60-70% of all varbies were raped or sexually assaulted.
Their hope is they can lift the pain away and make them stronger than their abuser
60-70% of all varbies were raped or sexually assaulted.
Their hope is they can lift the pain away and make them stronger than their abuser
which they will rarely be, because what most lift is easy for males in general
So the rest 40% just want to lift in order to be able to lift twinks overhead and peg them against their will?
They weren't raped but do have some serious mental illness
Delusional, the average varbie girl lift more than untrained guy (average guy basically, never went to the gym).
60-70% of all gymbros were in the bottom half of academic achievement in their high school classes.
Their hope is they can lift the unintelligence away and level the playing field
This, thank god I was born male
isn't "serious mental illness" just called being a woman?
god I wish that were me
actually the opposite of true
I was at the top of my class in high school. I was at the bottom of my class at the uni. High school really doesn't matter.
whats a varbie?
Don't they have brothers or a father? That's what family is for.
chick who lifts and takes anavar to get fuarkin jacked.
One girl i was banging was a hardcore varbie, told me shes been raped several times. Guys would lie to her about being millionaires, or a footballer, she'd sleep with them and realise they were lying.
Cant get over how often she was raped. I never raped her, i told her i was a bouncer and she hopped on my dick.
Why do you hurt me?
A guy lying about his job or how rich he is to get a girl isn't rape. Just means the girl is a dumb, shallow slut to fall for it multiple times.
>Guys would lie to her about being millionaires, or a footballer, she'd sleep with them and realise they were lying.
how is that rape?
dumb thot
that makes me sad
I know 2 varbies irl and they are very rad, decent human beings who don't thotpost for attention. They get in the gym, put in work, and get out.
I think I'll lift for them today.
no one is cooming in this thread.
my god, this is great. we are actually talking about OPs topic.
pic related.
much more than a "fit" girl, and much more than what dubs man would have called a "hardbody". A gym rat that obviously roids
I'd even argue that OPs pic isn't a varbie, it's just a woman with abs and a fat ass
>Guys would lie to her about being millionaires, or a footballer, she'd sleep with them and realise they were lying.
>I never raped her, i told her i was a bouncer and she hopped on my dick.
underrated kek.
So what you're saying is I can make one
There's no need to coom when it's related to the discussion.
meu penis
Projecting underachieving dyel detected
How do you aproach the cute girls in the weightlifting class?
I'm still a skinny bitch but I'm working out 2-3 times a week and always see a few around and they always manage to distract me.
BUT what is a varbie?
Barbie + anavar = varbie
I didnt go to highschool, but if middle school is anything to go by youre probably right.
The OP girl doesnt look like she took anarvart
I got first class honours in my bachelors, nice try though
Perhaps, but thats what a varbie is regardless. A bimbo who finds the gym. Why dont you post girls you feel are closer to that formula?
This is still a COOOM post and you know it.
cus im a coomposter
>all these seething meatheads
Maybe don't make generalisations if you don't like them being made about you.
Nah, varbies are much more muscular than that
Reversed here
Uni is piss easy compared to fucking studying history,biology and whatnot in fucking spanish
How about you do something about the coom posters jannie instead of deleting sfw pictures?
Wow...there was literally nothing wrong with OPs image.
Completely sfw
I was talking about the pic I posted in the comment I replied to, but as far as I remember OPs pic was also sfw by Jow Forums standards