagination. How could this not make them boring? They may have one hobby that looks exciting on the outside, like riding a motorcycle or travelling every now and then, but that's it bro. Other than that they just drink, go to their low end job and fuck up most things they touch because they're emotional and stupid.

>a fun activity is playing boardgames with a bunch of other nerds
Having a nerd teach you mahjong or something obscure you've never heard of is actually interesting. Learning about new stuff is the very definition of interesting. You've seen the depths of a "Chad"'s personality within a week. That's when the girl has already fucked him, and realized her mistake. My point is, they should see this in advance.

By the way, the human race isn't divided into mountain climber whale rider Chads and board game robots.

I'm 30 and I've befriended 16-year-olds systematically because women 25+ are shit.
Harsh but true.
I've also got into a lot of trouble for this, even been down at the good ol' police station for "soliciting minors", and that's something you gotta take into account. Even if you weren't hurting anybody, outsiders will take offense. Kinda funny, in Africa it's legal to circumise little girls and mutilate them, in the west it's illegal to date a teenager in full consensus.

Women get worse every second they spend as an adult, but our society doesn't allow you to have them in their prime. You need to find some very narrow middle ground where you're content and keeping it legal.

Disclaimer: the age of consent is 16 in my country. I'm not breaking any laws or telling others to do so.

Yeah, I could keep playing my video games, but I'd still be lonely inside.

yep, it's literally just the natural order of things. girls always love older guys. you really don't wanna go too young, or take advantage of them, but a sometimes you'll meet a genuinely good one. then she gets older and more mature, and it's all good anyway.

You could also just take the trap pill. Lots of traps are really cute and don't mind dating an older guy at all. In many ways they're better than women.

My boyfriend is well educated, intelligent, sober, reliable, not a pervert, etc. and he still treats me like shit.
men just can't help but treat women like crap.
to be fair though, I also had a gf who treated me like crap so maybe I'm just the only person alive capable of love.

>Kinda funny, in Africa it's legal to circumise little girls and mutilate them, in the west it's illegal to date a teenager in full consensus.

It's not kinda funny. Virtually every country in Africa is a fucked up third world shithole, while the west is made up of normal people with morals. Why the fuck would you defend your degeneracy with "it would be fine if it was africa?"

People wouldn't bat at eye at eating your own shit in africa either. Better start chowing down.

women who keep dating assholes and crappy Chads have mental issues or traumas. If u are only interested in women like that, that's your problem. And if u say u are "normal" and a "nice guy" but still cant get laid or find affection, that's probably your problem too.

Attached: nice guy.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

I think you misunderstood my post or I phrased it badly.
I'm very saddened by everything that's going down in Africa.
I drew the comparison to the west because whereas in Africa they're immoral, we've taken our moral "superiority" to a degree where it's another kind of insanity.
The pedo stigma is so strong people aren't thinking straight anymore. We're protecting kids when there isn't any kid or anyone in need of protection.
In my country having a picture of a teenager in a bikini will land you in prison and the news - that's worse than what you'd get for punching the same teenager in the face.

Being a man and single doesn't mean there's something wrong with you.
The competition for women is tougher these days.

>Having a nerd teach you mahjong or something obscure you've never heard of is actually interesting.

Assuming Stacy wants to learn mahjong instead of riding Chad's motorcycle.

>The human race is divided in categories
Posting in a board meant for a specific category of people.

>Assuming Stacy wants to learn mahjong instead of riding Chad's motorcycle.
Fuck that thot and her shit taste then

Chadliness is not a look or salary. It's a state of mind. My grandpa is pushing 90 and he's still a massive Chad.

Women have a dualistic mating strategy in which they seek an entertaining, aggressive (cant emphasize this enough) sexually successful male to impregnate them and then they seek a more stable provider male to protect them and their offspring. You may think its illogical but it is deeply wired into their psyche and is not likely to change any time soon, just like guys like a nice ass and big tits. Its just the way it is. Chances are you are not very aggressive or exciting. They want a guy who is unpredictable and unstable, they want to feel a roller coaster of emotions, they want uncertainty and risk, and they want a guy who fucks lots of other girls because that indicates he is of high sexual value.

Dont hate the players, hate the game. Either change yourself fundamentally or accept that you have made yourself a beta provider and learn to leverage your position.

I hate older men. I intend to become a cougar or hot stepmom.

>and not all women are dumb whores either.
Well, if we look at it purely in a mathematical/probability kind of perspective, yeah, there has to be a few of those out of all of them.
But chances are you'll never find them.

That's why they get pregnant by Chad but use a beta as an emotional tampon and betabux.

>tfw entertaining, aggressive, and sexually successful

So why did I commit, user?

idk user, you tell me. in my opinion, once you commit, youve begun a descent into a path where she will gradually become too comfortable with you and start to lose attraction

Both genders reaction on meeting the perfect partner:
>Aww that guy/girl is so wholesome and naive! That is cute, lets me be the one who will act like shit, breaks them and shows them reality
2 years later
>Why can I only find broken, cynic partners who abuse me first, wtf?

Humans create the very partners they deserve and despair from, all of them.

Virgin robots can only claim innocence in this because they hadn't anyone to disappoint yet. They will glad perpetuate that circle if they do find one though.
And no, both genders are just the same in this. Stop lying to yourself.

I have only had previously disappointed partners, sadly.

I've got bipolar disorder with psychotic features, trust me, it never gets "boring".

Go die faggot, no one cares for you.

>I hate older men
Any particular reason? Serious question.

