What country should I move to if I want to find an inuit gf?
What country should I move to if I want to find an inuit gf?
USA(Alaska), probably...
Why not become a inuits boiwife? The reality is you have almost zero chance at finding a wife you might be able to be a village bottom at the best
Canada. Would you take a half breed instead?
Canada you fucking retard
do you know if russia has a high inuit population?
what part of canada?
>Would you take a half breed instead?
yes a halfbreed is preferable because I dont want to ruin a pure inuit bloodline
>inuit gf
They're incredibly dumb, ugly, and they're all drug addicts or alcoholics.
Do they live in the cities or do they mostly live in the rural areas?
Don't worry, you won't be ruining any bloodlines if you're with me, kid. I'm in ontario.
Canada, but be officially warned that they get $500-700 per month in pure nativebux on top of their other welfare, don't work, hate white people, dislike everyone else who's not white and not native (including latinos and blacks), and have 50%+ alcoholism rates and 10x the murder rate of the rest of the country, the males who survive to their forties often have alcohol psychosis and may kill you for looking at them the wrong way while walking down the frozen street
t. close friend got posted to Iqaluit for a social worker internship as part of a uni program, froze his ass off for 4 months but got to hit the beaucoup de eskimo puss
>They're incredibly dumb
only because they lack education
I think they are pretty cute
>and they're all drug addicts or alcoholics.
I know but Id help my gf get rid of her addictions
I am in Ontario as well. You're a female half breed, right? Wanna legiit have sex?
>have sex
Oh no, I thought you wanted to get married.
>500-700$ a month
Is this eskimo's only? I'm native Canadian and get 4$ a year kek
Ill marry you if i can have sex with you whenever. Im a half breed aswell btw
Just go to some random jungle, there's a lot of monkeys out there.
is there lots of halfbreeds in your area?
>Canada, but be officially warned that they get $500-700 per month in pure nativebux on top of their other welfare, don't work
that doesnt matter to me
>hate white people
im not white, im 65% mexican amerindian
>dislike everyone else who's not white and not native (including latinos and blacks)
There has to be exceptions
>and have 50%+ alcoholism
Id help my gf get rid of her addiction if she has one
>10x the murder rate of the rest of the country, the males who survive to their forties often have alcohol psychosis and may kill you for looking at them the wrong way while walking down the frozen street
not a problem
I always wanted to marry a half breed too but I think your sex drive might be too high for me. i'm a virgin and don't even masturbate so going from that to having sex "whenever" is not appealing to me.
this guy is not me, dont listen to him
>is there lots of halfbreeds in your area?
No. Just some. Most of my family lives in BC so I assume there's more halfbreeds there.
>may kill you for looking at them the wrong way
Fucking this. I live in a town with lots of Chugs and i hate when they're on the city bus with me, always drunk and trying to fight literally anyone who makes eye contact. Theyre more violent than niggers, dirty chugs
Will you atleast suck it or stroke it while i gently finger you to break you in? I bet that sex drive would go up after i do that. Got a burner email?
No. Fuck off, I hate this shit.
its their genghis khan genetics
Alright i was lyiing about being a halfbreed in ontario. I just wanted to see your gross Squaw pussy
Yeah I had one drunk fuck begging me for money (specifically 3 bucks) outside the liquor store the other day, I told him to fuck off, he pulled out a $100 fine he got the from the police the other day for drinking in public, gave it to me, let me read it. This amused me greatly, so I gave him a toonie. He looked at it, said "is this $3"? This instantly pissed me off, wanted to clock him right there but decided it's not worth it and walked away.
They tend to be 5'6-5'8 manlets too, some of them are stocky, like you're sure you could take em but you just dont know if they'll pull out a knife and shank you. Even a single hit from a 3-inch blade can kill you. Simply and absolutely not worth the confrontation
Ghenkis khan existed way after Amerindians crossed over from Eurasia to N.A.
Yeah no you would never confront another man, but atleast you can pretend you would on Jow Forums
arent inuits a more recent immigration to the americas though?
alright thanks for letting me know
Damn I wished they were manlets here. I'm in Saskatchewan and all the bush niggers are atleast 6 foot, fucking drunken bullies
Yeah but they were considered subhuman by the mainlanders and were forced to stay in the frozen Tundras of the north
>they were considered subhuman by the mainlanders and were forced to stay in the frozen Tundras of the north
whats your point?
i go to Nunavut in Canada from time to time theres a collective or whatever of them up there
>whats your point?
You asked me a question so I answered, you fucking retarded spic
I didnt ask you if they were considered subhuman
Lol this is pretty accurate. My family really hates blacks and "towelheads". I think they don't like blacks because of how they act and how they constantly play victim. I'm pretty sure they dislike towlheads because a lot of them were in the military (my uncle was in the navy and my cousin was deployed to somewhere in the middle east). Although the only one that dislikes whites is my mom since she thinks she's a full blood native despite being a forth french and pale af. Oh and my uncle also has a beer belly and goes to the bar a lot so that's accurate aswell
i'm a quarter french and a quarter irish and i still don't like whites that much. individuals yes, groups, no.
Well now you know, wetback
whats your opinion on latin american mestizos?
are you mad because chinks are taking over canada?
>arent inuits a more recent immigration to the americas though?
Yes, North American / South American tribes split off from the main East Asian genetic line and crossed over about 25,000 years ago, while inuit/eskimo did this 1000-3000 years ago. That's why they look a lot more Asian than eg Iroquois, Huron, inca, aztecs, etc.
I wonder why Maya and Aztecs were able to build relatively advanced civilizations while north american natives basically didn't do shit though
Not the same user but you have been corrupted by white and nigger dna and are the worst subhuman genetic garbage
Are you mad that spics are the worst, ugliest and dumbest race on earth?
seconded haha im status but I dont get shit
quit being racist. nonwhites should forge some kind of brotherhood.
Its because the colder climate made little time/resources to build anything. Its literally 8 onths of winter here
thirded. I don't get money for being a native except like, a couple hundred in tax returns.
>That's why they look a lot more Asian than eg Iroquois, Huron, inca, aztecs, etc.
pure mexican amerindians can look asian too, pic related
>I wonder why Maya and Aztecs were able to build relatively advanced civilizations while north american natives basically didn't do shit though
maybe because the north was too cold for agriculture
based hahaha poster is a 120 pound white boy
most indians are tall or stocky manlet natives are rarer
>im gonna form a brotherhood with primitive niggerchimps, inbred wetbacks and camel fucking towelheads
I'm sure whatever race you are doesn't have any bad stereotypes.
>Not the same user but you have been corrupted by white
pure amerindians already have proto european dna anywats
>and nigger dna and are the worst subhuman genetic garbage
i dont have african dna
Most indians I see have roman noses and browridges, whereas asians have flat doughy pie faces
Fucking based Redman, holy shit kek
Yes thats because they have proto european dna
Pure amerindians are proto mongoloid, not proto european. Proto European is literally just cro magnon retard
Nope pure amerindians are mix of proto european and proto mongoloid
He is a retard for believing he is better than the amerindians who created actual civiliaztions
>nonwhites should forge some kind of brotherhood.
Yes I believe we should form a brotherhood, thats why I want to have half inuit children
The great racesof the south are no more, dirtyblood. They look down on their corrupted bloodlines with shame
>one shitposting faggot keeps spamming racial slurs
>people keep replying to him
based racial hatred user
Greenland, obviously.
>The great races of the south are no more, dirtyblood. They look down on their corrupted bloodlines with shame
You are a white boi larping
I'm not. The once great Maya, Aztec and Inca were all wiped out from disease, they were impacted by it worst out of all of us. Now all that remains of them are locked away in mixed dirtyblood mutts like yourself. Its a great shame
Indians are a minority so the chances of one posting here is very minimal
amerindians still exist all over the americas and they exist in greater quantities in the south than in canada or the usa
Well what about small town probation nigger? He's a minority and he posts here almost daily
There is more blacks than amerindians and most amerindians dont speak english
mexico has more indians than the rest of north america people just dont know about them because they rarely immigrate to the USA
This guy looks like he gets into drunken bar fights then goes home and beats his wife
my uncle looks like him and doesnt do that
>doesnt fight innocent bystanders and other drunk indians while in a blind drunken rage
>doesnt even beat his wife
You're full of shit
im sorry that you were bullied
Where do Inuit people come from? Africa? Yeah, go to Africa!
>implying I was bullied with literally no context as to why
this too me really hurts
leaving you behind
Indian girl
thinking of you all the time
You're driving me crazy baby
driving me crazy baby
you dont hate indians without reason so im guessing you were bullied
I hate them because they're lazy useless violent alcoholics
so you were bullied
No you fucking braindead retard. Did you not read the post, which is literally in this thread, that shows the stats for murder rates and violence among Amerindians? Fuck off with your strawmanning and go drink some firewater
learn how to drive so that you arent bullied in the bus anymore
Alright I see you're unable to make a logical argument. Enjoy the welfare and booze you worthless leech
>Enjoy the welfare and booze you worthless leech
alright will do