How do black fembots feel about interracial dating? Either with white men or other races of men
How do black fembots feel about interracial dating? Either with white men or other races of men
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Male here I fuck a twink who is black I creampie his boicunt and he swallows I strictly TOP and he is a cockluster for cum
None of that has anything to do with this thread.
Get out, fag.
Hes pretty much a girl so it does virgin
I prefer white men and for black girls only really approve of interracial dating. Dating black men is a terrible idea for anyone
I also think Asian guys are really cute and so are other races of men as long as they have beautiful pale skin. Turkish men and Eurasian/hapa men are god tier
I prefer black doms fucking me but I'm a Asian sissy
>they have beautiful pale skin
what about yellowish pale? I'm a hapa
I don't think i want to get married to a black man. The girls around me who date them always get screwed over.
im white can i cum on a black girls asshole?
>BLACK fembots
I don't have a problem with it since I'm attracted to alot of non whites, I especially like latinas and asians. I don't like people who date obvious niggers though
yes quite, m'dear
arent u a white woman
yeah because black women are so loved and respected and considered high-caliber women
>American black women
Theres your problem, get a Caribbean black woman and life is good
I am an American black woman. I was just showing reasons why we qualify as robots. Literally no one loves us.
Well quit acting like insane chimpanzees and maybe you'll be liked
>be black fembot
>never be attracted to asians once
>Sorry to Bother You makes you take the yellow pill
>qt hapa boy at work keeps talking to me
I dont behave like that. And I try to tell other black girls not to also. But the fact is blacks are just inferior animals. And I sadly had to be born one.
Why not attracted to Asian guys? I have seen lots of cute ones
And even though I do my best to act white it is ultimately hopeless because at the end of the day all I can ever be is a dumb ugly nigger to everyone and that is all they will ever see me as
Not really. Weave might help. Just be polite and you'll be quickly seen as one of the 'good ones'.
t. white guy who'd date a black girl
There were never too many Asian people in general where I grew up. Now I'm in Austin, and there's 492818100 Asian dudes here, some are pretty cute
Too bad I have no idea how to talk to men
Well you seem like a larping tranny but if you're not I'd gladly love you and eat that sweet black pussy. I think I unironically have jungle fever
I'm curious what black fembots look like. What comes to mind is someone overweight with glasses and into anime, a black secretary type of look.
Joke's on you, I dont watch anime anymore.
[spoilers]I'm on PHIZ way more than here, if that paints a better picture[/spoilers]
Matched with her on bumble. I'm a white dude. Should I go for it?
What is Phiz?
yeah absolutely, she'll probably worship the ground you walk on
not a LARPer but i already have a semi-bf I'm saving myself for
hope so
Sorry to break your bubble, black women are not part of the interracial craze and we havent fallen for it either. The only variables at play in that jew orchestrated fantasy involves white and men and of course niggas. The sight of a pink dick is gross to me. Yes im racist af and I cant stand the sight of mulattoes. My ideal husband is black, has a good job and is educated culturally. And I have turned down multiple white bros and diverse incels. Interracial is the epitome of degeneracy. Dont confuse me with Candace owen either, she has a white husband and will most likely shit out a bunch of mulattoe mongrels.
omg are u real
>educated culturally
You're an idiot girl. Good luck with your nigger husband who will probably kill or beat you and produce more black kids nobody wants.
I doubt it
I actually hope she is though I want a tall black wife to have a bunch of niglet children with
This is for sure a larper, but I gotta agree with a good bit of it in a way. I'll date or have sex with any race of guy as long as he ticks my boxes, but I'd for sure only have a child with someone black. Mixed children isn't JUST the whites and their culture, it's black erasure as well. Mixed children are NOT black and never will be, no matter how many conversations about "choosing sides" people have about them.
Her low self-esteem is going to get on your nerves eventually, I promise you.
How do i get a fat ass black girl to sit on my lap and grind against my boner?
Most likely a black guy. They talk shit about us all day long and then get pissed when we try to do better and leave. Mixed children >>> black children and everyone knows that in the black community having a light skinned baby with "good hair" a.k.a a mixed baby is most hoodrats' goal in life
Ew, gross. Just get a white girl and stop producing black kids. The world doesn't need any more.
just ask, most white guys stare but won't actually approach
Yes, both my parents are BLACK
Egypt is in Africa, a lot further away from the Caucasus mountains you neanderthal
Bitch fuck you. I will produce more black children while you produce genetically inferior mulatto tragedies. Good luck with that quest you demonic pig.
Do you actually think I would lay with someone who used to lynch my family? Fuck off.
Hey do whatever you want man lol I just asked because Ive never encountered a black girl like u before
Actually better yet don't taint white women. Go for Latinas. They're already kind of black, they have light skin, long hair, like black guys, and probably have better attitudes than black women. Just stop producing fully black people.
Almost all American blacks are mixed, so the idea that a mixed black person isn't black is retarded. Also, why would you want your kids to be black anyway?
Just because it's on the same continent doesn't mean the people have anything to do with each other, or did you forget this little thing called SAHARA, you ignorant nigger? It must be fucking infuriating to actual Egyptians how American niggers try to steal their culture and history.
Face it, your kind has never achieved anything and without whitey you still wouldn't have invented the wheel and would still be enslaved and castrated by the Arabs.
But im not white and i think black girls hate my race, which sucks cause i have jungle fever so bad
This defense mechanism is hilarious to me. Most black women DO NOT date outside their race. Its the black men that do. Dont believe the hype. 90 percent of mulattoes have a black father who ditched his mongrel kids and fat obese whale because he knew he fucked up.
I dont really think white girls like me as much as Jews try to shill. Ive only had one white gf
Well if you read the article you'll find that most black people feel this way deep-down, they know and understand that whiteness is superior they just won't say it or express it out loud
mulattos are genetically superior. And most signifigant black history figures: Malcolm X, Rosa parks, Booker T Washington, Frederick Douglass, Obama even were part white. The most successful, influential, and attractive black people are part white.
The idea of a white guy approaching a black girl who is most likely out of his league and meekly asking her to rub her butt on his dick is very funny to me.
>why would you want your kids to be black anyway
To preserve what I can of my race and to not dilute my culture even further, just like everyone else wants. Then again, it's all hypotheticals because I don't want children anyway. But, you know, gun to my head, I'd have a child that doesn't have to do calculus every time they deal with a racially charged situation.
No, most black girls want and love part white kids. Don't feel this way
This is only because black women are bottom-tier and most men don't want us.
Then do a Latina. Anything but giving kids the curse of full-blackness.
Lmfaooo so youre saying white Americans have anything to do with Africa? Since when did you guys claim african Arabs? First of all you wouldnt survive a day in the desert nor Egypt with your pink sun burnt ass and second, Geographically its in AFRICA and the Sahara desert HAS EXPANDED since 3000 years ago. You white northen euro apes love to claim Arabic, Chinese and African history. You motherfuckers were fighting over salt six hundred years ago. Fucking subhuman half neanderthal half monkeys.
>The most successful, influential, and attractive black people are part white.
you look like shit and no one likes you kys bitch. You have no culture or place on earth fucking tragic. And you DO look like mongrels according to history of BOTH SIDES
Look I don't like white people as a concept either but
Im actually native American and lots of black girls have been coming to my town lately. Theyre all so hot its driving me crazy
This is bait, everyone
Might just be a butthurt nigger. They are hard to tell apart sometimes.
Help me get a qt chocolate gf.
>You have no culture
That's rich coming from a nigger lmao. Without whitey you'd still be eating cow shit straight from the source and stretching out your lips so that you'd be too ugly to be raped when the neighboring tribe decides it's been too long since the last bloodbath.
How is that rich? Northen Europe has had no culture except paganism which came from the east. Fucking mountain dweller go back in there before your worldwide globalist expedition experiments ends in global white skin cancer plague. Oh and God already tried to wipe yall demons out in the plague right? Wasnt it due to poor hygiene? Now youre against clay houses lmaoooo. You had NO septic system and shat straight on the industrial streets.
Listen you ruined it with the ''yall'' go be radebaiting faggot somewhere else
Im a racist black fembot who is against race mixing. Call me nigger all you want because I dont even want to be around you globalist cave monkeys.
Well you're free to go back to shithole Africa where you can starve and get raped to death
Alright so, wanna have sex then?
one of the biggest hypocrites on the planet
>SheMale here I fuck a twink who is black I creampie his boicunt and he swallows I strictly TOP and he is a cockluster for cum
Hnnnnng wtf i NEED this now
White fembots are all fucking nuts, any of you have experience talking to a black fembot?
I want a black gf ;__;
Gissell Lynette on her insta
Have fun in your mud hut lmao.
You're doing gods work user. I must fap now, goodbye and good life to you
>I must fap now, goodbye and good life to you
checked, I want to know too
>any of you have experience talking to a black fembot?
black male here, they're also nuts
lol well white guys routinely get black girls who are out of their league simply beause being black knocks like 2 attractiveness points on the 10 scale down, so a 7/10 white guy is really a looksmatch with a 9/10 black girl
Why are you acting as if black culture is going away or dying? Black culture is more influential than it ever has been and Africans are unfortunately multiplying at obscene rates. Glad you don't plan on making any more black kids. And biracial black kids don't have to do any mental calculus. How I'll raise mine is that they are black because of me, but most black people are mixed, so they're every bit as valid as a black person as the next. They'll get all the perks of being light skinned, and still have a community. Not complicated.
Native guys can be pretty attractive
what dooya need to know?
yes, and many black men espouse his hypocritical viewpoints. Also
>girl whose white features are her only good features as an example of "black beauty"
>yes, and many black men espouse his hypocritical viewpoints. Also
outside of youtube comments, I'm sure most people have no idea who sotomayor is
>they're literally ALL part white and have white features
God you are so based marry me right now im nott even kidding
>what dooya need to know?
How do I find black girls who are into white guys like yourself? She doesn't need to hate her own race but she definitely needs a thing for whitey. Especially if that means I get a little bonus on the looksmatch thing.
Preferably the whitish kind. I don't care how light/dark her skin tone is but personality-wise. Maybe a cute weeb black girl or something. Like that moonibeam girl on Twitter. She was a qt black girl with dyed blonde hair. Shame she got suspended (probably for racism against black people) because there aren't any pics of her available now.
>white men
They usually want a certain kind of black girl that isn't me.
>other races of men
They rarely like black girls to begin with and even if they do they risk being written out of a will by dating you.
a black girl shut me down once
guess i looked too weird to her
i want to touch their hair it looks soft is that weird?
i imagine its like wool from a sheep
>into anime
I dress like a teenager skater guy that thinks Brockhampton is the most important thing to happen to music.
The lone black girl in a majority white space will usually learn to prefer white men. If she dresses conservatively, her viewpoints seem more on the conservative side, she speaks with a whitewashed affect, she straightens her hair, she exercises and or watches what she eats, she comes from a 2 parent household, she has a decent job, she is probably into white guys.
If you want a weeb black girl I would say definitely Run in cosplay or anime communities there are usually a few of us there. Also here are a lot of whitewashed black girls who like kpop
Aw i am taken sweetie but you seem cool too
>i want to touch their hair it looks soft is that weird
What pathology is this that literally all white people have?
it just looks so different from our hair i guess
That first line I can understand. Unfortunately I'm not cut out for anime conventions or whatever so that's never gonna happen. Black girls look so cute cosplaying as qt pale anime girls.
God, if you're real, give me a qt whitewashed straightened hair choccy gf pls.
>laughs in aging hipster
Poisonous animals look a lot different from you too, so I'm guessing you'd give them a pet as well?
black people are poisonous?
>im taken
Thats fine you can just dump him and marry me instead
>implying implications
I mean it would explain the homicide rates
how many white peepees have been in your mouth
thats so cute haha
No I kinda get it, although I would assume black hair doesn't feel good.
When I was a kid and went to my majority-white school I was amazed at all the white girls with silky, beautiful, long hair and I would offer to braid their hair because it was so beautiful to me.
what is it called when black girls like wax(?) their hair together so its like a bunch of sausages of hair?
i hope you understand what i mean english is not my first language
why don't you think you could go? I think most people meet eachother at school, work, and organization meetings like clubs or religious events.
I'm sure you wouldn't like a wife who's already proven you her disloyalty
did you let that peepee cum in your mouth
Protip: for literally every "lmao why do whites do weird habit X" -thing you can find a black equivalent. That's just how humans are. Don't let yourself be deceived by memes.
I'm a NEET. Not worthy of a gf, unfortunately.
Congrats on a qt white bf, fembot.
>be black, almost 30
>extremely bad breakup with (black) bf
>all these barely 20 white boys talking to me all of a sudden
>all extremely cute
h-how do i not be a degenerate robots
I assume you mean dreadlocs? There's no wax involved. Since black hair is coily it will wind like that on itself in a process called "loccing". Interestingly enough black hair also retains a lot of its coily shape from disulphide bonds with itself, which encourage the strands to stay tightly close to one another rather than straight.
yes thank you i love that its so beautiful
It wasn't consensual but yes he did, several times.
there's nothing degenerate about being a cougar, girl!
thanks, you can do it though! You can escape NEETdom